Hi !
First of all, nice plugin here ! I just needed something like that ;)
I just have a question about gradient.
Gradients are rendered when the angle is specified with a word (Top, Left, ...), but not when I put an angle in Degree (For exemple : linear-gradient(0deg, rgb(0, 0, 0) 0%, rgb(255, 255, 255) 100%) won't work).
Is there a way to fix this ? Because I use a lot of gradients with degrees values :)
Thanks !
Thanks for the info.
There is a way to fix it, but I currently don't have the time for it. I'll add it to the backlog and get back to it when I do have the time.
Probably, none of the gradients work.
We are using a different notation than the 0-deg: linear-gradient(to bottom, color, color);
Is there any updates on this @niklasvh, I am facing same problem.
+1 to resolve this issue. @niklasvh can you give us a clue to try to resolve this?
There is a simple fix for this just add this if
before existing the position switch in the LinearGradientContainer
if (imageData.args[0].indexOf('deg') != -1) {
var rad = parseFloat(imageData.args[0].substr(0, imageData.args[0].length - 3)) * (Math.PI / 180);
//Finds y start and scales it between 0 and 1
this.y0 = (Math.cos(rad) + 1) / 2;
//Flips y1
this.y1 = 1 - this.y0;
//Same as for y0 but flip axis to match with css gradient
this.x0 = (-Math.sin(rad) + 1) / 2;
this.x1 = 1 - this.x0;
} else {
imageData.args[0].split(" ").reverse().forEach(function(position) {
switch (position) {
@NicolayThafvelin Pull requests are welcome... :]
@NicolayThafvelin 3q
Fixed in 1.0.0