Challenge Using Objects for Lookups has an issue.
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My code:
// Setup
var phoneticLookup = {
"alpha": "Adams",
"bravo": "Boston",
"charlie": "Chicago",
"delta": "Denver",
"echo": "Easy",
"foxtrot": "Frank"
// Change this value to test
var val = "bravo";
val = phoneticLookup[val];
I just passed this exercise and I believe that was too tricky. In the default code you should write that it's ok if you change the return command too. I had a hard time because I though I'm not supposed to change it...
I am having a problem with this because the example does not even show where the "lookup" operation is meant to be. Why have an example if it leaves out what is supposed to be happening?
Most helpful comment
I just passed this exercise and I believe that was too tricky. In the default code you should write that it's ok if you change the return command too. I had a hard time because I though I'm not supposed to change it...