Create-react-app: asset-manifest.json generated by CRA2 is not useful

Created on 21 Oct 2018  Â·  16Comments  Â·  Source: facebook/create-react-app

As mentioned in the discussion in #5306, asset-manifest.json generated by CRA2 is less than useful. As an example, this is asset-manifest.json as generated by yarn build for my project:

   "main.css": "/static/css/main.7263860d.chunk.css",
   "main.js": "/static/js/main.1d09f064.chunk.js",
   "": "/static/js/",
   "static/css/1.a7cf09a2.chunk.css": "/static/css/1.a7cf09a2.chunk.css",
   "static/js/1.f5aeaa31.chunk.js": "/static/js/1.f5aeaa31.chunk.js",
   "static/js/": "/static/js/",
   "runtime~main.js": "/static/js/runtime~main.229c360f.js",
   "": "/static/js/",
   "static/css/": "/static/css/",
   "static/css/": "/static/css/",
   "index.html": "/index.html",
   "precache-manifest.981d9ec8b3a8232e0184126d691edb97.js": "/precache-manifest.981d9ec8b3a8232e0184126d691edb97.js",
   "service-worker.js": "/service-worker.js"

It was quite an unpleasant surprise when I upgraded to CRA2. Here are some obvious problems with this file:

  • it contains no information on which files are chunks of the same package
  • there is no way to identify chunks (except the 'main' chunk) by key (random strings in keys? seriously?)
  • there is absolutely no information on the order in which chunks are to be loaded

It can of course still be parsed by pattern matching file names but there are obvious disadvantages:

  • any such parsing will rely on heuristics
  • parsing will break if file naming scheme is ever changed
  • what is the point of having this file at all? you could listdir() the build directory and obtain basically the same information

Here is a suggested asset-manifest.json format that could make it usable:

   "main.js": [
       "/static/js/1.f5aeaa31.chunk.js",  // <-- order is significant
   "": [
       "static/js/",   // <-- same order as in "main.js"
   "runtime~main.js": "/static/js/runtime~main.229c360f.js",
   "": "/static/js/",
   "precache-manifest.js": "/precache-manifest.981d9ec8b3a8232e0184126d691edb97.js",
   "service-worker.js": "/service-worker.js"
   "main.css": [
   "": [

Most helpful comment

I think we should just change it to only include "initial" scripts in the order they should be in HTML. Since the only purpose of this file is to reconstruct the HTML.

Does that make sense?

All 16 comments

I think we should just change it to only include "initial" scripts in the order they should be in HTML. Since the only purpose of this file is to reconstruct the HTML.

Does that make sense?

Definitely, it will be really nice to create a more descriptive manifest file.

I would also group them by type since normally you would group them by type and then try to inject them in order, a better data structure thinking on deployment will be nice to have.

Since the only purpose of this file is to reconstruct the HTML.

Btw, we live inside Rails app right now, so a more descriptive file would be nice for us to deploy

Having the asset-manifest only include the "initial" scripts would meet our needs. We have two main ways we use our react app: whole-page and partial-page. The "whole-page" use case can just use the index.html from the build (with some dynamic replacements), but in the "partial-page" case (typically a button or icon that opens a modal dialog rendered via the react app) we don't use the index.html at all and instead leverage the asset-manifest to pull in the main js and css files. Now with CRA 2, the index.html is also including a "15..chunk.js" and of course I have no guarantee that this main vendor chunk will still begin with "15" on my next build.

Another possible (and much quicker to implement) way to address this would be to support a boolean environment variable such as process.env.ASYNC_CHUNKS_ONLY to control setting the chunks value in
optimization: { splitChunks: { chunks: 'all'} }
to be "async" instead of "all". This avoids having a separate vendor chunk referenced in index.html (it gets baked into main.js like before). I don't have much of an understanding for the reasons for CRA defaulting to chunks: 'all', but I'd be willing to do a pull request for this alternative approach if it is considered worthwhile.

I see this proposal is removed from 2.x milestone. What's the plan for now? @Timer

As a hack, I created the following script to give me all the css and js paths in their correct order. Note that I needed multiple entry points so I have ejected. If you have not, then the entry_key can just be index.


