Console error when dragging the rectangle to the top side of the page
gridstack.js:153 Uncaught TypeError: Cannot read property 'scrollTop' of null
at Object.updateScrollPosition (VM282 gridstack.min.js:1)
at HTMLDivElement.t (VM282 gridstack.min.js:1)
at $.(/anonymous function).(anonymous function)._trigger (
at $.(/anonymous function).(anonymous function)._trigger (
at $.(/anonymous function).(anonymous function)._trigger (
at $.(/anonymous function).(anonymous function)._mouseDrag (
at $.(/anonymous function).(anonymous function)._mouseDrag (
at $.(/anonymous function).(anonymous function)._mouseMove (
at $.(/anonymous function).(anonymous function)._mouseMove (
at HTMLDocument._mouseMoveDelegate (VM57 jquery-ui.js:9378)
gridstack 4.0
lodash 4.17.1
Chrome 66.0.3359.181 64 bits
Just drag one of the rectangles to the top side of the page with the Chrome Console (F12) opened
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Thanks - this should be fixed in the dev branch in the next few days.
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