I updated from [email protected]
to [email protected]
and when I attempted to restart my Docker container using the new version it exited with code 0.
Recreating core-ui_web_1 ... done
Attaching to core-ui_web_1
web_1 |
web_1 | > [email protected] start /app
web_1 | > react-app-rewired start
web_1 |
web_1 | ℹ 「wds」: Project is running at
web_1 | ℹ 「wds」: webpack output is served from
web_1 | ℹ 「wds」: Content not from webpack is served from /app/public
web_1 | ℹ 「wds」: 404s will fallback to /
web_1 | Starting the development server...
web_1 |
core-ui_web_1 exited with code 0
This is all the logs had, but running docker-compose ps
showed an exit code of 0. I tried running with/without react-app-rewired
to rule that out as an issue, but the only thing that solved the issue was downgrading to ~3.3.0
One weirdness I see that is different from 3.3.0 and 3.4.1 is the webpack output is served from
line is blank in 3.4.1 but says /
in 3.3.0.
I ran a fresh Docker rebuild with no cache using node:erbium
as the base image to ensure there was no corruption. No luck.
Docker, exit code 0.
Ran in my docker container to ensure the output is accurate.
➜ dc run web npx create-react-app --info
npx: installed 99 in 7.075s
Environment Info:
current version of create-react-app: 3.4.1
running from /root/.npm/_npx/6/lib/node_modules/create-react-app
OS: Linux 4.9 Debian GNU/Linux 9 (stretch) 9 (stretch)
CPU: (4) x64 Intel(R) Core(TM) i7-4870HQ CPU @ 2.50GHz
Node: 12.13.1 - /usr/local/bin/node
Yarn: 1.19.1 - /usr/local/bin/yarn
npm: 6.12.1 - /usr/local/bin/npm
Chrome: Not Found
Firefox: Not Found
react: ^16.12.0 => 16.12.0
react-dom: ^16.12.0 => 16.12.0
react-scripts: ^3.4.1 => 3.4.1
create-react-app: Not Found
I expected the server to start.
The server exited with status code 0 and no output after Starting the development server...
All CRA settings are left as their default. No CLI flags or env vars other than NODE_ENV=development
Here's my Dockerfile:
# create base image with all packages, proper entrypoint, and directories created
FROM node:erbium AS base
# install any packages we need from apt here
RUN apt-get update \
&& apt-get install dumb-init
# set entrypoint to `dumb-init` as it handles being pid 1 and forwarding signals
# so that you dont need to bake that logic into your node app
ENTRYPOINT ["dumb-init", "--"]
# all of our code will live in `/app`
# using the base image, create an image containing all of our files
# and dependencies installed, devDeps and test directory included
FROM base AS dependencies
COPY package*.json ./
RUN npm set progress=false \
&& npm config set depth 0 \
&& npm i
COPY ./config-overrides.js ./
COPY ./public ./public
COPY ./src ./src
# if you have any build scripts to run, like for the `templated-site` flavor
# uncomment and possibly modify the following RUN command:
# RUN npm run build
# keeping all of the bash commands you can within a single RUN is generally important,
# but for this case it's likely that we want to use the cache from the prune which will
# change infrequently.
# test running image using all of the files and devDeps
FROM dependencies AS test
USER node
# use `sh -c` so we can chain test commands using `&&`
CMD ["npm", "test"]
FROM dependencies AS development
# expose port 3000 from in the container to the outside world
# this is the default port defined in server/manifest.js, and
# will need to be updated if you change the default port
CMD ["npm", "start"]
# release ready image, devDeps are pruned and tests removed for size control
FROM development AS release
RUN npm prune --production \
rm -rf lib/**/*.spec.js
After digging into the source code, I believe the issue is that https://github.com/facebook/create-react-app/blob/7e6d6cd05f3054723c8b015c813e13761659759e/packages/react-scripts/config/webpackDevServer.config.js#L90 combined with https://github.com/facebook/create-react-app/blob/4784997f0682e75eb32a897b4ffe34d735912e6c/packages/react-dev-utils/getPublicUrlOrPath.js#L40 is causing the publicPath
passed to webpack to be undefined.
Update: using customize-cra i forced the publicPath to be set to /
which fixed nothing being shown in the output, but i still get exit code 0.
