Hi there , I know this suppose to work, I have another laptop where its working, but here I've updated to the lates Sublime text 3 latest, and no html tag autocomplete working in JSX.
Heres what Im using ,
Any idea why? is there any well known issue with other plugins, I've been browsing , try to figure out, but nothing works
"keys": ["tab"],
"command": "expand_abbreviation_by_tab",
// put comma-separated syntax selectors for which
// you want to expandEmmet abbreviations into "operand" key
// instead of SCOPE_SELECTOR.
// Examples: source.js, text.html - source
"context": [
"operand": "source.js, meta.class.js, meta.group.braces.curly.js, meta.group.braces.round.js, meta.jsx.js ",
"operator": "equal",
"match_all": true,
"key": "selector"
// run only if there's no selected text
"match_all": true,
"key": "selection_empty"
// don't work if there are active tabstops
"operator": "equal",
"operand": false,
"match_all": true,
"key": "has_next_field"
// don't work if completion popup is visible and you
// want to insert completion with Tab. If you want to
// expand Emmet with Tab even if popup is visible --
// remove this section
"operand": false,
"operator": "equal",
"match_all": true,
"key": "auto_complete_visible"
"match_all": true,
"key": "is_abbreviation"
Not sure why , but this below worked!
{ "keys": ["tab"], "command": "expand_abbreviation_by_tab", "context":
{ "operand": "source.js", "operator": "equal", "match_all": true, "key": "selector" },
{ "match_all": true, "key": "selection_empty" },
{ "operator": "equal", "operand": false, "match_all": true, "key": "has_next_field" },
{ "operand": false, "operator": "equal", "match_all": true, "key": "auto_complete_visible" },
{ "match_all": true, "key": "is_abbreviation" }
Had same issue, console was sending warnings like this one "top level value must be an array".
"keys": ["tab"],
"command": "expand_abbreviation_by_tab",
// put comma-separated syntax selectors for which
// you want to expandEmmet abbreviations into "operand" key
// instead of SCOPE_SELECTOR.
// Examples: source.js, text.html - source
"context": [
"operand": "source.js, meta.class.js, meta.group.braces.curly.js, meta.group.braces.round.js, meta.jsx.js ",
"operator": "equal",
"match_all": true,
"key": "selector"
// run only if there's no selected text
"match_all": true,
"key": "selection_empty"
// don't work if there are active tabstops
"operator": "equal",
"operand": false,
"match_all": true,
"key": "has_next_field"
// don't work if completion popup is visible and you
// want to insert completion with Tab. If you want to
// expand Emmet with Tab even if popup is visible --
// remove this section
"operand": false,
"operator": "equal",
"match_all": true,
"key": "auto_complete_visible"
"match_all": true,
"key": "is_abbreviation"
Code above is object,
and code below is array of objects
{ "keys": ["tab"], "command": "expand_abbreviation_by_tab", "context":
{ "operand": "source.js", "operator": "equal", "match_all": true, "key": "selector" },
{ "match_all": true, "key": "selection_empty" },
{ "operator": "equal", "operand": false, "match_all": true, "key": "has_next_field" },
{ "operand": false, "operator": "equal", "match_all": true, "key": "auto_complete_visible" },
{ "match_all": true, "key": "is_abbreviation" }
This fixes "top level value must be an array" warning, thats why it works.
Most helpful comment
Not sure why , but this below worked!