Dapper: V2: [Column] and [Table] Attributes

Created on 14 Mar 2017  ·  67Comments  ·  Source: StackExchange/Dapper

This would be part of the overall Dapper v2 project (#688)

There's obviously been a lot of interest in controlling column and table name mappings in a coherent and fully featured way. But all of the PRs we've seen are all over the map as to how to go about this. They're also Dapper.Contrib restricted, whereas we need something to cover things overall. For example calling .Insert<T>() and then calling .Query<T> afterwards and that not working isn't expected or awesome.

Let me preface this. Both of these are optional. They work together, but are 100% optional - if you use neither then Dapper's existing behavior works as-is with mappings. The proposal is also for both, not an either/or. See below for how they work together:

Basically, this can't be Dapper.Contrib, it needs to be global. This type, this member goes to this table, this column...in a controllable way. I'm picturing an API like this:

public class User
public int Id { get; set; }
public string Name { get; set; }
public string AddressSomethingCrazy { get; set; }

Now, this doesn't work for everyone. You can't add attributes everywhere and some people don't want to. They want conventions, or covering types they don't control  - so we need something else. I'm not sure what these are called, but basically we make the type and member to table and column mappings pluggable. For example, something like this:

namespace Dapper
    public partial class Options
        public Func<Type, string> TableNameMapper { get; set; }
        public Func<Type, string> DefaultTableNameMapper { get; }
        public Func<Type, PropertyInfo, string> ColumnNameMapper { get; set; }
        public Func<Type, PropertyInfo, string> DefaultColumnNameMapper { get; }

So if your convention is init caps, underscores, emoji, or whatever really, you could define this in one place. You could call the default mapper as a fallback in your own function as well, if you just want to handle a few cases and fall back for the rest. Or, you could make your own attributes, and entirely base all mappings on whatever scheme you could come up with. As a simple example:

c# SqlMapper.TableNameMapper = type => { if (type == typeof(User)) return "Users"; return SqlMapper.DefaultTableNameMapper(type); };

Note: these work together, the Options.DefaultTableNameMapper and Options.DefaultColumnNameMapper would look at the attributes in their implementation. So this isn't an either/or proposal, the two approaches collaborate to handle all the cases we've seen thus far, while being totally optional all together.

All of these would apply across the board, to .Query<T>, .Insert<T, TKey>, .Update<T>, .Get<T>, and...well, you get the idea. They need to work everywhere, that's why it's needs to be in Dapper core and consumed all the way through .Contrib, etc.

Now, that deals with naming (I hope) - but there's more we can do here too. For example, is there interest in controlling defaults or something else in attributes? Naming is the biggest thing I've seen by far, but there may be some other areas we can solve along the same lines.

One prime example here is [Column(PrimaryKey = true)] (of which there could be many), and possibly some others along those lines.

Some other problems the above potentially solves (or not) would be case sensitivity (or not) and being something that the mutation methods (like .Insert()) can use. For example, whether to quote a field or not across .Contrib provider implementations when generating T-SQL would be important. Perhaps Column has a CaseSensitive property...or something else. The two-way nature on the deserialization of that is a thing, but generally handled by fallbacks today. Or it could be handled by exact names in the column attribute or Func overrides...or any of the combination of those things. Lots of options here - what makes sense to expose in a simple way for lots of use cases?

Related Info

Related issues: #447, #463, #515, #605, #623, #670, #681, #572
Potentially covered: #482, #571

Thoughts? Suggestions? Things you'd like to throw in my general direction?

cc @mgravell

mapping enhancement proposal

Most helpful comment

A suggestion for the Attributes vs Config discussion:

Go with the Config option, and supply an implementation (in Dapper.Contrib?) which would do attribute mapping. That way by default Dapper would remain small, but if Attribute mapping is required, add a reference to Dapper.Contrib. You could even supply a .UseAttributeMapping extension which would apply all of the Func<Type...> required in one go if needs be.

Personal bias is towards Config rather than Attributes, but I could live with either. Config feels more flexible however.

All 67 comments

Attributes Vs Config...

I really think Dapper should only support 1 convention, even if there's a group of people who don't like Attributes or prefer attributes and don't like Config.

Dapper is a beautiful tiny lightweight ORM that does the bare minimum. Yes it needs some mapping to get around legacy and poorly named tables/columns in databases, and vice versa. But not at the sacrifice of bloating Dapper.

/my 2 cents

I'm impartial to Attributes vs Config. As long as Dapper doesn't lose focus and become bloat.

I appreciate your attention to this @NickCraver! Hopefully there is a good solution to cover the vast majority of issues/preferences.

