Upgrading to v1.10
or v1.10.1
gives the error. Downgrading to v1.9.1
works again.
I've checked the documentation and it doesn't appear anything has changed for setup and configuration. The offending line of the JavaScript doesn't appear to be much help: (djdt.jQuery, djdt);
I'll do some more digging later (I'm stuck in meetings!) but wanted to get the issue out there in case anyone else is seeing similar issues.
Running Python 3.6 / Django 2.0.8 / CentOS 7.5.
Thanks. That's a duplicate of https://github.com/jazzband/django-debug-toolbar/issues/1101
It seems you're still running an old version toolbar.js
Sorry, I was doing three things at once and only search open issues before starting one!
+1 Downgrading to v1.9.1 works again.
Clearing your browser cache works even better.
Clearing your browser cache works even better.
Does not work clean the temporary :(
Browsers are sometimes really stubborn with caching. Try finding the toolbar.js in the network panel of the web inspector, opening the toolbar.js file directly and force-reloading it. Sometimes it seems that force-reloading the admin page isn't sufficient for reloading all assets...
Most helpful comment
Browsers are sometimes really stubborn with caching. Try finding the toolbar.js in the network panel of the web inspector, opening the toolbar.js file directly and force-reloading it. Sometimes it seems that force-reloading the admin page isn't sufficient for reloading all assets...