This issue is really for left-outer-joins where we would expect a null object if there is no match. Unfortunately, the object is not coming back null even though the 'spliton' column is null.
Class structure
public class Post[PostID,Name,CategoryID?] //category is optional (left-outer joined)
public class Category[CategoryID,Name]
Query using aliases to split on 'id'
c.CategoryID AS id, //surrogate key helps mark the split...will be null if no matching category
FROM Posts p
LEFT OUTER JOIN Categories c ON c.CategoryID = p.CategoryID
If there is no category, the expected behavior is that because the 'id' column is null the entire object would be null. However, because 'id' does not exist as a property on the Category object we get an instantiated object.
Note that we're splitting this way because p.* already has CategoryID so we can't explicitly split on that.
I've gone through the source code for a bit but it's a little beyond me (for now at least). I'll keep trying to pinpoint why that is happening and get a test in there to prove it.
var animals = Connection.Query<Animal, Owner, Animal>(@"
SELECT Animal.*, NULL as split, Owner.*
FROM Animal
LEFT JOIN Owner ON Animal.OwnerId = Owner.OwnerId", (a, o) => { a.Owner = o; return a; }, splitOn: "split").ToList();
I would expect Owner would be NULL in this case.
any update on this or workarounds? I am using the Read method from this request Thanks.
Is there any update regarding this issue?
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Is there any update regarding this issue?