Is there a solution for using ThenInclude
with polymorphic types?
Example model:
public abstract class BasePosition : Entity
public Order Order { get; set; }
public class GroupType : Entity
public class GroupPosition : BasePosition
public GroupType GroupType { get; set; }
public class SalesPosition : BasePosition
public GroupPosition Group { get; set; }
public class Order : Entity
private List<BasePosition> positions;
public ICollection<BasePosition> Positions
=> positions ?? (positions = new List<BasePosition>());
Example query:
.Include(x => x.Positions)
.ThenInclude<SalesPosition>(x => x.Group) // Pseudo-Code, does obviously not work
.ThenInclude<GroupPosition>(x => x.GroupType) // Pseudo-Code, does obviously not work
AFAIK the only way this currently works is by manually querying the derived types after loading the base shape:
var o = context.Set<Order>()
.Where(o => o.Id == 1234)
.Where(x => x.Order == o)
.Include(x => x.GroupType)
.Where(x => x.Order == o)
.Include(x => x.Group)
@davidroth As far as I know EF Core currently doesn't support any pattern you could use to express that you want query results to include navigations that only exist in derived types. Cc @anpete in case I am wrong.
As for how such pattern could look like, here is something we thought about in the past applied to the new ThenInclude method:
.Include(x => x.Positions)
.ThenInclude(x => (x as SalesPosition).Group)
.Include(x => x.Positions)
.ThenInclude(x => (x as GroupPosition).GroupType)
Of course, there are probably other things that could work and for instance the null-conditional operator would be better than this if it was supported in LINQ expressions.
@divega @davidroth I think this same issue applies to Include as well as ThenInclude right? If the type you are querying is a base type then there is no way to Include navigations defined on derived types in the hierarchy.
Yes, it would apply to both. Only this particular example had it in ThenInclude()
Does this also apply to base abstract classes?
public abstract class Entity
public DateTime CreatedAt { get; set; }
public DateTime UpdatedAt { get; set; }
public Guid? CreatedById { get; set; }
public Guid? UpdatedById { get; set; }
public User CreatedBy { get; set; }
public User UpdatedBy { get; set; }
public class Company : Entity
context.Set<Company>().Include(t => t.CreatedBy);
This results in: ArgumentNullException: Value cannot be null
I'm writing an eager loading routine via graph building and expression trees and I'm running into this problem. Although the way I implemented it actually works as long as the actual database value is of the correct derived class
public static IQueryable<T> ThenIncludeQueryEx<T, TPreviousProperty, TProperty>(IQueryable<T> query, string propertyName)
where T : InternalObject
var pe = Expression.Parameter(typeof(TPreviousProperty));
var me = Expression.Convert(Expression.Property(pe, propertyName),typeof(TProperty));
var includeQuery = query as IIncludableQueryable<T, TPreviousProperty>;
query = includeQuery.ThenInclude(Expression.Lambda<Func<TPreviousProperty, TProperty>>(me, pe));
return query;
but it fails when the cast cannot be performed. Unfortunately, EF doesn't like Expression.TypeAs so I cannot combine it directly with Expression.Conditional to invoke a different path if the cast fails.
So considering this if the explicit type is saved to DB ( which is anyways saved as a Discriminator field ) the initial check could be included in the Where clause? Does that make sense? You would still need to run multiple queries based on each separate derived class possible to eagerly load all possible combinations
The Include
overloads that accept LINQ Expression
trees like those @divega describe would help in some scenarios. What I need is reflection-friendly overloads that I call like this:
.Include( "Positions" )
.ThenInclude( typeof(SalesPosition), "Group" )
.Include( "Positions" )
.ThenInclude( typeof(GroupPosition), "GroupType" )
Currently, there's no ThenInclude
that's tacked onto the reflection-friendly Include
. But it would be useful here. Either that, or have Include
search derived classes for chained properties specified in its string navigationPropertyPath
Why do I want this? I already defined a [Part]
attribute that I use in OnModelCreating
to enable cascade delete. Now I want to use this attribute to create an IncludeParts
I don't think the current workaround will work well for me since, after #1833 is implemented, I'll be filtering the upstream results before including the derived properties downstream.
context.Set<Order>() .Include(x => x.Positions) .ThenInclude(x => (x as SalesPosition).Group) .Include(x => x.Positions) .ThenInclude(x => (x as GroupPosition).GroupType)
This is feature is very compelling to me, although it may also be achieved in a shorter way, something like:
.Include(x => x.Positions)
.ThenInclude<SalesPosition>(sp => sp.Group)
.Include(x => x.Positions)
.ThenInclude<GroupPosition>(gp => gp.GroupType)
.ThenInclude(gt => gt.TypeName)
.Include<BusinessOrder>(bo => bo.Customer)
Having the ThenInclude
's (and also the Include
's - see last line, this is important) generic type argument used as an OfType
filter, branching the local IIncludableQueryable
to the desired type.
