Compose: Using data volume containers with v3

Created on 24 Jan 2017  ·  37Comments  ·  Source: docker/compose

With v2 I had the following setup:

  • A "code" container, where I bake the source code of my app into. This container specifies a volume using the VOLUME keyword.
  • A php-fpm (and a few other) container that gets my application's source code via volumes_from: code.

If I change my source code I rebuild the code container, push and pull it and rebuild my docker-compose services.

version: '2'
        image: custom/backend:latest

        image: php-fpm:latest
            - code

This is the workflow described here:

With v3, since volumes_from is gone, I am unable to recreate this setup. What are my options? It was very easy to deploy new code by simply baking it into a new container. I have no idea how to solve this problem with v3.

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In this case I'll get the created volumes, this is correct. But I need to access the code inside my container. I don't know if this is still technically called a "volume".

I build my code container with a Dockerfile like this one:

FROM baseimage

ADD ./all-my-source /app


CMD ["/bin/true"]

This container registers the contents under /app as a volume. With v2 I could now use volumes_from: code to mount the /app directory of this container in any other container and share the source code this way. This is what I'm trying to replicate.

With the global volumes declaration in v3 I cannot reuse a volume from one container in another. I can only create a globally shared volume. What I need is to use the volume declared and populated during build from one container and make it available to all the others.

All 37 comments

I'm also a bit confused about that new syntax that comes with v3. Since the "volumes_from"-option is gone you have to creat shared "master" volumes. You could try it like this:

version: '3'
        image: custom/backend:latest
            - codevolume:/var/www/src

        image: php-fpm:latest
            - codevolume:/var/www/src

If I understand everything correctly, the .yml above should do the trick.
Feedback is greatly appreciated (:


This is what I've found out so far.

But how do you specify the contents of codevolume? If i use codevolume:/var/www/src the code I'd like to share between containers located in /var/www/src gets overlayed and is not available anymore.

You're looking for the mountpoint on your host? You can locate it as follows:

docker volume ls
docker volume inspect ${NAME}

First, you get the volume-id via docker volume ls and then you inspect the volume to get the mountpoint docker volume inspect ${NAME}

Hope that helps.

In this case I'll get the created volumes, this is correct. But I need to access the code inside my container. I don't know if this is still technically called a "volume".

I build my code container with a Dockerfile like this one:

FROM baseimage

ADD ./all-my-source /app


CMD ["/bin/true"]

This container registers the contents under /app as a volume. With v2 I could now use volumes_from: code to mount the /app directory of this container in any other container and share the source code this way. This is what I'm trying to replicate.

With the global volumes declaration in v3 I cannot reuse a volume from one container in another. I can only create a globally shared volume. What I need is to use the volume declared and populated during build from one container and make it available to all the others.

Regarding the volumes_from being erased from v3, I ran into a problem while using jrcs/letsencrypt-nginx-proxy-companion image.

that script as you can see here:

Relies on the Volumes-from to get the container id of the nginx-proxy. How can I circumvent this on v3? any ideas? I can probably submit a pull request to

@joantune It doesn't look smart enough to use volumes_from just to find out proxy container id.
I believe better and proper way is to use Labels. Here is a little fix that should help you, however I didn't test container with this fix, but query string only: gist diff
You have to start proxy contaier with some label and then catch this container within your entrypoint by your label:

$ docker run -d -p 80:80 -p 443:443 \
--name nginx-proxy \
--label com.example.mylabel=nginx-proxy \
-v /path/to/certs:/etc/nginx/certs:ro \
-v /etc/nginx/vhost.d \
-v /usr/share/nginx/html \
-v /var/run/docker.sock:/tmp/docker.sock:ro \

So, you can find this container later by Label:
cid = $(docker_api "/containers/json" | jq -r '.[] | select( .Labels["com.example.mylabel"] == "nginx-proxy")|.Id')

I have this issue too.

I have assets image that expose volume , and was using volume_from to import the asset's image volume into another image.

