General-grants-program: Development: Create new parachains for Polkadot

Created on 17 Jul 2018  ·  11Comments  ·  Source: w3f/General-Grants-Program

We would like to invite teams to discuss developing new parachains for Polkadot.

Parachains introduction

The following links will be useful reading for starting to understand what parachains are and how to implement them:

Implementing a parachain is not likely to be a simple task, but it should get easier over time as more examples and more documentation become available.

To implement a parachain, developers need to implement a state transition validation function, decide upon a state format, and a transaction pooling mechanism. Once you’ve implemented your parachain, there are a couple of extra steps involved in integrating it with Polkadot. To do this you will need to deploy the state transition validation function onto the Relay Chain, then distribute a collator node client that includes the transaction pooling mechanism.

Creating all of these pieces requires thinking about how a collator node should construct the blocks of your chain and how the validity of these blocks can be checked and confirmed by a validator node. There are two options here: (1) write the collator node from scratch, or (2) use a shell collator node that can run different kinds of state machines. At the time of writing, we don’t have the specs for writing a collator node, although more details will be forthcoming as more PoCs are release.


We expect many parachains will be built on Substrate; however, a parachain could also be built from scratch.

For more information on Substrate, please see the following links:

Web3 Wiki




Blockchains using Substrate Today

  • Polkadot - Polkadot Relaychain implementation.
  • Shasper - Ethereum 2.0 beacon chain implementation.
  • ChainX - cross-chain digital asset management platform.
  • Edgeware - incentivised testnet for active governance.

Parachain Collaboration Form

Please provide further details by filling out the following form:


Core Tech Sought

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This issue is a candidate for our grants program. For details on how to apply, see your grants page:

All 11 comments

We've been exploring this too, and it ties in with our other focus areas.

I am new to polkadot project and attracted heavy by its interoperability. I want a try

I want to start learning from the basic parachain and then start a supply parachain & Smart parking space parachain.

I'd like to play with the Substrate framework to create new chains Definitely interested in helping and am interested in establishing Polkadot hub here in Tucson if anybody wants to come visit part time or long term for work / life balance. Let me know I can help further with project or help guide as I learn. Thx

We want to build a decentralized exchange based on substrate,and this DEX will connecting to polkadot as a parachain。

I've updated the original post with more details on parachains. I've also created a collaboration form that I'd like people to fill out. I realise that it isn't enough to just note your interest but you should also give some indication of what you are planning.

Set up Polkadot Beginners Lounge! and also Polkadot Beginners Lounge (audio and video) for purpose of study group to learn as we go, in collaboration and for civil discourse. If someone has the pro plan for Appear, they can claim that name.

Blockchains using Substrate Today

  • Polkadot - Polkadot Relaychain implementation.
  • Shasper - Ethereum 2.0 beacon chain implementation.
  • ChainX - cross-chain digital asset management platform.
  • Edgeware - incentivised testnet for active governance.

This issue is a candidate for our grants program. For details on how to apply, see your grants page:

Daonut Protocol grant submitted! 🍩

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