I highly prefer config (not attributes) based setup because I may not own the class/model, the other big ones are conventions. Working with legacy schema (I can't change) where all the tables are prefixed like tb_TableName or the columns are chrColumnName 🤢

I prefer my database identity columns to be in the form of TableNameID, and my c# classes as just ID. I would like the flexibility to setup a convention to map ID to [ClassName]Id and just reuse it for all of my queries and stored procs.


I hope that the Dapper is supported in two ways, and Attribute is simple and intuitive. But I think Dapper in complex scenes require enhanced Mapper function, especially in the one-to-many, many-to-many scenario, EF-like configuration method based on Lambda expression expression ability.

A suggestion for the Attributes vs Config discussion:

Go with the Config option, and supply an implementation (in Dapper.Contrib?) which would do attribute mapping. That way by default Dapper would remain small, but if Attribute mapping is required, add a reference to Dapper.Contrib. You could even supply a .UseAttributeMapping extension which would apply all of the Func<Type...> required in one go if needs be.

Personal bias is towards Config rather than Attributes, but I could live with either. Config feels more flexible however.

+1 for @Pondidum. The Config is a must for the Dapper Core, the Attributes are for Dapper.Contrib only (optional). Since I use Dapper.Contrib I will use the Attributes - and I would like to have an option to change/enhance the Attributes by the Config.

Just a minor note: you should decide, what will happen, when TableNameMapper, ColumnNameMapper return null or empty string - either fall back to the default mappers or throw an exception.

@Gonkers another option there is a virtual method on the attribute and subclass to change default behavior; worth consideration

I'm seeing a lot of surprising replies, that's awesome. Let me make sure we're on the same page when discussing first:

The proposal isn't for an either/or, it's for both. But they wouldn't be 2 separate approaches, they work together. For example, SqlMapper. DefaultTableNameMapper would look for the [Table] attribute and use it if present, otherwise it'd do what we do today. The same holds for SqlMapper. DefaultColumnNameMapper, it'd look for ColumnAttribute if present, and default to the current behavior if not.

You'd free to use the attributes or not. You'd be free to use none of this and get the exact same behavior we have today.

Is that what everyone understood from the proposal? If not I'll do some editing to clarify.

@phillip-haydon I'm not sure I understand the bloat comments here - what we're talking about is very minimal and removes several one-off options both in the project and proposed today - they could instead be included mappers...or the other mappers could be in another project, or something else. Can you explain a bit more? Or did I botch mentioning the totally optional part?

@Gonkers same thing - did you read this as either/or - or would you only want to see 1 for some reason?

@uliian I don't think we'll be tackling 1:many here, that's a very different generation and consumption problem, likely in Dapper.Contrib for the foreseeable future...but all together another feature entirely.

@Pondidum Same question - was the either/or and not both confusing, or does your opinion stay the same regardless?

@xmedeko Both are optional...same question, confusing on the proposal?

It looks like I need to edit the copy to clarify some things, will wait for responses there. Also related proposal: I think we should move all of these static settings to another place, probably:

namespace Dapper
public static class Options
public Func TableNameMapper { get; set; }
public Func DefaultTableNameMapper { get; }
public Func ColumnNameMapper { get; set; }
public Func DefaultColumnNameMapper { get; }

...along with all other options in V2, so they're contained in an intuitive spot. This would make access more intuitive, like this:
Dapper.Options.TableNameMapper = ...;


Yep, we are on the same page. Yes, all is _optional_ for the user. By _optional_ I was thinking something else, never mind about it.

You can make just:
public Func TableNameMapper { get; set; }
public Func ColumnNameMapper { get; set; }

And the user should do the mapper chaining:
var origMapper = Options.TableNameMapper;
Options.TableNameMapper = (t, s) => { 
    if (type == typeof(User)) return "Users";
    return origMapper(type);

The Caliburn.Micro project does config the same way.
Dapper.Contrib may just plug in own mappers to provide Attribute mappings.

@nickcraver - For conn.Query("select ...", ...), is it possible to name the "tables" in the split? spliton: "commentid, followerid", splitto: "Comment, User". Also, with conn.QueryMultiple, maybe a way to map result sets to "Table" using ordinal in the set - "Blog,Post,Comment,User" where each is a table in the result set. Maybe getting closer to other features, but related to table mapping nonetheless.

@xmedeko I think so many people have asked for this type of mapping, it simply no longer belongs in .Contrib, it's something we have to take on and maintain. It also means it can work by default, which is easier for the user. Without that, I think we get a lot of people that forget Options.TableNameMapper = .... and Options.ColumnNameMapper = ... and wonder why their attributes aren't working everywhere.

It also means core things like type mapping conversions could never be on those attributes (e.g. handling GUID <> byte[]) and such across providers. There so much extensibility we can do if core is aware of these. That's the rationale for splitting them into .Contrib, given they'd be completely optional to use?