@divega @anpete @smitpatel this issue popped up in a conversation today
And also Include(property).Where(predicate).ThenInclude(property).Where(predicate)
@HappyNomad ditto. Constructing lambda expressions could be painful. There should be a reflection friendly version too, with and without a type filter (supporting inheritance).
@maumar - What are we planning to do here for now?
We are investigating supporting this via "as" and string based include for Preview2.
@anpete I'd just like to make sure you saw this, isn't it nicer than as
We have discussed this in brief as a team. Though we haven't finalized exact sketch what it would be since we are bit short on time.
Here are some of the thoughts/experiments I did around the topic.
(I am writing for Include though it is equally expanded for ThenInclude)
String based Include
This API looks clean. We have similar pattern for string based ModelBuilding support (`HasForeignKey` with one-to-one has such syntax). It will be an overload so there won't be confusion about inferring and I believe it would be visible enough. Also the first one can be re-written into second easily.
This is same as what @HappyNomad suggested though I did not understand what is "reflection friendly". As for `PartAttribute` we don't have plan to add it unless there is general purpose customer scenario.
**Expression based Include**
// Options 1
IQueryable<Base>().Include(e => e.NavigationOnBase)
IQueryable<Base>().Include(e => (e as Derived).NavigationOnDerived)
//Option 2
IQueryable<Base>().Include<Base, Base, ReferencedType>(e => e.NavigationOnBase)
IQueryable<Base>().Include<Base, Derived, DerivedReferencedType>(e => e.NavigationOnDerived)
We are looking to support option 1 here (Explained option 2 below why its bit cumbersome for user experience)
The current version of Include already takes expression as parameter. The "as derived" part is just to give intellisense to user. We can start parsing such pattern of expression and generate include accordingly.
Option 2
There are 3 different Typed args to the function here. The incoming IQueryable type, the type used for expression lambda & the return type. Presently there are only 2 type args and they are inferred by compiler but if you want to add another type arg to change type of lambda then everything need to be typed explicitly.
@weitzhandler - Your approach is kind of reaching there by giving typed arg to generic function but the other 2 also needs to be specified explicitly because compiler doesn't do "infer the rest"
This makes option 1 a better choice, (less thing for user to figure out especially providing return type is very awkward).
I am still experimenting with different syntax for expression based include. Our goal is to provide good intellisense to user. We can always add extra overload if we find a good syntax and support the "as" syntax (which is somewhat similar to processing filtered include)
Given the time constraint we have, we are doing the "as" syntax and string based as above.
In this syntax, all predicates will be applied to the first IQueryable only and not on the include. If you mean to apply the predicate on the included entity then its filtered include #1833
The issue for not supporting above syntax is
When user writes
context.Blogs.Include(b => b.Posts).Where(a => a.BlogId == 1).ToList()
It gives different meanings, if user wants to just Blog with Id 1 and all its post loaded
or All blogs but load only posts with BlogId=1.
Also for intellisense, what should be the type of "a" Blog or Post. It puts stricter requirement on user to specify include at certain place only (have to put last in most cases sort of). Hence its better not to involve such confusion.
suggested though I did not understand what is "reflection friendly".
I believe he was referring to a convenient way of dynamically providing the includes, i.e. non LINQ-expressions. The one you mentioned earlier.
our approach is kind of reaching there by giving typed arg to generic function but the other 2 also needs to be specified explicitly because compiler doesn't do "infer the rest"
This makes option 1 a better choice, (less thing for user to figure out especially providing return type is very awkward).
You're right.
And BTW: Related.
If you mean to apply the predicate on the included entity then its filtered include #1833
Yep, that was it. Was just randomly pseudoing.
When user writes
context.Blogs.Include(b => b.Posts).Where(a => a.BlogId == 1).ToList()
It gives different meanings, if user wants to just Blog with Id 1 and all its post loaded
or All blogs but load only posts with BlogId=1.
That's should be
context.Blogs.Include(b => b.Posts.Where(a => a.BlogId == 1)).ToList()
Notice the Where
is inside the Include
scope. Again, was pseudoing before but you understood me well anyway.
@smitpatel @anpete for option 2, did you try writing the lambda like this?
queryOfBase.Include((Derived e) => e.NavigationOnDerived);
@divega - It indeed passes compilation and also provides intellisense. I am investigating into chaining (ThenInclude) in generic complex. 馃
Following compiles correctly providing good intellisense (For reference navigation cases, collection navigations & ThenInclude doesn't go well). It contains a good mix of current form of Includes (which applies to base only) as well as new form.
var includeOnDerivedTypes = new List
.Include(bp => bp.Order) //Include On base
.Include((GroupPosition gp) => gp.GroupType) //Include on derived
.Include((SalesPosition sp) => sp.Group); //Include on derived
var thenIncludeOnDerivedTypes = new List
.Include(o => o.Positions)
.ThenInclude(p => p.Order) //ThenInclude on base
.Include(o => o.Positions)
.ThenInclude((GroupPosition gp) => gp.GroupType) //ThenInclude on derived
.Include(o => o.Positions)
.ThenInclude((SalesPosition sp) => sp.Group) //ThenInclude on derived
.ThenInclude(gp => gp.GroupType);
@smitpatel @divega @anpete @maumar I haven't read all of the discussion from last night. How confident are we that we are getting the API right? Are there open questions still?
@ajcvickers The latest proposal looks very nice. If other agree then I think we should go for it - Given the "loose" nature of LINQ expressions here, we are free to support alternative patterns in the future if we choose.
@anpete I'll let @divega make the call on the API. If he's okay, then let's try to get this in.
One drawback of the new API is that you can only include one reference per Include method. With soft casting you can do entities.Include(e => ((e as Foo).Reference1) as Bar).Reference2). I don't know if we care, since this looks quite ugly anyway
@maumar We think this is OK provided one can achieve the desire effect using ThenInclude - Agree the nested 'as' syntax is not nice.
@ajcvickers @anpete @maumar @smitpatel Yes, I also like this ((GroupPosition gp) => gp.GroupType
Any idea on the nightly release date?
@darkengines Current plan of record on this is to put it on hold until post 2.0. There is still internal discussion around this whole area, so something could still happen before then, but at this point it seems unlikely,
Thanks for your reply, I ask because I see @maumar work.
You didn't have that much discussing when you were about to say that EF Core is production ready, did you?
@maumar - is this fixed?
fixed in 07afd7aa330da5b6d90d518da7375d8bbf676dfd
Is this also available in Entity Framework 6.1? Or easy to implement/extend?
@eL-Prova Unfortunately, no and no. EF6 is an entirely different code base than EF Core. This could be implemented in EF6, and we would likely take a PR if it was a well-written and robust implementation, but I don't think it's super easy to implement.
@ajcvickers thanks for your reply. I will take a look to create an extension :-)
Is there any docs for this? I'm having some trouble getting this to work.
_db.set<Person>().Include((German g) => g.Something)
Error CS1660 Cannot convert lambda expression to type 'string' because it is not a delegate type
NVM I realize this is a 2.1 feature not 2.0
For the meanwhile is there any solution for an workaround? I'm also have this problem for an REST API Endpoint.
I have currently the problem that in definiton of an ressouce only one API Endpoint shall be created, called URL:PORT/api/testmeans with optional type as query string
public abstract class TestMean
/// Basic properties in there...
public class Vehicle : TestMean
/// Special Vehicle properties
public class Airplane : TestMean
/// Special Airplane properties
But how i can return a whole list of testmeans with specific characteristics?
@subprime One workaround is to use multiple tracking queries with the same context instance and let the context fixup all the nav properties.
@subprime : Dunno how your DbContext is set up, but when you add a property which only defines the base class, i.e.
public MyDbContext
public DbSet<TestMean> TestMeans { get; set; }
If it's part of a other model, it works same. But if you only want a subset of it, you can only load the subset data first and then query your parent model. EF Core will connect them when loading
var testMeans = await context.TestMeans.OfType<Airplane>().ToArrayAsync(a => a.ParentId = parentId);
var parent = await context.Parent.FirstOrDefaultAsync(p => p.ParentId = parentId);
// parent.TestMeans will then contain the test means from above
It's well covered by the Loading Related Data docs.
And yes, this and the other listed workarounds in the docs means additional roundtrips to the database.
@eL-Prova - I created a feature request for EF6 although I am not holding my breath :(.
What I did was create a generic function and use the oftype
You could use somethings like that and loop through all of your known types to get all of the correct properties
public async Task<IEnumerable<T>> GetAsync<T>(string key)
where T:TestMeans
IEnumerable < T> result;
var query = _db.Set<TestMeans>().OfType<T>().Where(r => r.Key== key);
foreach (var nav in _db.Model.FindEntityType(typeof(T)).GetNavigations())
query = query.Include(nav.Name);
return await query.ToListAsync();
Is there still any work to be done on this?
I have the following classes:
public class Warehouse
public int Id{set;get;}
public string Name{set;get;}
and a child class:
public class SupplierWarehouse:Warehouse
public int SupplierId{set;get;}
public Supplier Supplier{set;get;}
In the DB I have one record of each.
and when I do var list = await _dbContext.Warehouses
.Include(e => (e as SupplierWarehouse).Supplier)
.ToListAsync ();
or var list = await _dbContext.Warehouses
.ToListAsync ();
I get only the one SupplierWarehouse, but if I remove the Include, I get both records.
ok, looks like because SupplierId is ForeignKey in one to one realtion, it generated the SQL with Inner Join, changing it to int? fixed the problem
After this is released in 2.1, will I be able to order by derived property? Is there a way to do so now in 2.0?
@maumar @anpete Can you answer the question above from @iudelsmann?
@iudelsmann as what I've seen from Pull Requests, this issue/feature is related only to the Inlcude/ThenInclude. I'm pretty sure that OrderBy will require a different logic
I did some testing and was able to OrderBy derived property by casting (in 2.0).
_context.Persons.OrderBy(person => ((Student)person).Registration);
But when ordering by a derived joined property, it did not return the instances of the parent class (it performed inner join instead of left join)
_context.Persons.OrderBy(person => ((Student)person).Course.Name);
I'm not sure if I'm doing things the right way or if this is still a limitation, I would only like to open an issue if it really is one. But you're right, this issue is only about Include/ThenInclude operations so I'll move this question to stack overflow soon. Thanks.
@iudelsmann can you post the model you used to get the INNER JOIN query? (entities and contents of OnModelCreating method on DbContext).
I tried similar query on current bits and got query with LEFT JOIN:
SELECT [f].[Id], [f].[CapitalName], [f].[Discriminator], [f].[Name], [f].[CommanderName], [f].[Eradicated]
FROM [Factions] AS [f]
SELECT [f.Commander].*
FROM [LocustLeaders] AS [f.Commander]
WHERE [f.Commander].[Discriminator] = N'LocustCommander'
) AS [t] ON CASE
WHEN [f].[Discriminator] = N'LocustHorde'
THEN [f].[CommanderName] ELSE NULL
END = [t].[Name]
WHERE [f].[Discriminator] = N'LocustHorde'
ORDER BY [t].[ThreatLevel]
@maumar Ok, I have omitted some stuff but this is basically it. One "detail" I forgot to mention, I'm using Postgresql and Npgsql (everything is 2.0, will update to 2.0.1 soon).
Models (BaseModel and Model are abstract classes):
public class Service : BaseModel
public string Name { get; set; }
public ServiceCategory Category { get; set; }
public class Course : Service
public CourseModality Modality { get; set; }
public CourseType Type { get; set; }
public class CourseType : Model
public string Name { get; set; }
There is nothing related to this tables in OnModelCreating
When doing this query (paged search):
_context.Services.Include().Include(service => service.Category).OrderBy(service => ((Course)service).Type.Name).Skip((pageNumber- 1) * pageSize).Take(pageSize).ToListAsync();
I got this query (for the first page) (omitted some stuff):
SELECT [...]
FROM "Service" AS "service"
LEFT JOIN "ServiceCategory" AS "service.Category" ON "service"."CategoryId" = "service.Category"."Id"
INNER JOIN "CourseType" AS "service.Type" ON "service"."TypeId" = "service.Type"."Id"
WHERE "service"."Discriminator" IN ('Course', 'Service')
ORDER BY "service.Type"."Name"
LIMIT @__p_1 OFFSET @__p_0
After this is released in 2.1, will it be safe (i.e. no exceptions thrown) to call the string based include on a collection with items of mixed derived types, such some have the included property and others don't? To be useful, it seems the answer must be 'yes'. I'm just double checking.
@HappyNomad Yes!
@HappyNomad Feel free to create a separate issue for this, or send a PR. 馃槈
@anpete No, that's okay. I was just clarifying. In that same comment, I also suggested the alternative that you did end up implementing.
Either that, or have Include search derived classes for chained properties specified in its string navigationPropertyPath parameter.
I assume that's how it works in 2.1.
@iudelsmann looks like you are hitting - try performing Include as the last operation:
_context.Services.OrderBy(service => ((Course)service).Type.Name).Skip((pageNumber- 1) * pageSize).Take(pageSize).Include(service => service.Category).ToListAsync();
@maumar That did not work, it is still performing a inner join. Observe that I'm not Include
ing the CourseType from the Course entity, as in 2.0 we can't include derived navigation properties. So I think it might work in 2.1 if I include it, as it should perform the appropriate left join, would you agree?
@iudelsmann ahh, I understand now. In fact INNER JOIN for this scenario is the current behavior even in the current developer bits. Problem here is that navigation "Service.Type" is required and this is how we determine whether INNER JOIN or LEFT JOIN should be produced. (we don't take into account that the navigation is declared on derived). I have filed #10988 to track this issue.
After this is released in 2.1, will it be safe (i.e. no exceptions thrown) to call the string based include on a collection with items of mixed derived types, such some have the included property and others don't? To be useful, it seems the answer must be 'yes'. I'm just double checking.
@anpete Should this be supported already in the current preview (2.1 preview 1)?
Most helpful comment
fixed in 07afd7aa330da5b6d90d518da7375d8bbf676dfd