I'm using Dracula with iTerm2 and I have Powerlevel10k and Colorls installed. I was trying to make the colorls match the Dracula theme. This is what I got so far:
# Main Colors
unrecognized_file: "#bd93f9" # purple
recognized_file: "#ff79c6" # pink
dir: "#8be9fd" # cyan
# Link
dead_link: "#ff5555" # red
link: "#8be9fd" # cyan
# special files
socket: "#50fa7b" # green
blockdev: "#50fa7b" # green
chardev: "#50fa7b" # green
# Access Modes
write: "#6272a4" # comment
read: "#ff79c6" # pink
exec: "#ffb86c" # orange
no_access: "#ff5555" # red
# Age
day_old: "#50fa7b" # green
hour_old: "#ff79c6" # pink
no_modifier: "#8be9fd" # cyan
# File Size
file_large: "#ffb86c" # orange
file_medium: "#50fa7b" # green
file_small: "#8be9fd" # cyan
# Random
report: white
user: "#6272a4" # comment
tree: "#bd93f9" # purple
empty: "#f1fa8c" # yellow
error: "#ff5555" # red
normal: "#6272a4" # comment
# Git
addition: "#ff79c6" # pink
modification: "#6272a4" # comment
deletion: "#ff5555" # red
untracked: "#f1fa8c" # yellow
unchanged: "#50fa7b" # green
Heya! You should check this out too: https://github.com/dracula/dracula-theme/issues/411 (I had added this hex support into colorls, and then opened that PR here once the colorls work was in)
I'll be closing this issue in favor of #411, but great job @bkclerke!
@bigpick what do you think of using @bkclerke's screenshot on https://github.com/bigpick/colorls? It looks phenomenal! ;)
I agree -- they do look much nicer :)
TIL - On mac, press space after pressing the CMD+Shift+4 to get a screen shot to get a full window capture (with fancy drop shadow and all).
I've updated https://github.com/bigpick/colorls with some new samples accordingly, what do you think? (I don't usually user powerlevel, so I just configured it for the screenshot purposes)
@bkclerke Blake, can you share the powelevel10k color configurations too?