Django-filter: Cannot Filter Reverse Foreign Key

Created on 22 Jun 2020  路  10Comments  路  Source: carltongibson/django-filter


Hello! Thank you so much for this library! It has been such a pleasure to test it with my current API!

Current Goal

I have two models, a School and a SchoolCourse. SchoolCourse has a reverse many to one relationship to School.

I want to be able to filter the School object based on the name of the SchoolCourse

Additionally as a stretch goal, I would love to be able to filter by SchoolLesson eventually as well.

Data Model

School Model

class SchoolModel(Model):
    name = CharField(max_length=24, unique=True)

    REQUIRED_FIELDS = ["name"]

    class Meta:
        ordering = ("id",)

    def get_courses(self):
        school_courses = SchoolCourseModel.objects.filter(school=self)
        return school_courses

School Course

class SchoolCourseModel(Model):
    description = CharField(default="", max_length=200)
    name = CharField(max_length=50)
    school = ForeignKey(SchoolModel,

    REQUIRED_FIELDS = ["school", "name"]

    class Meta:
        ordering = ("id",)
        unique_together = ("school", "name",)

    def get_lessons(self):
        school_lessons = SchoolLessonModel.objects.filter(course=self)
        return school_lessons

Which - if you play with these models in the debug view you'll see this

(Pdb++) <django.db.models.fields.related_descriptors.create_reverse_many_to_one_manager.<locals>.RelatedManager object at 0x10a8177d0>
(Pdb++) <QuerySet [<SchoolCourseModel: SchoolCourseModel object (151)>, <SchoolCourseModel: SchoolCourseModel object (152)>, <SchoolCourseModel: SchoolCourseModel object (153)>]>
(Pdb++) <SchoolCourseModel: SchoolCourseModel object (151)>
(Pdb++) 'Nihongo Course One'

Filter Configuration

The filter I made seems fairly straight-forward.

class SchoolFilter(FilterSet):
    school_name = CharFilter(field_name="name",
    # ---
    course_name = CharFilter(field_name="school_course__name",
    course_description = CharFilter(field_name="school_course__description",

    class Meta:
        model = SchoolModel
        fields = [
            # ---


However this does not work. If I make this request:

I get this back as a response

    "schools": []


What am I doing wrong here?

Am I misinterpreting django-filters? Am I misinterpreting how to connect the data models?

Any guidance is appreciated!

Most helpful comment

My guess is that this is related to the given offset. There is only 1 object in the filtered queryset, but the request is telling the paginator to skip the first 49 items. If you were to check


I assume you'd get <QuerySet []>.

Closing, as it looks like this is a pagination issue.

All 10 comments

Hi @loganknecht. Just as a sanity check, can you verify that your URL is correct? In your example URL, the query string starts with a / instead of a ?.

Ah @rpkilby - apologies, this was an oversight on my part from copying and pasting from Postman. The url is actually {{API_URL}}/api/v1/schools/?offset=49&course_name=Nihongo but I was removing the offset to be less confusing and succeeded in doing the opposite 馃槀

Your example doesn't raise any obvious issues to me. My best guess is that there is some issue with the API view. Have you added the DjangoFilterBackend to your settings/view's filter_backends? And have you set filterset_class = SchoolFilter (note that this used to be filter_class)?

Hey @rpkilby

Here is the view code I have

class SchoolViewSet(ViewSet):
    http_method_names = ["get", "post"]

    def list(self, request):
        all_school_models = SchoolModel.objects.all()

        filtered_school_models = SchoolFilter(request.GET, queryset=all_school_models)
        # import pdb
        # pdb.set_trace()

        paginator = HeaderLinkPagination()
        current_page_results = paginator.paginate_queryset(filtered_school_models.qs,

        all_schools_serializer = SchoolSerializer(current_page_results,
        response_data = {

        response_to_return = paginator.get_paginated_response(response_data)
        return response_to_return

The pdb.set_trace() is where I posted the above interrogation.

