I'm not sure if I missed it, but the docs don't seem to show you how to add a favicon. I followed the "getting started" guide.
@yirichie I don't the docs mention it specifically, but here's where the concept is laid out. If I recall correctly, a favicon is just a special icon (or series of icons) that browsers look for in the root of the domain.
If you put your favicon in the static
folder, it'll get loaded into the root of your site. Alternatively, you could import the favicon asset into your site and get all the benefits of staying within the module system (per the link, above). Either way, you'll have to declare the link with react-helmet
—just like other <head>
Hey, I just noticed that you mentioned changing the favicon the (in issue title), and I've been talking about adding a favicon. Do you have a favicon that's showing up, but you want a different one to show up? Because favicons are cached for a long time.
Hey Ben sorry I did mean adding, I'll edit the title and post. And ah thanks, I'll go through what you linked above!
For posterity and since it wasn't immediately obvious to me, basically one way to do it with Helmet:
import favicon from '../images/favicon.png';
{ name: 'description', content: '...' },
{ name: 'keywords', content: '....' },
{ rel: 'shortcut icon', type: 'image/png', href: `${favicon}` }
I tried @skube 's method, but somehow not working. so I modified the icon option of gatsby-plugin-react-helmet in gatsby-config.js , now it's working :D
@gespiton icon option in gatsby-config, please do tell ? :)
Hey guys! I had some confusion from where my app was sourcing it's favicon earlier today and stumbled across this thread. I found a solution and thought to share it here just in case anyone else got lost.
In my case, icon and favicon generation was being handled by gatsby-plugin-manifest.
You can check out the documentation here.
In gatsby-config.js
, gatsby-plugin-manifest
was being configured like so:
resolve: 'gatsby-plugin-manifest',
options: {
name: SITE_NAME,
short_name: PWA_SHORT_NAME,
start_url: '/',
background_color: PWA_BACKGROUND_COLOR,
theme_color: PWA_THEME_COLOR,
display: 'standalone',
icon: 'src/images/logo.png',
The key option here, being the icon
key in options
icon: 'src/images/logo.png'
Important note in the doc:
For best results, if you’re providing an icon for generation it should be…
…at least as big as the largest icon being generated (512x512 by default).
…square (if it’s not, transparent bars will add to make it square).
…of one of the follow formats: JPEG, PNG, WebP, TIFF, GIF or SVG.
Hope this helps someone!
Thanks Everyone! Y'all rock! This all helped
Most helpful comment
For posterity and since it wasn't immediately obvious to me, basically one way to do it with Helmet: