With the end of the year coming soon and as the description on our CONTRIBUTING, the Gitea community has an election every year for owners. Only maintainers are eligible to vote or to be elected, and if somebody doesn't want to be elected please send comment in this thread. Every maintainer could send 3 or less than 3 votes to other maintainers on the following comments and cannot send the votes to themself. The voting is available from now to 2019/12/31.
If you are not a maintainer of gitea, please don't send any comment in this thread and if you do that the comment will be deleted. Speak to us on discord if you have any comments about the community election.
Please see: https://github.com/go-gitea/gitea/issues/5572 for an example of how voting has happened in past years.
Reminder to all maintainers, we will be moving all development to gitea.com soon, so please create an account there, and ensure you have notified an owner so you can be given appropriate access to the gitea org there.
ping @go-gitea/maintainers
@lafriks, @lunny, @techknowlogick
@lafriks, @lunny, @techknowlogick
@lafriks, @lunny, @techknowlogick
Keep up the great work, guys!
@lafriks, @lunny, @techknowlogick
@techknowlogick @Morlinest @lunny
@lunny, @lafriks, @techknowlogick
I think need to keep the same owners' team
@lafriks, @lunny, @techknowlogick
Same team pleeease
@techknowlogick @lunny @lafriks
@lunny @lafriks @techknowlogick
@lunny @techknowlogick @lafriks
@lafriks, @lunny, @techknowlogick
@techknowlogick, @lafriks, @lunny
@lafriks, @lunny, @techknowlogick
@lafriks, @lunny, @techknowlogick
Keep up the good work peeps!
@lunny , @lafriks , @techknowlogick
@lunny @techknowlogick @zeripath
@lunny @zeripath @techknowlogick
@lunny @lafriks @techknowlogick
@lafriks, @lunny, @techknowlogick
@lunny @lafriks @techknowlogick
@lafriks, @lunny, and @sapk
With these two latest votes, we have reached >50% of the votes for @lunny @lafriks and myself.
I want to thank all of you for the trust you have shared with me, and the other owners, as we continue to grow this amazing project. Gitea turned three years old this year, and we couldn't have made it here without all of our amazing contributors. As we get closer to the end of 2019 I want to wish everyone a happy new year!
@lunny @lafriks @techknowlogick congratulations. great job with all maintainers & contributers
@techknowlogick , @lafriks and @zeripath
@jaqra Thanks!
@maintainers Thank all maintainers and contributors. Your efforts made gitea better!
I believe 2020 will be a new beginning of Gitea. Gitea will help more and more companies and developers to save their time so that we have more time to stay and drink tea! :)
Most helpful comment
With these two latest votes, we have reached >50% of the votes for @lunny @lafriks and myself.
I want to thank all of you for the trust you have shared with me, and the other owners, as we continue to grow this amazing project. Gitea turned three years old this year, and we couldn't have made it here without all of our amazing contributors. As we get closer to the end of 2019 I want to wish everyone a happy new year!