Godot version:
OS/device including version:
Issue description:
Whenever I try to call the method travel()
on AnimationNodeStateMachine I get the error:
'Can't travel to '' if state machine is not active.'
method gets a valid parameter (one idle
and one idle_down
for example), but start_request
gets reset right before the error is printed, that why I get an empty string.The AnimationTree consists of 3 StateMachines
each of them are structured like this:
This is my scene structure:
And this is the script on Player:
extends KinematicBody2D
export (int) var walk_speed = 200
export (int) var run_speed = 300
export (int) var frames_till_idle = 300
var state_machines = {}
var curr_speed = 0
var move_state = "idle"
var direction = "down"
var velocity = Vector2(0, 0)
func _ready():
state_machines["main"] = get_node("AnimationTree").get("parameters/playback")
state_machines["idle"] = get_node("AnimationTree").get("parameters/idle/playback")
state_machines["walk"] = get_node("AnimationTree").get("parameters/walk/playback")
state_machines["run"] = get_node("AnimationTree").get("parameters/run/playback")
func _physics_process(delta):
func _check_movement():
velocity = Vector2()
if Input.is_action_pressed("move_down"):
velocity.y += 1
if Input.is_action_pressed("move_up"):
velocity.y -= 1
if Input.is_action_pressed("move_right"):
velocity.x += 1
if Input.is_action_pressed("move_left"):
velocity.x -= 1
if velocity.length() > 0:
if Input.is_action_pressed("move_run"):
print(move_state) # prints 'idle' for example
print(move_state + "_" + direction) # prints 'idle_down' for example
state_machines["main"].travel(move_state) # prints above error
state_machines[move_state].travel(move_state + "_" + direction) # prints above error
velocity = velocity.normalized() * curr_speed
func set_move_state(new_move_state):
match new_move_state:
"idle": set_speed(0)
"walk": set_speed(walk_speed)
"run": set_speed(run_speed)
move_state = new_move_state
func set_speed(new_speed):
curr_speed = new_speed
func set_direction(new_direction):
direction = new_direction
I have the same error from what seems to me to be very basic usage. I'm following this video:
Please, can you provide a demo project to facilitate debugging?
Ok, so the system not behaving properly was actually a typos in the state_machines paths, I swapped walk and run.
I made a debug project, these errors are still popping off, most of them at the start of a playtest.
AnimationNodeStateMachine Debug.zip
'Can't travel to '' if state machine is not active.'
Well, this message is a bit strange, in fact, you need to check if your state machine is already playing before calling travel
, like this:
if state_machines["main"].is_playing():
state_machines["main"].travel(move_state) # prints above error
if state_machines[move_state].is_playing():
state_machines[move_state].travel(move_state + "_" + direction) # prints above error
This happens because, when you start the game, only root state machine will be active, sub state machines are only activated after traveling to it.
Hmm alright... So the only "bug" really is, that the start_request in the source code is cleared before the error message is displayed in animation_node_state_machine.cpp in line 317
How did you solve this ?
I just had this issue today, and was only able to solve it by deleting all unused files, all .import files and the entire .import folder. I didn't alter my script that controlled the animations, so it wasn't due to any typos or mistakes in the code. I'm not sure what went wrong, but the issue remained when I removed the AnimationTree node and then added a new one.
I don't have a project I can share unfortunately as I'm working on a project for a client and don't know how to reproduce...
But can confirm the bug definitely still exists on the latest stable build (3.2.1, Windows 10).
This will happen if you have not selected auto-start for one of your nodes in the statemachine root
Most helpful comment
This will happen if you have not selected auto-start for one of your nodes in the statemachine root