Ah, https://github.com/facebook/create-react-app/commit/7e6d6cd05f3054723c8b015c813e13761659759e is the cause. When I set CI=true
in my docker setup the container starts without issue. I believe that this should not cause the process to exit because it likely breaks running CRA in docker for many people in v3.4.0+.
For anyone else that stumbles on this, instead of using docker-compose up
to start your CRA service with ^3.4.0
, use docker-compose run
which will attach your TTY to the container and prevent the breakage.
It is impossible to run in the background now without the CI
flag enabled.
Same here with docker run
Downgrading react-scripts to 3.3.0
was not a valid solution because of this other issue https://github.com/facebook/create-react-app/issues/8499
Downgrading react-scripts to 3.4.0
Adding stdin_open: true
to the docker-compose file solved the issue for me
Adding stdin_open: true
or tty: true
to the docker-compose file works.
stdin_open stands for interactive and tty means terminal. If you do a quick google search you find this:
7e6d6cd clearly indicates a check for interactivity.
docker run by default allocates tty. So that's why that works.
Docker's documentation says: "For interactive processes (like a shell), you must use -i -t together in order to allocate a tty for the container process."
The dev environment can be started, but the production environment is blank on browser
I am a user of CircleCI, I use a cypress orb to run my e2e tests
CI=true yarn start
is not enough, the server is closed
CircleCI received exit code 0
Rollbacking to 3.4.0 make it works (I was using the 3.3.1 version before and it worked)
In my case I do not have much control over the docker being runned
This is (I think) the cause: https://github.com/facebook/create-react-app/pull/7203
Judging by this and that docker containers by default are not interactive, that is why this is currently broken and setting tty: true
fixes that.
I see lot of workarounds here. It's very unfortunate that step up from 3.4.0 to 3.4.1 (very minor improvement... yeap) causes that many of developers looses hours for additional reasearch to find out what stopped working - exit code 0...
Sure, adding the stdin_open: true
helped but is it somewhere in documentation or some notification in logs?
stdin_open: true
to the docker-compose file solved the issue for me
It's working for me thanks!!
upgrading to 3.4.1 with the change made from #7203 is also causing my circle ci puppeteer pipelines to break by closing the process. will start looking for workarounds.
Issue also affects kubernetes deployments based off of using the npm start command inside a docker image. an exit 0 is returned causing the pod to enter crashloopback.
adding the CI=true to the .env file fixes the issue. downgrading to 3.4.0 also resolves this behavior.
Adding stdin_open: true
worked for me.
@rozacek this actually is in the release notes here: https://github.com/facebook/create-react-app/releases
7203 Closes webpack dev server and exits process on "end" stdin (@kelseyleftwich)
I agree that 3.4.1 has caused quite a bit of chaos for a minor version bump. It also updates to babel 7.9 which is significant as it adds new syntax to typescript for re-exports.
Adding stdin_open: true worked for me too.
I can't use stdin_open: true
as i'm not using docker-compose,
I'm trying to run cypress tests in Circle CI and CI=true makes no difference either.
I think I might be echoing some of the other users. If this is just for a single Docker container, that's run with Dockerfile, is there a way to set this option? Is the preferred way to migrate to docker-compose?
stdin_open: true
worked for me.@rozacek this actually is in the release notes here: https://github.com/facebook/create-react-app/releases
7203 Closes webpack dev server and exits process on "end" stdin (@kelseyleftwich)
I agree that 3.4.1 has caused quite a bit of chaos for a minor version bump. It also updates to babel 7.9 which is significant as it adds new syntax to typescript for re-exports.
I added it and then the hot reload stopped working, did you have that issue too?
As others have mentioned I can't get Cypress to start the dev server in CircleCI (which runs in a docker container without tty) with 3.4.1. The output of the test is a little different than the OP, In fact, it returns exit code 1; but I think it's the same issue. While we add CI=true
in our script below, CircleCI already sets it by default:
> CI=true BROWSER=none PORT=60009 react-scripts start
ℹ 「wds」: Project is running at
ℹ 「wds」: webpack output is served from
ℹ 「wds」: Content not from webpack is served from /root/repo/public
ℹ 「wds」: 404s will fallback to /
Setting NODE_PATH to resolve modules absolutely has been deprecated in favor of setting baseUrl in jsconfig.json (or tsconfig.json if you are using TypeScript) and will be removed in a future major release of create-react-app.
Starting the development server...
