Create-react-app: Allow disabling of console clearing

Created on 7 Jun 2017  路  39Comments  路  Source: facebook/create-react-app

When debugging an ejected script via console.logging different things, I found it quite difficult / annoying that multiple pieces of this script clear the the console when it detects stdout.isTTY (start.js and react-dev-utils/WebpackDevServerUtils.js).

I would like to recommend some kind of argument or environment variable to disable that behaviour, so that we wouldn't need to eject and modify and clone to simply enable console logging.


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or run it with FORCE_COLOR=true npm start | cat or FORCE_COLOR=true yarn start | cat if you use yarn. Taken from

All 39 comments

a detection of env variable (maybe REACT_APP_NO_CLEAR_CONSOLE) in here should do it

@viankakrisna yes, that's a good idea as well!

I'm not sure this is going to be something we allow; why not edit the file in node_modules/ while debugging?

And you really shouldn't be using console debugging anyway 馃槄. Why not use something like VSCode with built-in debug support?

@Timer is there any more alternative? I've been doing console.log debugging in node since forever and don't want to switch editor :D

You can boot up with node debug or node --inspect and then open chrome to the provided URL and use devtools.

@Timer thanks! That's new to me. So that's how people inspect a nested objects in node huh? I thought everyone uses their terminal for debugging node code.... However, I've tried it in CRA repo but the instruction is quickly cleared for --inspect

"scripts": {
    "build": "node --inspect packages/react-scripts/scripts/build.js",
    "changelog": "lerna-changelog",
    "create-react-app": "tasks/",
    "e2e": "tasks/",
    "postinstall": "lerna bootstrap && cd packages/react-error-overlay/ && npm run build:prod",
    "publish": "tasks/",
    "start": "node --inspect packages/react-scripts/scripts/start.js",
    "test": "node --inspect packages/react-scripts/scripts/test.js --env=jsdom",
    "format": "prettier --trailing-comma es5 --single-quote --write 'packages/*/*.js' 'packages/*/!(node_modules)/**/*.js'",
    "precommit": "lint-staged"

using node debug is not practical because it executes the script line by line... So i think configuring console clearing behavior could be added? 馃槃 or detect whether the current script is started using debug / --inspect.

I will happily add PR for (or the root package.json) for this if we can also improve Contributor's Experience (CX?) :)

I think this is worth considering, as the current console experience seems very strange to me. Clearing the console is kind of nice aesthetically (though not that important, in my opinion), but currently all output history in the console session is removed after running start which seems like something you would never actually want.

The REACT_APP_NO_CLEAR_CONSOLE env var is a great idea.

or run it with FORCE_COLOR=true npm start | cat or FORCE_COLOR=true yarn start | cat if you use yarn. Taken from

Please can we add REACT_APP_NO_CLEAR_CONSOLE env var. Using Windows, OSX, Linux is a nightmare!

@viankakrisna and on Windows?

@johnunclesam not sure 馃槄 does the command works under git bash? i agree it's nicer to have env variable to achieve this functionality though

This workaround from @viankakrisna breaks the ability to interact with the server from the console. For example, it removes the ability to detect if something is already running on the default port and suggest an available port. An environment variable to disable console clearing still has merit.

I see no benefits to clearing console, and even consider this as harmful behavior. This should not stay the default, so no flag won't fix the issue.

Any deletion of user data should be intended not a side effect like here.

Not to dogpile here, but since some of the recommendations for customizing the build of a create-react-app without ejecting involve running separate build processes, it would be really handy if this thing didn't clear the terminal.

For example, I'm currently running Sass and CRA together in the same shell with npm-run-all --parallel and CRA is a rather rude roommate there. I was also thinking of running some linting and testing with other tools (e.g. sass-lint and mocha), but the output of those commands would also be lost with terminal clearing.

^ this. cra blasts everything else npm-run-all might be doing.. Please just add a flag like --no-console-clear to cra cli. People can tweak their package.json start script with it.

This hack does work.

Yes, npm-run-all and concurrently suffers greatly from this behaviour. If so many variables are supported in .env, can there be a simple boolean for this?

This is a painful one for me too. If we want to favour interactivity over configuration as per the core ideas in the contributing guidelines, how about we add a prompt to clear the console instead of automatically clearing it?

This obviously is weird, because a prompt to clear the terminal is practically useless with how easily it is manually, but it fits the requirements without deleting the debug data if the maintainers aren't willing to compromise on this one with a flag.

I find the tradeoff being made here currently leans towards aesthetics over usefulness, and in this case is obviously disempowering over helpful for a good number of people.

this should be allowed. e.g. I was trying to figure out why proxy configuration wasn't being used ( which was a bug on my CRA version) and the console clearing making it hard for me to see what is going on. A simple flag/env can be passed for this

or run it with FORCE_COLOR=true npm start | cat or FORCE_COLOR=true yarn start | cat if you use yarn. Taken from reasonml-community/reason-scripts#help-tips-and-tricks

@viankakrisna - How can I do this from a Node process spawn?

Here's what I'm working with...

const reactProcess = spawn('npx', ['react-scripts', 'start'])

This works...