@philn5d That's done via the generic args on the multi-map overloads, e.g. .Query<Blog, Post, Comment, User, Blog>(), so I'm not sure where string names would come into play, can you clarify a bit? Or do we just suck at making people aware the multi-map functionality exists? I want to do some Jekyll docs with v2, so please, let us have it on where the docs suck.

I think I misunderstood the 1/both/many part - suggested implementation so they work together is fine.
I would only be marginally concerned with bloat, but it seems like it'll be pretty minor either way.

I just updated the issue to clarify the confusing points, hopefully a bit better for getting on the same page.

@NickCraver I don't think using Options as static is a good thing.

Someone might need to connect to two different databases at the same time using two different mapping schemes, with static that would require using AppDomains.


  • A migration tool for old and new database schemes.
  • Storing customer data on one database and global application on another.
  • Converting a server database to SQLite to be sent to mobile users.

@Flash3001 - What's the alternative, passing the options as an overload to every single mapper? Note this affects the deserializer cache, etc. Not making them static (as all options are today) would be a huge burden to take on, for a very small subset of cases. As an example, none of the examples you're mentioning would be practically supported today, since type mappers and such are global/static today.

Unless there's a way I can't think of to share this without passing it around everywhere, forking the cache, etc. - I just can't see us supporting those use cases in Dapper, just as we don't really today.

I really like it. I've been using other libraries on top of Dapper that provide column mapping, and this is a much cleaner solution.

I love the decision to implement the attributes using the config, keeping everything flexible and extensible, and up to the user to choose how they want to use it.

As for your question about controlling other things from attributes... I personally like the idea of defining the keys via attributes. This lets me keep all my table-level configuration in one place.

@NickCraver I haven't seen the big picture. All alternatives I could think of after your explanation would do more harm than good.

@nickcraver that's on me - wasn't thinking clearly about that.

I really like the attributes, they are unsurprising and smooth and cover the 95% use case quite nicely. Not so much the Options class. Here are two reasons for it and some alternatives.

  1. As a matter of taste I don't like the fact that we have almost duplicate properties with unclear semantics e.g a TableNameMapper and a DefaultTableNameMapper. I understand what you are trying to achieve, but I don't think it's a clean solution because it sort-of forces the client to use methods in-order. A possible alternative that would get us most of the way there would be to have only one set and a MappingBehavior enum telling Dapper whether to chain the default behavior on null or empty response from the Funcs.
public static class Options
    public Func<Type, string> TableNameMapper { get; set; }
    public Func<Type, PropertyInfo, string> ColumnNameMapper { get; set; }
    public MappingBehavior Behavior { get; set; }
  1. While having a runtime version of the mapping options and a compile time version as well is a very good idea, I think we can take this a notch further. I'm thinking of use cases where some plug in or dll is loaded dynamically at run time, bringing in its own mappings. It would be difficult to support multiple Dapper Options being set with the current proposal. We could solve this by treating Options a bit like an event handler
Options.AddMapping(Func<Type, string> mapping);
Options.AddMapping(Func<Type, PropertyInfo, string> mapping);

Dapper would run all the user mappings last to first until one returns a non-empty, non-null string. It would eventually run the default mapper as a last option. If there are no plugins I think this would have a minimal perf impact, but of course it's O(N) on the number of plugins.

All in all, great job, and a good step forward @NickCraver & @mgravell

@NickCraver Sorry I misunderstood. I'm all for _both_ optional config and attribute.

@sklivvz an event handler model is interesting, but ultimately there's a fundamental race to attach rather than explicit control. For example: " it sort-of forces the client to use methods in-order" ...that's true with either approach 1 or 2. But with a setter, you get explicit control.

If the defaults are confusing, what if we put the default behaviors all in their own namespace? Like this:
namespace Dapper
public static class Options
public Func TableNameMapper { get; set; }
public Func ColumnNameMapper { get; set; }

    public static class Defaults
        public Func<Type, string> TableNameMapper { get; }
        public Func<Type, PropertyInfo, string> ColumnNameMapper { get; }


Note that Dapper has many more options - this proposes moving them all under the same scheme to be consistent. Users wouldn't need to type SqlMapper for almost all use cases, which is also more consistent with the extension nature of Dapper. The defaults don't have to be exposed at all, we could force people to get then set - but I think that's not very user friendly, so IMO they should be available.

Just want to throw this out there if you had not seen it before... https://github.com/henkmollema/Dapper-FluentMap I have used it before and it was pretty good for many of my needs.

@NickCraver @Flash3001 note you can go without static Options - you may create some kind of Context or Session and do session.Query(....). E.g. that's what Java Hibernate does. AFAIK it goes beyond the scope of this issue, and maybe is not welcome for simple ORM like Dapper is.

@Gonkers Yep, if that style suits you then by all means. In terms of performance it's hard to do that without allocations and analysis overhead at many points along the way, so an awesome task for a separate library to tackle.

@xmedeko That brings a big dependency injection dependency ;) I'd definitely say not something that's in the goals of Dapper, IMO.

I'm using Dapper exclusively (for the moment) on .NET Core projects, and at least for one of those projects, I haven't decided between PostgreSQL and MSSQL for production--the semantics may be slightly different for each one.

So, my preference would be a configuration object (which may or may not utilize attributes if available) that I can instantiate and inject. IMHO, the configuration object should be responsible for falling back to the default behavior. This would, for example, make it child's play to obtain the default value and then optionally decorate it -- adding a table prefix, lowercasing, etc. -- or to "disable" a field so it isn't read.

Some minor thoughts:

  • If the configuration responds with null/empty for a given property, Dapper should ignore the property.

  • The configuration object may need access to the POCO, not just its type, to determine the correct field name.

  • If Insert and Update are planned for the future (I'm using SimpleCRUD now, so I hope this is the case!), the interface for obtaining the table/field name should include a flag for the action at hand. For example, a dev may need to read from a view but insert/update against a table, or certain fields may be computed or otherwise managed in the background for reading but should not be part of an INSERT/UPDATE.

  • 10+ years ago, I had my own .NET ORM that used attributes for the field name and a few other odds and ends (default value for null, max length for string fields, etc.). Back then there was a performance hit for enumerating the attributes, enough so that I believe I ended up caching them. Is that still an issue? (If so, the default configuration implementation could cache them. Maybe JSON.NET would be a good library to check to see if they've had to work around any perf issues with attributes.)

@richardtallent thanks for chiming in, follow-ups with some more context:

If the configuration responds with null/empty for a given property, Dapper should ignore the property.

I'm not sure exactly how this will work in both directions, but yes - probably this behavior.

The configuration object may need access to the POCO, not just its type, to determine the correct field name.

This won't be possible, Dapper only figures out these bits once and caches the (de)serializer, via writing IL. So it's not per-object...we can't do that in a performant way. This functionality is what makes Dapper so fast.

If Insert and Update are planned for the future...

I think these will remain in .Contrib, and will be able to access fields, but differing view vs. table read/writes, etc. likely will never be a target use case. If it's something that works then great, but I think it'd be hard to justify complication for them.

Back then there was a performance hit for enumerating the attributes

See point 2 above - this isn't a tremendous concern since we cache the deserializer (and we'd cache this mapping, mental note: clearing it on a Func<> set). We want it to be fast, but there is an overall limited impact given the nature of Dapper here. @mgravell also maintains protobuf-net, which we can steal a few tricks from here.

@NickCraver - no you didn't botch anything. I'm just giving my opinion :) my concern is ok so you're adding support for configuring mismatch between classes and database naming. But you're adding support for 2 groups of people. Those for attributes, and those against attributes. So what happens in the future when another group of people want another feature. I'm worried that over time all these 'little' things will just begin to bloat and slow Dapper.

I just hope I can still have a toggle for supporting underscores, since I use PostgreSQL, it's nice to be able to just toggle that on and be done with it.

@NickCraver just about non-static Options (Context, Session). It does not mean big dependency injection dependency for everyone, just for those, who need to use more contexts. For the most of the users there may be a static default instance, so they may use Default.Options and they may keep using connection.Query() since the Query would use the Default context. Anyway, IMO it a little bit off-topic. I think @Flash3001 should create a new issue, if he needs this feature.

@NickCraver I would love this set up. It captures the possibility to map everything using your own conventions in one function. Just the way my PR https://github.com/StackExchange/Dapper/pull/653 was about.

This could also return a null as an alternative for the [Ignore] attribute. Is that a possibility also?

Agree with the approach - flexible to allow anyone to implement their own conventions.

@phillip-haydon : you talked about toggling a postgres convention. I think a standard set of conventions should be made available as part of the official project... however not in the core Dapper library.

for example: a Dapper.PostgresConventions library that allows easy application of this convention. Similarly, a Dapper.AttributeMapping library .. etc etc.

A bit late to the discussion, but I thought I'd chime in anyway since we extensively use both Dapper and Dapper.Contrib

Majority of our Dapper projects connects to a PostgreSQL database so the column sensitivity when using Dapper.Contrib was an issue. For this purpose, we forked Dapper.Contrib and disabled quoting by default.

The upcoming changes are exciting and feels like a great step forward.

I'm +1 on the configuration/convention and attributes change and bringing [Table] and [Column] to Core Dapper.

One prime example here is [Column(PrimaryKey = true)] (of which there could be many), and possibly some others along those lines.

@NickCraver: Could you please elaborate where something like this would be useful in Dapper Core? I can see its use more in Contrib for Get, Update but a little hazy on where Dapper Core can make use of it.

for example: a Dapper.PostgresConventions library that allows easy application of this convention

I really like how the approach would _allow_ for things like this. :+1:

Additionally, I think that we have to spend some extra time with documentation. I remember recently having to probe the code base and look around on StackOverflow (tsk tsk) for quite a while before I could understand how to express the JsonB type in C# for me to use it via Dapper.

I'm all up for a documentation overhaul and would be more than happy to contribute to it. Have in the past as well.

Thanks for the efforts @NickCraver and @mgravell :tada:

I saw some early commits where we defined the Table & Column attributes within Dapper. Any reason we shouldn't reuse the TableAttribute & ColumnAttributes types from System.Componentmodel.DataAnnotations?

I believe they don't want to take the dependency.

It would be nice to be able to use either. I believe they use a trick for [key], where they only look by name rather than type so you can use the KeyAttribute from DataAnnotations or Dapper.

My 0,02€: I think supporting both our own attributes and DataAnnotations would make sense. However, it might mean that Dapper2 has more dependencies if it doesn't already depend on System.Componentmodel from beforehand, which might be undesirable if we want to keep the dependency footprint down.

Just discovered the issue where GetAsync isn't escaping the identity column name for Postgres. And yes also discovered the lack of the ColumnAttribute to specify a different column name. So I changed the column names to fit but to resolve GetAsync is the solution to download and build a custom version that includes that functionality and wait for it to be included in version 2?

Please could you add tableName as an optional parameter to the Dapper.Contrib methods please as per https://github.com/StackExchange/Dapper/issues/797.

This would allow the reuse of a single model for multiple tables. At the moment it is necessary to create a model just to add the [Table] attribute for models that have identical structure,


Connection.GetAll<Person>("Employees");  // Gets list of Persons (People) from the Employees table.
Connection.Get<Person>(id, "Employees");  // Gets one specific Person from the Employees table based on id
Connection.Insert(person, "Employees")  // Inserts a person into the Employees table

Hi, I'm very new to Dapper & Contrib - only been looking at it the last couple of days.

  1. Any eta on when v2 might be out?

  2. For [Table()] attribute I noticed I can't put it on the Interface - I was trying to do the dirty tracking on contrib, but the name of the interface (IUser) is completely different from the table name in the database (existing db)

  3. Other attributes that might be of use / interest
    a) [MaxLength(x)] - for strings / parameters
    b) [Required] - fails if value is null

  4. Contib - I've noticed it uses the [key] field when getting, might be nice to specify a field - e.g. Invoice details might contain DetailID (identity), InvoiceID (FK), I want to get all where invoiceID = x -- Yes I know I can use the .Query with a sql to get this, but a GetAllByField("fieldname", value) might be useful in contrib (sorry if off topic on this one).


From @colinbreame commented on Feb 11 in #698

A table is created in Postgres like this:

    "MetricId"      SERIAL,
    "Name"          VARCHAR(255),
    "CategoryId"    INT,
    "Type"          VARCHAR(255),
    "Text"          TEXT,

    PRIMARY KEY (MetricId)

When inserting the following SQL is created:

insert into Metric ("Name", "CategoryId", "Type", "Text") values ($1, $2, $3, $4) RETURNING MetricId

However in Postgres the columns names that are not escaped are lower cased. So the column name MetricId does not equal "MetricId". As my property name is "MetricId" this is causing an issue, as it is referred to inconsistently.

The suggestion solutions (as applied to PostgresAdapter) would be to escape the primary key column name.

I very much would like a column attribute, we already have a table and key attribute, I don't know why a column one was never made. If you don't want it in the core library, I don't see why it couldn't be with the contribute library.

This might be a new issue for now or part of v2...

How to ignore the specific columns when I use generic methods (Get, Insert<>, Update<>, Delete<>).

[Write(true/false)]- this property is (not) writeable
[Computed] - this property is computed and should not be part of updates

I've tried both attributes. Not working as I want. Write attribute is always ignored. Computed also it is.
In this case:

I want to use generic methods for insert, update, delete or select. But in same case I don't want to be part of update, insert, delete or select queries of the specific columns.