Error: server closed unexpectedly
at ChildProcess.onClose (/root/repo/node_modules/start-server-and-test/src/index.js:65:14)
at ChildProcess.emit (events.js:311:20)
at maybeClose (internal/child_process.js:1021:16)
at Process.ChildProcess._handle.onexit (internal/child_process.js:286:5)
error Command failed with exit code 1.
If I ssh into the machine in CircleCI and then start the Cypress tests they run without issue. In this case there _is_ a tty because I'm connected via SSH.
Downgrading react-scripts
to 3.4.0 works but that has security vulnerabilities in its dependencies (acorn
, minimist
This is a case where i very much wish i could do a sub-thread, but @varjmes and @oconnelc you can typically run a docker container with the option -it
specified to achieve the desired results (see the documentation for docker run for more).
So for example if I've built a docker image tagged tic-tac-toe:latest
$ docker build -t tic-tac-toe:latest .
then I can run it with
$ docker run -p 3000:3000 -it --rm tic-tac-toe:latest
Note your use case may not enable that, I just came across this thread as I was working through the React tutorial and could not for the life of me containerize it. Also, just as a disclaimer, this does not actually solve the root problem.
I can't use
stdin_open: true
as i'm not using docker-compose,I'm trying to run cypress tests in Circle CI and CI=true makes no difference either.
@linkerx I haven't found any way to configure CircleCI to run Docker with a tty. Do you have any insights?
I would think that most CI and production environment do not have a tty. It seems like this is a workaround. There's no reason that CRA _should_ require a tty.
Looking at 7e6d6cd as suggested above, it should be working for us; we configure CI=true
just before we start the server, but we still have the problem (in CircleCI; I can't reproduce it locally):
"scripts": {
"start:ci": "CI=true BROWSER=none PORT=60009 react-scripts start",
Given all of these issues above, doesn't it seem that the isInteractive
check in 7e6d6cd is incorrectly identifying a non-interactive docker container as being interactive? I think the problem is that line 52 checks if _stdout
_ is a TTY which is not the same as _stdin
52 const isInteractive = process.stdout.isTTY;
168 if (isInteractive || process.env.CI !== 'true') {
It's very possible that stdout
is a TTY but that there is no stdin
Shouldn't this rather be:
168 if (process.stdin.isTTY || process.env.CI !== 'true') {
I created a branch with that change but I could use some help in how to test this. Given that CRA is a monorepo, I don't know that I can specify a subfolder of a git repository in package.json
I was able to patch react-scripts
in the codebase before running tests in CircleCI and that change didn't resolve it. In fact, when CircleCI runs I found the following:
is true
process.env.CI !== 'true'
is false
is true
However, if I hack react-scripts
to remove the whole patch, then it completes the process without prematurely terminating the dev server. If anyone else wants to test this, I ran this in our CI suite just before running Cypress:
sed -i '/process.env.CI/,+7 d' node_modules/react-scripts/scripts/start.js
The more I think about this code change the more confused I become. The original goal of #7203 was to close the development server when stdin closed because otherwise it was left hanging open. But it seems that now it's closing prematurely in cases where it's used in docker.
According to the comment thread this hook crashed CI (which was fixed by checking if stdout
was a TTY) and was still not working in Phoenix development watcher (which was fixed by checking that the CI
variable is not set).
@ianschmitz Can you confirm that I understand your thinking there? Would your CI and other use cases work if we dropped the isInteractive
part of the check? I've verified that removing that makes this work in CircleCI for us.
For anyone else, here's my hack to the code in CI to verify that change.
sed -i '/process.env.CI/ s/isInteractive [|]*//' node_modules/react-scripts/scripts/start.js
I've updated my branch to reflect that. Again, I'm still not sure how to integrate that into a project from a test perspective due to the monorepo nature.
Just to confirm my tests
facing the same issue with setting up a mono repo with lerna
@codationio/acc-front: $ react-scripts start
@codationio/acc-front: ℹ 「wds」: Project is running at
@codationio/acc-front: ℹ 「wds」: webpack output is served from
@codationio/acc-front: ℹ 「wds」: Content not from webpack is served from /home/rishabh/projects/monorepo/packages/acc-front/public
@codationio/acc-front: ℹ 「wds」: 404s will fallback to /
@codationio/acc-front: Starting the development server...
@codationio/acc-front: Done in 1.36s.
I was able to work around it by using CI=true
for now, Any fix coming up in future?