With the v3 format It does not seems to allow this kind of composition.


     image: any_asset_image
        - "/public/assets"

    image: nginx
       - assets

How can I acheive this ?

How can I acheive this ?

In your case it's easier, not exactly the same as my problem, but you can declare something like:

     image: any_asset_image
        - assets:"/public/assets"

    image: nginx
       - assets
      - assets


Ok so you mean that the content of /public/assets within the assets image will be available from the proxy container at the /public/assets path ?

I thought that

   - assets

Would create an empty asset data volume since it is not an existing host volume.

        - assets:"/public/assets"

Would mount that empty volume within the asset container at the /public/assets path.
At least It is what I understood reading the docs.

Yet I use the assets image to ship some source files to the proxy container.

I'll play with this example to see how it behaves.

Yes it seems to work thanks @joantune

Yet I feel like the documentation is not totaly helpfull.
I am wondering what I did not understood.

Actually @Electron-libre, when you asked does that mean that if I do X I'll get Y, I was doubting if it did that. It's not explicit on the documentation that the mounting directory will be the same as the one specified on the first "assets":/somedir

The documentation could have that stated explicitly. Also, what if the second container had a "assets":/someotherdir I would expect it to override the /somedir mount point onto /someotherdir

but I'm not sure. Yeah, Docker's documentation is a bit hard, also, having docker-engine, docker-machine, docker-swarm, docker-compose without trying to make the options similar/the same across those, IMO, makes for a harder and steeper learning curve, and perhaps needlessly (or not really, and it makes all the sense in the world to do this like that, i.e. to break compatibility raising the bar of learning things because of engineering/design fundamental choices. Yet, I feel that it should be in the back of the mind of the engineers developing this that the closer the options are, the better).

Oh, and proper thanks to @nodekra for your suggestion, I'll probably do a PR with that on Thanks again & Cheers.

Guys, on a side note, I'm the occasional devops guy (I'm mostly a developer these days, but I came from my early teens from sysadmining) I have used and heard of several tools to do Devops these days:
Docker [and all the docker-ish projects] / Terraforma / Ansible / Kubernetes / Chef & Puppet [older (?) days], etc.

I kind of liked the way that Ansible tries to have a kind of Docker hub for its 'recipes'/cookbooks for common tasks.

I spent some hours doing a deployment using several docker containers and on the back of my mind I'm thinking that I'm reinventing the wheel for sure. Is there any global devops recipe kinda of thing for this? What I was trying to achieve was quite straight forward, and although it could be done only with Ansible, I think that a platform neutral space where one can share the way to achieve stuff would be useful, even if using different technologies.

Is there anything like that out there?

Indeed I had to tweak a bit you example here is a basic example:

├── assets.Dockerfile
├── docker-compose.yml
└── my_assets_file
my assets content
FROM alpine
RUN mkdir /public
ADD my_assets_file /public/
version: "3"
    image: my_assets
      context: .
      dockerfile: assets.Dockerfile
      - assets:/public/
    command: /bin/true

    image: alpine
      - assets:/public/
       - assets
    command: /bin/sh -c "cat /public/my_assets_file"

Yet running docker-compose run proxy outputs my assets content

I don't know/understand why it works.
But here is what it does :

docker volume inspect dockervolumestest_assets
        "Driver": "local",
        "Labels": {
            "com.docker.compose.project": "dockervolumestest",
            "com.docker.compose.volume": "assets"
        "Mountpoint": "/home/cedric/Archives/docker/volumes/dockervolumestest_assets/_data",
        "Name": "dockervolumestest_assets",
        "Options": {},
        "Scope": "local"

the volume section from proxy container:

"Mounts": [
                "Type": "volume",
                "Name": "dockervolumestest_assets",
                "Source": "/home/cedric/Archives/docker/volumes/dockervolumestest_assets/_data",
                "Destination": "/public",
                "Driver": "local",
                "Mode": "rw",
                "RW": true,
                "Propagation": ""

the volume part from assets container:

