Upon running gatsby build
the build process crashes on the minify js portion.
Gatsby version:
Node.js version:
Operating System:
macOS 10.13.3
: no change
: no change
: no change
: no change
: no change
error thrown:
Error: component---src-pages-index-js-cfc2a63fd364824d8a69.js from UglifyJs
SyntaxError: Unexpected token operator 芦*禄, expected punc 芦(禄 [./src/components/CreateLuncher.js:50,19]
successful build of project
1. Build the repo here:
The specific file that is throwing the error is here:
@gbailey4 I had a go at fixing this, based on @Kalcode's comment .
First install a couple of babel plugins:
npm i babel-plugin-transform-regenerator
Then add the following to your gatsby-node.js
exports.modifyBabelrc = ({ babelrc }) => ({
plugins: babelrc.plugins.concat(['transform-regenerator']),
That left the build with a _different_ error, which looks like it's related to trying to run browser code in Node. I'm not familiar with Apollo but if it should be client-only code, you'll need to check you're in a browser before running it. There's a bit more info at https://www.gatsbyjs.org/docs/debugging-html-builds/
Thank you very much. I actually forgot about the other error, but do have a fix for that. I will trust your fix soon and hope it goes as predicted!
OK, so I was able to get it working. I fixed the issue with Apollo through some process.browser handling. Then, however, I needed to add the module 'regenerator-runtime' in dev dependancies and in the file with an async function import 'regenerator-runtime/runtime';
That worked upon doing gatsby build! Thanks so much for your help, this was a huge help.
Had the same alert with async/await, @m-allanson is right on with the transform-regenerator recommendation.
UPDATED: To follow back up on a related issue when implementing...
The above fix worked when running 'gatsby build' for production, but I ran into another console error running 'gatsby develop'
_"Uncaught (in promise) ReferenceError: regeneratorRuntime is not defined"_
to resolve, I included babel-plugin-transform-runtime as a dev dependincy and concat it with our generator.
exports.modifyBabelrc = ({ babelrc }) => ({
plugins: babelrc.plugins.concat(
This is the simplest solution I could find to solve both dev and prod which did not require import
-ing anything in code:
My .babelrc
"env": {
"development": {
"plugins": ["transform-async-to-generator"] // also works, but older: "syntax-async-functions"
"production": {
"plugins": ["transform-regenerator", "transform-runtime"]
I have my fix similar to @gscottqueen but in gatsby-browser.js
I added
exports.onClientEntry = () => {
hey all, I seem to be running into something similar? I am using async/awaits in some plugins.
Got these errors:
So I tried:
exports.onCreateBabelConfig = ({ actions }, pluginOptions) => {
name: `@babel/plugin-transform-regenerator`
name: `@babel/plugin-transform-runtime`
And the errors still look exactly the same!
@hassanshaikley this looks more like a 404. what is the response from that js url?
Most helpful comment
@gbailey4 I had a go at fixing this, based on @Kalcode's comment .
First install a couple of babel plugins:
npm i babel-plugin-transform-regenerator
Then add the following to your
file:That left the build with a _different_ error, which looks like it's related to trying to run browser code in Node. I'm not familiar with Apollo but if it should be client-only code, you'll need to check you're in a browser before running it. There's a bit more info at https://www.gatsbyjs.org/docs/debugging-html-builds/