For example:
This is my database table.

public class Stuff
    public long Id { get; set; }

    public string Name { get; set; }

    public string Ignored { get; set; } // there is no this column in table. ok.

    public int InsertedBy { get; set; } // this column can use only on insert and select
    public DateTime InsertedOn { get; set; } // this column can use only on insert and select

    public int? UpdatedBy { get; set; } // this column can use only on update and select
    public DateTime? UpdatedOn { get; set; } // this column can use only on update and select

    // I don't want to hard delete the data so:
    public int? DeletedBy { get; set; } // this column can use only on delete and select
    public DateTime? DeletedOn { get; set; } // this column can use only on delete and select
    public bool? IsDeleted { get; set; } // this column can use only on delete and select


var id = connection.Insert(new Stuff
    Name = "Insert",
    Ignored = "Ignored",
    UpdatedBy = 1,
    UpdatedOn = DateTime.Now,
    InsertedBy = 1,
    InsertedOn = DateTime.Now


insert into Stuff ([Name], [InsertedBy], [InsertedOn], [UpdatedBy], [UpdatedOn], [DeletedBy], [DeletedOn], [IsDeleted]) values (...);select SCOPE_IDENTITY() id


insert into Stuff ([Name], [InsertedBy], [InsertedOn]) values (...);select SCOPE_IDENTITY() id


connection.Update(new Stuff
    Id = id,
    Name = "Update",
    Ignored = "Ignored",
    UpdatedBy = 1,
    UpdatedOn = DateTime.Now,
    InsertedBy = 1,
    InsertedOn = DateTime.Now


update Stuff set [Name] = @Name, [InsertedBy] = @InsertedBy, [InsertedOn] = @InsertedOn, [UpdatedBy] = @UpdatedBy, [UpdatedOn] = @UpdatedOn, [DeletedBy] = @DeletedBy, [DeletedOn] = @DeletedOn, [IsDeleted] = @IsDeleted where [Id] = @Id


update Stuff set [Name] = @Name, [UpdatedBy] = @UpdatedBy, [UpdatedOn] = @UpdatedOn where [Id] = @Id

I don't want to write custom query for every entity like this. How to do with generic methods that.

I thought add a new attribute to ignore in generic method for columns like[IgnoreInsert], [IgnoreUpdate], [IgnoreDelete], [IgnoreSelect].

What could be the best way?

I'm not sure I get the issue here. If you only eant to update certain columns either write the SQL for each INSERT/UPSATE etc or use the Dapper.Contrib extension methods and mark properties as [Computed]. Am i missing something?

@Caltor I put the [Computed] to UpdatedBy and @UpdatedOn columns.

public class Stuff
    public long Id { get; set; }

    public string Name { get; set; }

    public string Ignored { get; set; } // there is no this column in table. ok.

    public int InsertedBy { get; set; } // this column can use only on insert and select
    public DateTime InsertedOn { get; set; } // this column can use only on insert and select

    public int? UpdatedBy { get; set; } // this column can use only on update and select
    public DateTime? UpdatedOn { get; set; } // this column can use only on update and select

    // I don't want to hard delete the data so:
    public int? DeletedBy { get; set; } // this column can use only on delete and select
    public DateTime? DeletedOn { get; set; } // this column can use only on delete and select
    public bool? IsDeleted { get; set; } // this column can use only on delete and select


var id = connection.Insert(new Stuff
    Name = "Insert",
    Ignored = "Ignored",
    InsertedBy = 1,
    InsertedOn = DateTime.Now

In this query @UpdatedBy, @UpdatedOn columns are not in query. It's OK.

insert into Stuff (
[DeletedBy], // this column is nullable, ok
[DeletedOn], // this column is nullable, ok
[IsDeleted] // this column is nullable, ok
values (@Name, @InsertedBy, @InsertedOn, @DeletedBy, @DeletedOn, @IsDeleted);
select SCOPE_IDENTITY() id

connection.Update(new Stuff
    Id = id,
    Name = "Update",
    Ignored = "Ignored",
    UpdatedBy = 1,
    UpdatedOn = DateTime.Now,

In this query @InsertedBy, @InsertedOn (also @DeletedBy, @DeletedOn, @IsDeleted) columns could not be in here. Cause @InsertedBy and @InsertedOn only can use on insert. Also @UpdatedBy and @UpdatedOn columns should be in here.

update Stuff set
[Name] = @Name,
[InsertedBy] = @InsertedBy,
[InsertedOn] = @InsertedOn,
[DeletedBy] = @DeletedBy,
[DeletedOn] = @DeletedOn,
[IsDeleted] = @IsDeleted
where [Id] = @Id

As a result, I am getting an error because @InsertedBy and @InsertedOn is null (in database is not null).

Message "SqlDateTime overflow. Must be between 1/1/1753 12:00:00 AM and 12/31/9999 11:59:59 PM." string

I think I get you now. You don't want to update the inserted and deleted columns on Update. Forget the computed attribute cos that says you never want to write that property to the database. Either handcraft your SQL update query to ignore those columns or pull the current values from the database/model first and overwrite them with the same value. HTH

@Caltor thanks. But that is not solve my problem. I've already thought that but I dont want to use this way.
I want to update directly for specific columns.

So I do have to contribute to this discussion here. I think there are essentially 2 camps:

  • People who have had the luxury of building their MSSQL or Oracle databases correctly from scratch who are just responding "Build your DB the dapper way"
  • Users of Postgres (me), or people that have finally convinced management to move to Dapper, that are getting screwed by the lack of configurability.

