):I need a way to display a clone URL in the web interface that is different than the ROOT_URL because I am using nginx as a reverse proxy, and force/redirect users to SSL on port 443, I actually have port 3000 blocked on purpose, more info below.
I have Gitea running as HTTP on port 3000.
I then have nginx setup as a reverse proxy, and this is where I both redirect any calls from HTTP to HTTPS, as well as implement my certs. This is working perfectly. The machine has UFW(firewall) installed, and ports 80/443 exposed. So this keeps users on port 443 like I want them and not port 3000, port 3000 is blocked by both my router firewall as well as UFW which takes care of traffic on my local network that tries to use port 3000.
so in my screenshot below I would actually prefer the clone URL to be
instead of
is almost exclusively used for display purposes.
Gitea actually uses the HTTP_PORT
settings for running, so as long as those are set correctly, ROOT_URL
should be configured to whatever users use to get to your instance.
The reverse proxy guide in the docs cover this a little.
The FAQ also has a section for clone URLs.
hmmm if I am understanding you correctly, I can exclude ROOT_URL from my app.ini and the ROOT_URL would instead be configured according to how users access the web interface. I have read over the pages you linked, going to try tinkering a bit and see if I can get this displaying the clone url correctly. THANK YOU!
is required here. If it is omitted, it will default to %(PROTOCOL)s://%(DOMAIN)s:%(HTTP_PORT)s/
It should be configured to match how users access your instance. For example, it should match your reverse proxy section.
OH! so that means if I want to use HTTPS, then I must configure Gitea to use HTTPS as well as CERTS, all so that the displayed clone URL will display correctly. This is unfortunate, I was hoping to leave gitea as HTTP and let Nginx handle the HTTPS side of things, it simplifies permissions issues with the cert files as well.
Thanks to your links though I did see that I can simply use DISABLE_HTTP_GIT to hide the link.
Can you confirm, there is no way to have the clone URL display as HTTPS which is what nginx is using if Gitea is configured to use HTTP?
You can just do this:
ROOT_URL: https://git.domain.com/
ROOT_URL is just "what I want to show people in the clone window" which sounds like exactly the option you want here. Some people might want it to alway match the protocol and domain name gitea is using but you can enter anything
OH WOW! I didnt realize that ROOT_URL was exactly the feature I was requesting. I thought it had importance beyond the displayed clone url that if altered would break the site. Thanks guys, working perfectly now!