Download speed of the JS chunks are extremely slow on a development docker environment, anyone having the same issue?
stdin_open: true
to the docker-compose file solved the issue for me
stdin_open: true
to the docker-compose file solved the issue for me
Thank you, you saved my day but please can you explain to me what stdin_open: true means , and what is the issur with this version of react-scripts ??
hey everyone, this issue is still happening running a react-script server on a circle ci VM:
I added the following before my cypress e2e command:
- run: sed -i '/process.env.CI/,+7 d' node_modules/react-scripts/scripts/start.js
ending up effectively with
- run: sed -i '/process.env.CI/,+7 d' node_modules/react-scripts/scripts/start.js
- run: yarn e2e
if cypress doesn't run, point it to localhost:3000 in the package.json
"baseUrl": "http://localhost:3000"
and to run it
"e2e:run": "cypress run --browser chrome",
"e2e": "start-server-and-test start http://localhost:3000 e2e:run",
stdin_open: true
to the docker-compose file solved the issue for me
Where does this go?
in part where you running your cra image, for example:
version: "3.8"
stdin_open: true
context: ./app/frontend
I currently have this docker-compose.yml
version: "3.8"
build: ./client
- /app/node_modules
- ./client/src:/app/src
- 3000:3000
stdin_open: true
tty: true
build: ./backend
env_file: ./.env/backend
- 5000:5000
- 5001:5001
And the error is still present.
I'm only spinning up client
I belive tty
option is not required in order to make it work, anyway are you sure your container is not starting beacuse of this?
I belive
option is not required in order to make it work, anyway are you sure your container is not starting beacuse of this?
As stated before, either stdin_open: true
or tty: true
are required in order to make [email protected]
working under docker using docker-compose. And I confirm that this, indeed, fixed the issue for me too.
stdin_open: true
ortty: true
to the docker-compose file works.stdin_open stands for interactive and tty means terminal. If you do a quick google search you find this:
7e6d6cd clearly indicates a check for interactivity.
docker run by default allocates tty. So that's why that works.
https://docs.docker.com/compose/reference/run/Docker's documentation says: "For interactive processes (like a shell), you must use -i -t together in order to allocate a tty for the container process."
Yes, and that's what I meant, since @nettelandways had stdin_open: true
option then tty: true
isn't required.
This has stumped me for hours. Docker is huge - please document this somewhere. - a section here would be lovely - https://create-react-app.dev/docs/getting-started
I am still getting the same issue as highlighted by "nettelandways" 5 days ago.
same works fine if i use docker run -it -p....... command. Server comes up.
Please suggest what to change.
Configuring docker or docker-compose to run interactively is not a solution, it's a workaround and not how I understand docker containers are intended to be run. Introducing this to your Dockerfile or docker-compose.yml will introduce unnecessary changes and may have unforeseen consequences. The issue is in react-scripts and your best bet is to stay on 3.4.0 until 3.4.2 is released where this will hopefully be fixed. A minor tweak, which was accepted in #8845, should resolve this.
For me, deleting all images and containers (used and <none>
) and removing node_modules (all of this about 3 times) made it work
Hello you should add those lines and it will work fine stdin_open: true tty: true
Based on this merged code, It turns out that we have these 3 options:
Just remember that if you choose to downgrade your react-script version, you should verify if there's any dependency conflict because of that and you will lose any bugfix on that minor version bump
@pekosoG This should be resolved in master
by #8845 without any of those workarounds. Are you able to verify that? That's been merged but not released yet and I don't know how to select one package from a monorepo like this directly from GitHub.
@pekosoG I cherry-picked #8845 and the process still exited with a 0.
I had the same issue
client_1 | ℹ 「wds」: Project is running at
client_1 | ℹ 「wds」: webpack output is served from
client_1 | ℹ 「wds」: Content not from webpack is served from /usr/app/front/public
client_1 | ℹ 「wds」: 404s will fallback to /
client_1 | Starting the development server...
And adding to docker-compose.yml for frontend stdin_open: true helped me to solve it. Thanks!
I am using a fork of react-scripts so cannot downgrade. I cherry picked #8845 and the process still exited with a 0. Also removed that entire section that was added in 3.4.1 and still exiting with a 0.
if (isInteractive || process.env.CI !== 'true') {
// Gracefully exit when stdin ends
process.stdin.on('end', function() {
Most helpful comment
stdin_open: true
to the docker-compose file solved the issue for me