I'm using various image genretated by CSS with some clip path such as:
position: absolute;
-webkit-clip-path: polygon(0 0, 27% 26%, 27% 100%, 0% 100%);
clip-path: polygon(0 0, 27% 26%, 27% 100%, 0% 100%);
<div class="rec one">
<img src="pattern/purple.jpg" height="500">
The problem I'm having is when i render the canvas as an img, it render the full image ( not masked anymore via the clip path)
Is there anyway to make this work by any chance ? It would be incredible !
Thanks a lot!
Is solved ?
I'm having the same issue except with background-color instead of an image (html2canvas 0.5.0-alpha1)
Use dom-to-image instead
It allows save image from DOM elements with clip-path css property.
Thank you so much. It is work for me. Actually it is not work for https://www.blabla.com/example.jpeg" so not render image url from another server.
is this actually resolved or not sorry?
Most helpful comment
is this actually resolved or not sorry?