Hi, I'm using gsutil v. 4.3.1 and there isn't any apparent support for the AWS_SESSION_TOKEN, which is a required configuration setting when working with AWS pre-signed URLs.
Use case: I'm trying to upload an object from a GCP bucket (in my account) to S3. I have been provided with an AWS pre-signed URL and corresponding credentials that include
I have tested with these variables in the .boto file, and even in different tests as environment variables, and the response I get is "403 AccessDenied" when running my cp command that is of the form
gsutil cp gs://mybucket/obj s3://s3bucket/obj
Things work fine when not using a pre-signed URL.
After lots of testing, I wanted to verify that the AWS_SESSION_TOKEN is not supported, and to request for such support.
Just wanted to check back. Is this something that could make it to the feature list?
Let me know if you need anymore details.
It looks like there are two asks here, neither of which gsutil supports at the moment:
[1] https://stackoverflow.com/questions/51353850/configure-gsutil-boto-file-to-use-aws-sts-assume-role
The last answer is from Aug 2018. Is there any update since then?
These features would rely on us extending or decoupling from the old deprecated boto
library. Currently we have it on our roadmap to explore our relationship with boto
and possibly decoupling from it, along with swapping oath2client
with google-auth
and swapping httplib2
with requests
Likely this would be explored after we figure out and implement a path away from boto
. These dependency changes are currently goals for us, although the boto change is a slightly lower priority than the oauth2client -> google-auth
Likewise, gsutil is transitioning maintainers, which may mean reprioritizing goals depending on the new owner's priorities and roadmap.
In short, we will definitely keep you updated on this! We have not forgotten you. :slightly_smiling_face:
Any updates on this feature?
+1 - It would be extremely useful to be able to sync from S3 (with an STS Assumed Role) to GCS using gsutil.
Most helpful comment
+1 - It would be extremely useful to be able to sync from S3 (with an STS Assumed Role) to GCS using gsutil.