To be honest it's beyond frustrating that Contrib ignores DefaultTypeMap.MatchNamesWithUnderscores
for these simple CRUD operations and that we've removed the ability to specify a Custom type mapper!.

When building a PostGres DB we have to choose between hideously adding extra parentheses to all our handmade queries for case sensitivity or building our own flavor of the repo pattern with potentially expensive custom mappers to save hundreds of lines of code. Or, we could just do [Column("")] if this feature was supported.

I think it's okay to lock this mapping capability into .contrib so that if you're obsessed with pounding out boilerplate CRUD code you can use the vanilla dapper package. The advantage of using the existing DataAnnotations.Schema column and table attributes in .NetCore are potentially huge. It means Dapper becomes a lot more Snap-In with already built EF entities, and the use of a config file honestly sounds like a nightmare compared to being able to manage each entity individually.

If contrib includes its own attributes for people who don't want to rely on DataAnnotations (a great idea!) I assume they'd be in separate namespace ( Dapper.Contrib.Attributes)?

Wondering if there is an elegant workaround for above limitation, specifically I'm using Dapper with PostgreSQL & npgsql driver?

The tables and fields are lower case in PostgreSQL with _ so I've used SetTypeMap to tell Dapper how to map results from PostgreSQL to C# objects which are Title cased. Mapping results works fine.

For example:
public class ProductCategory
public long Id { get; set; }
public string Category { get; set;

The issue arises though when I wish to use Dapper.Contrib (Repository pattern) <T> to insert/update a list of ProductCategory objects into PostgreSQL... the exception I get is: Message: Npgsql.PostgresException : 42703: column "Category" of relation "product_category" does not exist

So it appears for mapping results from PostgreSQL to C# Dapper is fine, but when I wish to insert data into PostgreSQL Dapper is still using the Property name of the class instead of the mapping, in this case Category as opposed to [Column("category")].  

For the mapping from PostgreSQL I use:
SqlMapper.SetTypeMap(typeof(ProductCategory), new CustomPropertyTypeMap(typeof(ProductCategory), (type, columnName) => type.GetProperties()
.FirstOrDefault(prop => prop.GetCustomAttributes(false).OfType<ColumnAttribute>()
.Any(attr => attr.Name.Equals(columnName, StringComparison.OrdinalIgnoreCase)))));


Please, make GetTableName method public, so it would be possible to get a name of a table as the sum of all the applied table-name-mappers and there will be no need to use reflection like this: https://stackoverflow.com/questions/43032797/get-table-name-from-tableattribute-dapper-contrib/49347600#49347600

I create SQL-queries this way in order to ensure their consistency when auto-renaming entity classes or their properties:

            string sql = $@"
                SELECT *
                FROM {_TableName_<PostTag>()} AS pt
                JOIN {_TableName_<PostTagIndex>()} AS pti
                ON pt.[{nameof(PostTag.Id)}] = pti.[{nameof(PostTagIndex.PostTagId)}]
                WHERE (pt.[{nameof(PostTag.Level)}] = @{nameof(tagLevel)} AND pt.[{nameof(PostTag.Alias)}] IN @{nameof(tagAliases)}) ";

That's why I have to use the GetTableName method, which is private now.
The same wishes for the future GetColumnName method - let it be public too.

@DevelAx I agree infact I already had patched both to allow tablename and column name in: https://github.com/mitchcapper/dapper-dot-net/compare/master...mitchcapper:additional_accessibility_helpers?w=1

allowing for getting the table name or with the larger helper even something like: $"{db.GetSelectSql<Comment>()} WHERE ..."

I would very much benefit from this feature. What is the timeframe for the v2 release? It's been almost a year and a half since the Dapper v2 planning and discussion #688 thread. I'll probably end up just compiling and using the changes in my pull request until v2 is released. For my personal use they won't pose a sudden behavior change in the way I'm using the ColumnAttributes with my properties. Thanks.

I feel the default mappings need to ensure that the database provider tokens for wrapping table names and column names is adhered to - this does mean that there needs to be a default per provider. Mainly for tables that have reserved-word names.

Dapper.Contrib pluralisation is just adding an 's' to the type name, from memory. This needs to be more accurate for the OCD out there.

And just spitballing, but instead of exposing a single Func mapper, you could have a class that handles the addition of multiple maps:

interface ITableMappings
    ITableMappings AttachMap<T>(Func<T, string> map);

The (default) implementation would store a collection (dictionary?) indexed on Type, and when a key is not found, the default mapper is used. The default mapper could also be set, to handle specific, yet more generic, convention.

I'm not sure this much control is really needed, but for very little overhead it can cater to many different scenarios.

