Gatsby: WebpackError: Cannot read property 'pathname' of undefined

Created on 5 Sep 2017  Â·  1Comment  Â·  Source: gatsbyjs/gatsby

Gatsby Version: 1.9.19
Node Version: 8.3.0
Mac OS Version:
System Version: macOS 10.12.6 (16G29) Kernel Version: Darwin 16.7.0

// gatsby-config.js

const path = require(`path`);

module.exports = {
  siteMetadata: {
    title: `Keep Their Smiles`,
  plugins: [
      resolve: `gatsby-plugin-typography`,
      options: {
        pathToConfigModule: `src/utils/typography.js`,
      resolve: `gatsby-source-filesystem`,
      options: {
        name: `src`,
        path: `${__dirname}/src/`,
      resolve: `gatsby-transformer-remark`,
      options: {
        plugins: [
            resolve: `gatsby-remark-images`,
            options: {
              maxWidth: 1280,
              linkImagesToOriginal: false,
      resolve: `gatsby-plugin-manifest`,
      options: {
        name: `Gatsbygram`,
        short_name: `Gatsbygram`,
        start_url: `/`,
        background_color: `#f7f7f7`,
        theme_color: `#191919`,
        display: `minimal-ui`,
    // {
    //  resolve: `gatsby-plugin-google-analytics`,
    //  options: {
    //      trackingId: `UA-91652198-1`,
    //  },
    // },

// gatsby-node.js

const { createFilePath } = require(`gatsby-source-filesystem`);
const path = require(`path`);

exports.onCreateNode = ({ node, getNode, boundActionCreators }) => {
  if (node.internal.type === `MarkdownRemark`) {
    const { createNodeField } = boundActionCreators;
    const slug = createFilePath({ node, getNode, basePath: `pages` });
      name: `slug`,
      value: slug,

exports.createPages = ({ graphql, boundActionCreators }) => {
  const { createPage } = boundActionCreators;
  return new Promise((resolve, reject) => {
        allMarkdownRemark {
          edges {
            node {
              fields {
    `).then(result => {{ node }) => {
        if (node.fields.slug !== "/home/") {
            path: node.fields.slug,
            component: path.resolve(`./src/templates/page.js`),
            context: {
              // Data passed to context is available in page queries as GraphQL variables.
              slug: node.fields.slug,

// gatsby-browser.js
import { cssMediaQueries } from "./src/utils/mediaqueries.js";

let jsMediaQueries = {};

// not ideal, find some better way to do this.
exports.onRouteUpdate = function() {
  if (window) {
    // console.log(window);
    for (let breakpt in cssMediaQueries) {
      jsMediaQueries[breakpt] = window.matchMedia(

export { jsMediaQueries };

I'm using gatsby on a small project. The development server works fine without any issues, however gatsby build gives the following error

screen shot 2017-09-05 at 6 31 19 pm

Full stack:

uccess Building CSS — 7.027 s
success Building production JavaScript bundles — 23.078 s
â   Building static HTML for pages-----------  {}  -----------
render landingpage  {}

error Building static HTML for pages failed

See our docs page on debugging HTML builds for help

  20 |
  21 |     // NOTE: I could have used react helmet inside layout as well
> 22 |     if (this.props.location.pathname === "/") {
     |                             ^
  23 |       css.insert(`
  24 |         ${bwToColorStr}
  25 |         .gatsby-resp-image-image {

  WebpackError: Cannot read property 'pathname' of undefined

  - index.js:22 LandingPage.render

  - ReactCompositeComponent.js:798 ReactCompositeComponentWrapper._renderValid    atedComponentWithoutOwnerOrContext

  - ReactCompositeComponent.js:821 ReactCompositeComponentWrapper._renderValid    atedComponent

  - ReactCompositeComponent.js:361 ReactCompositeComponentWrapper.performIniti    alMount

  - ReactCompositeComponent.js:257 ReactCompositeComponentWrapper.mountCompone    nt

  - ReactReconciler.js:45 Object.mountComponent

  - ReactMultiChild.js:236 ReactDOMComponent.mountChildren

  - ReactDOMComponent.js:659 ReactDOMComponent._createContentMarkup

  - ReactDOMComponent.js:526 ReactDOMComponent.mountComponent

  - ReactReconciler.js:45 Object.mountComponent

Repo and Branch to reproduce:

Most helpful comment

This was a very silly doubt, I didn't properly investigate what was happening.

I had to pass the location prop from layouts/index.js so that all its children could access it and use it by doing

// layouts/index.js
      location: { pathname: this.props.location.pathname },

>All comments

This was a very silly doubt, I didn't properly investigate what was happening.

I had to pass the location prop from layouts/index.js so that all its children could access it and use it by doing

// layouts/index.js
      location: { pathname: this.props.location.pathname },
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