E.g. have a shared component on the page and only change what's displayed below?
Yes, we call them layouts. Try going through the tutorial which walks you through using them https://www.gatsbyjs.org/tutorial/
Hi @KyleAMathews ,
is there an easy way to push those nested routes to different URLs? My case looks something like this:
Following the (awesome, btw) tutorial would lead me to have the following routes:
But I would need them to be:
To clarify - there is a wrapper (layout component) that adds navigation - just as described inside the tutorial. I just need a landing page for each chapter, to be able to link to them and to improve the readability of URLs. E.g.
Create a "chapter1" directory and put index.js and iBelong2Ch1.js page components inside.
Just had a chance to test it... Gatsby is amazing. Thank you @KyleAMathews
But is it possible to have something like /route/<X>
and decide which component to render based on the value of X
@arjunmahishi Yes, it's easy.
If you want to do it manually you can use the Match component: https://reach.tech/router/api/Match
The Route component allows the same, but with a bit more magic: https://reach.tech/router/api/RouteComponent
If you want to do it manually you can use the Match component: https://reach.tech/router/api/Match
The Route component allows the same, but with a bit more magic: https://reach.tech/router/api/RouteComponent
And this is recommended to use with gatsby?
You need to create a client only route: https://www.gatsbyjs.org/docs/authentication-tutorial/#creating-client-only-routes
Conditional rendering of components is not a concern for gatsby. That's where React and Reach Router come into play.
@KyleAMathews How to do the same thing using createPage
Plus one to the above ^
definitely need a way to do it with the createPage API
Most helpful comment
Create a "chapter1" directory and put index.js and iBelong2Ch1.js page components inside.