I did not sett the DjangoFilterBackend as I assumed that was a global configuration and I'm only testing this on a single endpoint.

Additionally I did not set this for the class either for the same reason.

It is important to know that I CAN use this filter on the name of the SchoolModel but when I filter on the reverse foreign key school_course it does not work.

Gotcha - so you're creating the filterset in the view directly. In that case, yeah, you wouldn't need to set the filter backend/filterset class.

You might check to see if the data looks correct, if there were any errors, or if the SQL query is correctly formed. Try:

filtered_school_models = SchoolFilter(request.GET, queryset=all_school_models)

@rpkilby Here is what I see

<QueryDict: {'offset': ['49'], 'course_name': ['Nihongo']}>

<QuerySet [<SchoolModel: SchoolModel object (51)>]>
SELECT "piano_gym_api_schoolmodel"."id", "piano_gym_api_schoolmodel"."name", "piano_gym_api_schoolmodel"."school_board_id" FROM "piano_gym_api_schoolmodel" INNER JOIN "piano_gym_api_schoolcoursemodel" ON ("piano_gym_api_schoolmodel"."id" = "piano_gym_api_schoolcoursemodel"."school_id") WHERE UPPER("piano_gym_api_schoolcoursemodel"."name"::text) LIKE UPPER(%Nihongo%) ORDER BY "piano_gym_api_schoolmodel"."id" ASC

@rpkilby This looks like it might be an issue with my paginator implementation which looks like this

class HeaderLinkPagination(LimitOffsetPagination):
    default_limit = settings.DEFAULT_LIMIT
    max_limit = settings.DEFAULT_MAX_LIMIT
    min_limit = settings.DEFAULT_MIN_LIMIT
    min_offset = settings.DEFAULT_MIN_OFFSET
    max_offset = settings.DEFAULT_MAX_OFFSET

    def get_paginated_response(self, data):
        next_url = self.get_next_link()
        previous_url = self.get_previous_link()

        links = []
        header_data = (
            (previous_url, "prev"),
            (next_url, "next"),
        for url, label in header_data:
            if url is not None:
                links.append("<{}>; rel=\"{}\"".format(url, label))

        headers = {"Link": ", ".join(links)} if links else {}

        return Response(data, headers=headers)

    def paginate_queryset(self, queryset, request, view=None):

        limit = request.query_params.get("limit")
        offset = request.query_params.get("offset")

        if limit is None:
            limit = settings.DEFAULT_LIMIT

        if offset is None:
            offset = settings.DEFAULT_OFFSET

        limit = int(limit)
        if limit > self.max_limit:
            error_message = ("Limit should be less than or equal to {0}"
            errors = {"limit": [error_message]}
            raise ValidationError(errors)
        elif limit < self.min_limit:
            error_message = ("Limit should be greater than or equal to {0}"
            errors = {"limit": [error_message]}
            raise ValidationError(errors)

        offset = int(offset)
        if offset > self.max_offset:
            error_message = ("Offset should be less than or equal to {0}"
            errors = {"offset": [error_message]}
            raise ValidationError(errors)
        elif offset < self.min_offset:
            error_message = ("Offset should be greater than or equal to {0}"
            errors = {"offset": [error_message]}
            raise ValidationError(errors)
        import pdb

        return super(self.__class__, self).paginate_queryset(queryset, request, view)

If you see a solution, please let me know. Stay tuned while I try to shake this out.

My guess is that this is related to the given offset. There is only 1 object in the filtered queryset, but the request is telling the paginator to skip the first 49 items. If you were to check


I assume you'd get <QuerySet []>.

Closing, as it looks like this is a pagination issue.

Hey @rpkilby

I just want to say thank you so much for talking me through this. This wasn't even a django-filter problem. I was just being a dingus. You rubber ducking me is super super appreciated.

You are amazing, and once again, thank you for this amazing library!

No worries. Happy to help!

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