Design: WAT syntax as a valid JavaScript subset

Created on 16 Mar 2019  路  4Comments  路  Source: WebAssembly/design

To permit comma separated S-expressions within the text format to allow the WAT syntax to be a valid parse-time JavaScript subset syntax like JSON is to JavaScript.

This would allow you to write the following example:

(func $swap (param i32 i32) (result i32 i32) (get_local 1) (get_local 0))

As the following:

(func, $swap, (param, i32, i32), (result, i32, i32), (get_local, 1) (get_local, 0))

One application of this is being able to write valid WAT syntax in JavaScript functions

function add (a, b) {
   (i32.const, a)
   (i32.const, b)
   (i32.const, add)

That you can add.toString() to extract valid WAT source code, that can make it easier to interleave WAT source code within JavaScript without the need for template literals when prototyping.

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I'm really not sure we want to have JS-compatible WAST. Mostly because from a parser perpective it would be really hard to tell if you are writing WAST or JS.

I would rather use JS's template literals:

function add (a, b) {
     (i32.const, a)
     (i32.const, b)
     (i32.const, add)

All 4 comments

S-expressions make me think of Lisp and because of that I would expect ' to mean quote and , to mean unquote.

This is an interesting idea, but I'm not sure we'll want to modify the text format to support it.

I'm really not sure we want to have JS-compatible WAST. Mostly because from a parser perpective it would be really hard to tell if you are writing WAST or JS.

I would rather use JS's template literals:

function add (a, b) {
     (i32.const, a)
     (i32.const, b)
     (i32.const, add)

You could knock up a WAT DSL in CoffeeScript very easily. Just to offer another option.

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