Eureka: TextAreaRow RuleMaxLength Forces Text Entry

Created on 22 Nov 2016  路  3Comments  路  Source: xmartlabs/Eureka

I'm creating a TextAreaRow() and adding a rule for max length, however it forces you to then add at least one character, even if the row is not required.


TextAreaRow() {
     $0.placeholder = "Question"
     $0.textAreaHeight = .dynamic(initialTextViewHeight: 100)
     $0.add(rule: RuleMaxLength(maxLength: 300))

Will not validate with more than 300 characters, but will also not validate if you enter no text.


$0.add(rule: RuleMinLength(minLength: 0))

Does not change anything.


Most helpful comment

I think we my need to re-open this one. I am using 4.0.1, and looking at the same problem.

All 3 comments

This seems to be fixed in master branch code.

    public func isValid(value: String?) -> ValidationError? {
        guard let value = value else { return nil }
        return value.characters.count > Int(max) ? validationError : nil

Which Eureka version are you using?

I think we my need to re-open this one. I am using 4.0.1, and looking at the same problem.

Seems like not working I've limited to 255 characters but allowed more than that.

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