I am a electron developer.
I want to use esbuild
to build my code.
and electron's main process code just like a local node project's code.
It should use a lot of node internal modules and third-party modules.
Will it is possible to exclude all of them and just compile the user code?
Adding some context for clarity.
The web UI code in electron applications can access unbundled Node modules and a few other items directly from the filesystem. Bundlers like webpack support excluding these modules this with a target flag. I am unsure if there is any additional changes beyond excluding modules from bundling / compiling (see example at end).
In a prior question someone asked about excluding modules:
By default esbuild attempts to bundle all module dependencies. If you want to exclude a module dependency, you can use the --external flag like this:
node_modules/esbuild/bin/esbuild --external:fs --bundle ui/index.js --outfile=ui/bundle.js --sourcemap
That will cause the call to require('fs') to be passed through to the output file unmodified.
At any rate, I think this webpack code is the definition where the electron externals are specified (the "main" process), though you only _need_ to bundle the UI code. For that, Webpack uses this from target-electron-renderer:
var webpack = require('webpack');
var JsonpTemplatePlugin = webpack.JsonpTemplatePlugin;
var FunctionModulePlugin = require('webpack/lib/FunctionModulePlugin');
var NodeTargetPlugin = require('webpack/lib/node/NodeTargetPlugin');
var ExternalsPlugin = webpack.ExternalsPlugin;
var LoaderTargetPlugin = webpack.LoaderTargetPlugin;
module.exports = function (options) {
return function webpackTargetElectronRenderer(compiler) {
new JsonpTemplatePlugin(options.output),
new FunctionModulePlugin(options.output),
new NodeTargetPlugin(),
new ExternalsPlugin('commonjs', [
new LoaderTargetPlugin(options.target)
So I should set all electron's modules and my dependency modules to external
if I use esbuild?
Is that what you mean?
As long as those dependencies are listed in your package.json
you can craft a little script like this:
// make.mjs (node LTS - node Current)
import ES from 'esbuild';
import { readFileSync } from 'fs';
const localPkgJson = JSON.parse(readFileSync('./package.json', 'utf-8'));
/** @type ES.BuildOptions */
bundle: true,
entryPoints: ['./src/your-entry-point.ts'],
external: Object.keys({
...(localPkgJson.dependencies || {}),
...(localPkgJson.devDependencies || {}),
...(localPkgJson.peerDependencies || {})
async function make() {
await ES.build({
format: 'esm',
outfile: './lib/your-bundled-module.mod.js'
@chrstntdd ,Thanks,
Is there some way to find out all node.js internal modules?
On 05/09/2020 04:25, liulun wrote:
@chrstntdd https://github.com/chrstntdd ,Thanks,
Is there some way to find out all node.js internal modules?
Use node's module
, like so:
'_http_agent', '_http_client', '_http_common',
'_http_incoming', '_http_outgoing', '_http_server',
'_stream_duplex', '_stream_passthrough', '_stream_readable',
'_stream_transform', '_stream_wrap', '_stream_writable',
'_tls_common', '_tls_wrap', 'assert',
'async_hooks', 'buffer', 'child_process',
'cluster', 'console', 'constants',
'crypto', 'dgram', 'dns',
'domain', 'events', 'fs',
'fs/promises', 'http', 'http2',
'https', 'inspector', 'module',
'net', 'os', 'path',
'perf_hooks', 'process', 'punycode',
'querystring', 'readline', 'repl',
'stream', 'string_decoder', 'sys',
'timers', 'tls', 'trace_events',
'tty', 'url', 'util',
'v8', 'vm', 'wasi',
'worker_threads', 'zlib'
AFAICT, setting the {platform: "node"}
option will also correctly set all of node's built-ins to be treated as externals.
@chrstntdd Thanks very much!
Most helpful comment
AFAICT, setting the
{platform: "node"}
option will also correctly set all of node's built-ins to be treated as externals.