Django-debug-toolbar: Fragment caching not working when django debug toolbar is enabled.

Created on 14 Sep 2016  路  6Comments  路  Source: jazzband/django-debug-toolbar

When working in Django 1.10 or 1.10.1 fragment caching is not working with Django Debug Toolbar enabled. View caching and ImageKit caching work fine though.

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For me caching works fine (I checked it from memcached side), but cache panel of django-debug-toolbar doesn't show any calls.

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I'm not sure what you mean by fragment caching. Are you saying that we break the {% cache %} template tag in some way?

Yes, exactly. With the toolbar enabled elements within the {% cache %} {% endcache %} tags are not cached in my backend (memcached). With the toolbar disabled everything is cached as expected.

Is there any information I can provide to help debug this incident? I would like to help resolve it if possible.

For me caching works fine (I checked it from memcached side), but cache panel of django-debug-toolbar doesn't show any calls.

I have same issue, cache works correctly but django-debug-toolbar does not show any calls.

This is the same as #799 , caches needs to be monkey-patched in django.templatetags.cache

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