        "Mounts": [
                "Type": "volume",
                "Name": "dockervolumestest_assets",
                "Source": "/home/cedric/Archives/docker/volumes/dockervolumestest_assets/_data",
                "Destination": "/public",
                "Driver": "local",
                "Mode": "rw",
                "RW": true,
                "Propagation": ""

Weird :D

@Electron-libre You don't need Compose v3 unless you use Swarm mode and docker stack deploy -c docker-compose.yml myproject. You can usecompose v2 or v 2.1with latest docker engine as well for standalone node. But if you want to be ready for v3 - it's ok.
AFAIK, from some docker docks (I cannot remember exactly source) it works like this:

  1. declare top-level volume with volumes: [assets] . It will be same local mount as we used before with ./my_assets_file:/public, but inside docker library directory /var/lib/docker/volumes/assets/
  2. mount this volume with your container and here is some magic:

    • if top-level(host) volume is empty and you try to mount container's volume with data - this data gonna be copy into host volume and then host volume will be used even for this container, so if your data-container will be changed later with new files you will not be able to see them inside any container unless you remove host volume before run

    • if host volume isn't empty - it will be mounted with all content into your container.

    • also, to be sure you copy data from correct container is start order with depends_on: like you do it. So even if your proxy container consist any data it will be ignored since data-container started early and copied content into top level(host) volume.

      with such scenario you cannot iteract or change data within your container, your data-container is like a source for initialization....something like this.

Another way is volume plugins, you can try local-persist
sorry I cannot fine doc source for these and sorry for my "english"

I suggest to read this issue from #30441

Can somebody say why the volumes_from option was removed? Named volume is not a solution, it's just a pain in the ass, because without a plugin the data is not persisted on the host.

@visualfanatic don't be so lazy and ask same question without reading another comments, it's all described in issue docker/docker #30441 from my previous comment. Also, as I told before - use compose version 22.1 with volumes_from as you did it before, compose v3 is mainly for Swarm Mode and stack deploy feature and orchestration where host volume and volumes_from are "useless".

and again: Compose v2 is not removed nor depricated

I have a setup with the old swarm where i deploy a set of containers to run some functional tests. This is a legacy application and it's clustering mode requires a shared folder between 2 of the containers. As of today i use compose version 2 andvolumes_from.
However i am also experimenting with the new swarm mode to see if i can do the same. I tried this:

  - shared-folder:/home.local/vusers

  - shared-folder:/home.local/vusers


When i deployed the stack service1 and service2 containers ended up on different swarm slaves and the volume is created on one of the swarm nodes only.

I was thinking that i need to use some kind of constraint to specify that service 1 and service2 must be placed on the same swarm node bit it seems that this is not possible the way i want it - i.e. start service1 and then start service2 on the same swarm node where service1 was started...)? Any other option?

@nodekra seems like lots of syntax is only being added to v3+ though? For instance :cached in volumes.

I have run into the same troubles with named volumes when used as a replacement for volumes-from. Currently I am using docker-compose down --volumes as a workaround.

From docker-compose down man page:

-v, --volumes       Remove named volumes declared in the `volumes` section
                    of the Compose file and anonymous volumes
                    attached to containers.

Another (may be better) approach could be using the Long syntax in version 3.2 like nocopy: true or type: bind. I will play with it some day later.

Just want to share my experience. I managed to somehow to share data volumes between containers with some clues from this thread. But then I was stuck by another problem: Docker compose volumes not updating after rebuild. Relevant discussions: here and here.

Little background:
I have containers with volumes containing static data (progressive webapps).
To create these containers/volumes additional build step is needed (webpack).

The 'trick' to overcome problem with volumes not updated after rebuild is to copy all volumes with static content to some common container (nginx) proxy. Then they can be used in other containers with option volumes-from or also with docker-compose.