  • this script relies on the presence on the html file for each of your entry points. If you have not ejected, then just use index as your entry_key and all will be well. If you have, make sure the webpack configs creates a html file for each of your entry points by just adding more blocks of HtmlWebpackPlugin in your webpack configs for each of your entry points.
  • it uses fs.readFile and regular expressions to parse for the links. I have not analyzed its performance so if you are expecting many pageviews. you might have to reconsider (or run once and cache the results).

code: (written in typescript)

import fs from 'fs';
import path from 'path';
import assetManifest from '<path/to/asset-manifest.json>';

const build_directory = '<path/to/create-react-app/build/directory>';

export const getAssetPathFromCRAHtml = async (
  entry_key: string // something like `admin`, `pages-manage`, `index`. If you have not ejected, then this will just be `index`
): Promise<{
  css_assets: string[];
  js_assets: string[];
}> => {
  const css_assets: string[] = [];
  const js_assets: string[] = [];
  const html_string = await new Promise<string>((resolve, reject) => {
      path.join(build_directory, `${entry_key}.html`),
      (error, data) => {
        if (error) {
        } else {
  let css_matches;
  const cssRe = /<link\shref="(\/static\/css\/.+?)"\srel="stylesheet"/g;
  do {
    css_matches = cssRe.exec(html_string);
    if (css_matches) {
  } while (css_matches);

  let js_matches;
  const jsRe = /<script\ssrc="(\/static\/js\/.+?)"><\/script>/g;
  do {
    js_matches = jsRe.exec(html_string);
    if (js_matches) {
  } while (js_matches);

  const js_runtime = (assetManifest as {
    [key: string]: string;

  if (js_runtime) {
  return {

Sad to see #5955 and similar pull requests and issues being closed by stale bot. Is parsing the generated index.html file the only option forward when including CRA components on a site with a backend?

I'm not sure what are the plans for this feature but what if we swapped out the webpack plugin for this one. Starting with version 3 it appends the entrypoints section.

We are hoping to add an entrypoints key to the asset manifest. That's why we moved the list of files under its own key in 3.0. That plugin looks like it could be a good way to do that. Thanks.

I evaluated Webpack Manifest Plugin and webpack-assets-manifest to understand if it's possible to generate asset manifest that will allow users to reconstruct html.

Both allow customization of generated manifest, either via generate function of webpack-manifest-plugin, or via tranform or customize hooks in case of webpack-assets-manifest.

However, the data exposed in customisation hooks lacks either the information about the order of the chunks, or whether the chunks needs to be included on the page or are asynchronous.

CRA generates index.html using html-webpack-plugin, and that one taps into the emit hook and then builds the list of files for the given entrypoint: by calling compilation.entrypoints.get(entryName).getFiles()

In order to allow users build their custom html based on manifest, we will have to follow similar approach.

@iansu You mentioned adding entrypoints key to the manifest — does it imply that CRA is planning to support multiple entrypoints? Or we can assume a single index.html for now?

Does anyone work on this story already?

@zastavnitskiy I think show how you to reconstruct the HTML?

@jbach, thank you, it does. Do you know why that MR was ignored and eventually closed?

On the other side, at, it seems that the v3.x direction is to extend existing asset-manifest instead of adding a new one.

As far as I understand, enabling to extend the asset-manifest eventually allows adding the content of html-manifest to that singular manifest.

I've created a small script (gist) that you can run in your pipeline or with npm run build && node ./[scriptFileName].js.

It generates something like this, containing only the paths that you need in your html in the correct order.

// build/useful-asset-manifest.json

  "css": [
  "js": [

Which your backend can then use to generate the link and script tags.

I'm looking forward to a proper v3.x implementation by CRA though :)

We also just got this problem when trying to add React components to an existing ASP.NET MVC page.

We solved it similar to @mdecorte. I created a node script that uses node-html-parser to parse the index.html file. It then creates a new json file that we can parse in the backend of our ASP.NET MVC site and basically recreate the index.html file CRA built.

I definitely think there should be an option of building a CRA React app optimized for embedding in existing pages, must be a pretty common scenario when slowly migrating to React.

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