// scripts/launch-app.js
const {spawn} = require('child_process');

const reactProcess = spawn('npx', ['react-scripts', 'start'], {
    env: Object.assign(process.env, {FORCE_COLOR: true})
    detatched: true


const removeCliClearCodes = text => {
    return text.replace(/\\033\[2J/g, '');

reactProcess.stdout.on('data', data => {
    const text = String(data);
    const output = removeCliClearCodes(text);
// package.json
    "scripts": {
        "start": "scripts/launch-app"

@alistair-hmh Thanks for posting that workaround! I noticed that in my use case, the 3rd options argument to spawn is unnecessary. I realized that fact when I noticed in your snippet that detached was misspelled as detatched, and then noticed that adding the FORCE_COLOR env variable didn鈥檛 do anything for me. In my case, listening to stdout and console.logging the result of removeCliClearCodes did the trick and was the only necessary piece.

In the end, I actually wound up taking a different approach where I replaced the react-dev-utils/clearConsole module entirely with a noop, which ensured that I still get the proper color coding in my console. It involved some pretty nauseating hackery. In my scripts/start.js file (from an ejected create-react-app project), I replaced (

const {
} = require('react-dev-utils/WebpackDevServerUtils');


// Replace react-dev-utils/clearConsole with a noop in WebpackDevServerUtils
// to prevent it from clearing the console on every compile
const noop = () => {};
const webpackDevServerUtilsPath = require.resolve('react-dev-utils/WebpackDevServerUtils');
const resolveModule = (name) =>
    name.charAt(0) !== '.' ? name : path.resolve(path.dirname(webpackDevServerUtilsPath), name);

const consolePreserveExports = {};
const consolePreserveContext = {
    require: (name) => (name.endsWith('clearConsole') ? noop : require(resolveModule(name))),
    exports: consolePreserveExports,
    module: {
        exports: consolePreserveExports,

vm.runInNewContext(fs.readFileSync(webpackDevServerUtilsPath), consolePreserveContext);
const {
} = consolePreserveContext.module.exports;


@acusti thank you for the solution. For those maybe not so familiar with node you will need to also add the path and vm deps before this code for this to work:

const vm = require('vm'); const path = require('path');

@Timer are you guys still not allowing this?

This issue has been automatically marked as stale because it has not had any recent activity. It will be closed in 5 days if no further activity occurs.

Not to be snarky, but closing via stale bot seems like a rude ending to this issue

Ya, I'm curious to see a resolution on this. Is the decision that maintainers want to leave this as is? Would a PR be accepted? What would the ergonomics of an accepted solution look like?

I've created this PR as a possible solution to the issue.

@drewswaycool Thanks I think the PR needs to add an option and not remove the default behaviour that some may rely on. I'm not familiar with CRA's code but you should add a flag or env option.

It's the first time I use a CLI tool that clears the current shell history (most actually scroll to the bottom keeping the buffer intact), maybe that could be the best of both worlds?

Quick and dirty solution.

Change this in start.js from:

const WebpackDevServer = require('webpack-dev-server');
const clearConsole = require('react-dev-utils/clearConsole');
const clearConsole = ()=>{}
require.cache[require.resolve('react-dev-utils/clearConsole')].exports = clearConsole
const WebpackDevServer = require('webpack-dev-server');

This issue has been automatically marked as stale because it has not had any recent activity. It will be closed in 5 days if no further activity occurs.

I don't believe this issue should be stale just as #6102 is not stale.

Update from @Timer here -->

This is done intentionally. We'll likely not merge this.


@gaearon @Timer There are literally _tons_ of people working on projects based on create-react-app. A lot of them favor not ejecting so they can keep updating react-scripts, which is a sensible thing to do.

Still, there are dozens of reasons why adjust the build process might be worthwhile, so people tend to use create-react-app with tools such as react-app-rewired or rescripts to alter the configuration without ejecting or in combination with concurrently or npm-run-all to run things in parallel.

In _all_ of these important and comprehensible use cases, the clearing of the console by create-react-app massively hampers development and interferes with the ability to simply get stuff done.

It is understandable that PR #6102 is not merged because the team has decided that they want to keep clearing the console despite the obvious drawbacks in a lot of cases such as the ones detailed above. Still, this issue persists and keeps being a problem to a _lot_ of people.

Please reconsider the introduction of an additional environment variable that allows users to __prevent__ the console clearing from happening. This way, we can default to clearing but allow users with special use cases to prevent it in a sensible way.

@drewswaycool @codepunkt @lmorchard @acusti @razzfox How do you feel about using concurrently as a workaround for this issue:

yarn add concurrently
yarn concurrently npm:start


npx concurrently npm:start


FORCE_COLOR=true yarn start | cat

Or if you have lerna installed in a monorepo,

lerna run --parallel start

It will break input interactivity but it seems these two workarounds should be sufficient for most use cases?

@bugzpodder Clearing the console is intrusive, leaving it alone is not.... why is being intrusive the default behavior here. This makes no sense.

@bugzpodder I think the bummer here is the idea of needing a workaround at all.. It just feels like out of the box clearing the console should not be the default. Workarounds are fine.. but no workarounds are better.

Given that this issue is about providing a workaround to optionally not clear the console and several ways were provided to do so, I think we can finally resolve this issue. I don't see the need to further continuing this debate given the opinionated nature of CRA's defaults.


Typically, "workarounds" are things you do to avoid a bug while it's being fixed - not generally advised practice.

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