The Heatmap doesn't display even it's not on mobile screen size (heatmap needs 1200XN to show)
Flicker glitch
Months are overlapping each other (Related:
Days are not correct
These are issues in the library we're using, should we submit a patch to that one and then update it here or try rebuilding the full thing ourselves?
@kolaente It's better to send PRs to upstream.
May I also point out that _commits_ made by a _user_ to an _organization_ controlled rep do not show up on their _personal_ heatmap but do show up on the _organizational_ heatmap?
Not sure if this is intended, but I feel like a user's commits as a whole should be reflected on their profile/timeline, whether or not those commits were for an organization.
Most helpful comment
May I also point out that _commits_ made by a _user_ to an _organization_ controlled rep do not show up on their _personal_ heatmap but do show up on the _organizational_ heatmap?
Not sure if this is intended, but I feel like a user's commits as a whole should be reflected on their profile/timeline, whether or not those commits were for an organization.