I wonder if, as @Caltor suggested as above, an optional parameter in the Connection extensions could be an ITableMappings instead of a string for a table name This would allow the use of an override to handle cases where you need different contexts for different database types. Users could implement their own contexts/repositories and inject the appropriate ITableMappings implementation.

I've addressed much of this through Components Attributes in my Dapper.Database project.

I like the idea of freedom of choice. Let the developer decide if they want to use Attributes or API or nothing at all. I think this can be done without too much bloat. I prefer attributes myself.

In favor of default conventions (provider specific) that are overridable via Attributes or API. Would like to see rules be application scoped with ability to override for specific entities that have different mapping rules.

Are there any plans on when it will be shipped?
As for now, I have to live in double quote hell with postgres. In mature projects you have to query your data for analytics or bug solving by hands without ORMs and it is _very_ annoying that I have to double quote _every_ column.

I need to check all my POCO field are mapped (filled from DB). Have no easy way to check that. I'd very like to have [Required] attribute or [Column(Required=true)] or something.

Apologies if this is already being addressed somewhere in this thread that I missed, but I'd really like to see a [DapperIgnore] property attribute to easily exclude a class property from all Dapper operations.

@amosvanhorn I use [Computed] or [Write("False")] for that. Does that not work for your scenario?

@Caltor actually those would work well - I was unaware of those two attributes - thanks!

@amosvanhorn Glad I could help. Every day is a school day! I'm not sure why they both exist though as I think they are functionally the same. I tend to use [Computed] just because it is marginally easier to type.

Any progress on the original question here?

What's the status of this issue? In case it's of use to anybody, I've implemented something similar in a reboot of Massive that I've been working on and using for a couple of years.

@MikeBeaton What are the advantages of Mighty over Dapper?

  • Table and column name mapping
  • Even easier parameter support: optional inParams, outParams, ioParams and returnParams parameter objects available, to pass any required param names and values inline right there as you execute the command, rather than needing to construct a DynamicParameters bag before the command
  • As in Massive, no need to use any of System.Data.Common at all: it's all nicely wrapped. (But with new full support for optionally passing a DbConnection if you need to share the same one between commands.)
  • Some good cursor related stuff for Oracle and PostgreSQL

Some people like to keep their models clean without attributes so it would be great if whatever this does if it would also support a fluent mapping style API. Even if it wasn't supported natively if it just made sure that there was extensible points so that Dapper.FluentMap could leverage them. Would be wonderful if the custom table name was supported and also with Dapper.Contrib.

Is this new version with some of these great new features/changes happening at all, I ask as the first post was 2017 so I am guessing perhaps not?

Is this new version with some of these great new features/changes happening at all, I ask as the first post was 2017 so I am guessing perhaps not?

It seems to me there is no plan or time table for these features to be implemented because dapper works well for StackOverflow and (i think) they don't want to make breaking changes or any performance hit caused by changes or maybe even bother themselves changing their codes.
if you look at todos you will see nothing is in progress and also nothing's done yet!. even some PRs for these features are accumulated so even your proposes changes has no chance to be accepted by near future.
the ultimate goal for dapper as i understood is being lightweight and fast and is not going to be feature rich.
So I suggest, depending on you priority and your design, you should keep this in mind that there won't be these features in near future or you can try new things like ef core.

@yekanchi This issue, and inability to get pass the shortcomings related to naming without modifying Dapper Contrib source code, inspired me to write a replacement for Dapper Contrib SQL generation part. One still have to use Dapper to run queries and pass parameters - library only generates and caches SQL - Dapper.SqlGenerator.Async allows running CRUD operations directly on a database but Dapper.SqlGenerator only generates SQL string - which is a good thing as i.e. multiple result sets are not possible with Dapper.Contrib while having a generated SQL allows to make it just one of many queries. Also, it does only one thing, does no alternative IL set property code generation separately from Dapper itself, allows custom queries with generated column lists/table names, named sets of columns can be used "list-columns", "detail-columns" etc.


There are similar solutions but I needed multiple database support using a same codebase - Dapper.SqlGenerator allows it as well as a different schema for different connection strings although only supports SQL Server and PostgreSQL for now - other Dapper Contrib adapters can be relatively easily implemented if one has quick access to these databases and is willing to test it.

Dapper.SqlGenerator uses EF Core compatible schema definition, so one can scaffold schema from an existing db using EF Core tools and should handle generated schema without changes, it just ignores definitions not related to SqlGenerator i.e. indexes, using dummy extension methods.

Apologies for self-advertisement but hope someone will find this library useful and if you do please report any suggestions.

If you are looking for Attributes to control the generated queries check my project

Generated SQL will fetch back identity and generated columns into the POCO. Also includes attributes to mark columns as readonly/update/insert only.

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