Example of building static progressive webpack with docker multistage build:



# Build stage

FROM node:6-alpine

# Install build deps
RUN apk update && \
    apk upgrade && \
    apk add --no-cache git

# use changes to package.json to force Docker not to use the cache
# when we change our application's nodejs dependencies:
ADD package.json /tmp/package.json
RUN cd /tmp && npm install
RUN mkdir -p /opt/app && cp -a /tmp/node_modules /opt/app/

# From here we load our application's code in, therefore the previous docker
# "layer" thats been cached will be used if possible
WORKDIR /opt/app
ADD . /opt/app

RUN npm run build

# Second stage

FROM node:6-alpine

RUN mkdir -p /usr/share/nginx/html
COPY --from=0 /opt/app/dist /usr/share/nginx/html

VOLUME /usr/share/nginx/html

Now we create container with volume containing static resources built in previous step:

docker build -t myapp-volume .
docker run --name myapp_volume  -P -d myapp-volume

If needed app can be served standalone using nginx container:

docker create \
  --publish 3003:80 \
  --name myapp \
  --volumes-from myapp_volume \
docker start myapp


# Adopt version 3 syntax:
version: '3'

        driver: local

# Setup the Proxy container
        image: proxy
            context: .
            dockerfile: Dockerfile.proxy
            - 80:80
            - ./nginx.conf:/etc/nginx/conf.d/default.conf


FROM myapp-volume

FROM anothermyapp-volume

FROM nginx:alpine

RUN mkdir -p /opt/myapp
RUN mkdir -p /opt/anothermyapp

COPY --from=0 /usr/share/nginx/html /opt/myapp
COPY --from=1 /usr/share/nginx/html /opt/anothermyapp


server {
  listen *:80 default_server;

  location /myapp {
    alias /opt/myapp;

  location /anothermyapp {
    alias /opt/anothermyapp;

It is confusing to have a newer version of a spec that is NOT designed to be used in certain situations. It would make more sense, IMO, to add this support to v3.

I'm not sure if that helps, but it could be a solution to the problem. You can specify the volume type as 'bind' and thereby mount a directory from the host computer within your docker containers.

version: '3.2'
    image: myimage:0.1
    command: npm start
      - type: bind
        source: ./
        target: /usr/app
      - projectfiles
    build: ./
    image: myimage:0.1
    command: npm install
      - type: bind
        source: ./
        target: /usr/app

Anyone found a solution for using docker-letsencrypt-nginx-proxy-companion with v3? This made me feel like an idiot for the past hour and I think I'll just go back to v2 now.

@bauerd I have the same problem using v3. For now best using v2 if you want to solve this problem.

It's not really an exact solution for your problem, but I use as proxy for letsencrypt certs.

Isn't it strange that this use case of deploying versioned data as a docker image with a VOLUME instruction, part of a stack managed by docker-compose or docker-stack, is no longer supported? To me it seems like an obvious, basic use case for docker, dockerhub, docker-compose, and docker stack. I don't even want to run code, I just want versioned data available to my application containers, managed the same way as the rest of my stack.

I can do this with a FROM scratch image and plain docker commands, no problem. Try this:

$ mkdir data
$ touch data/example
$ cat <<EOT > Dockerfile
> FROM scratch
> WORKDIR /some-data
> COPY ./data/* ./
> VOLUME /some-data
> CMD ["true"]
$ docker build -t local/some-data:0.0.1 .
$ docker create --name some-data local/some-data:0.0.1
$ docker run --volumes-from some-data alpine:3.5 ls /some-data/example

I can also configure this setup in compose format v2. But there appears to be no way to do this in compose format v3 and using docker stack.

I've seen it said a few times that named volumes "replace" volumes_from, but I don't see any way to use named volumes to deploy data as a versioned artifact as I have done above. I want to be able to pull some-data:0.0.3 when I do docker stack deploy, and have all my other images see the new version of the data in that image.

Right now I have this static, versioned data in a git repository and am using custom processes to automate pulling and checking out a git ref to deploy. It should be docker stack deploy, just like any other part of my stack.

If it's just about not having to repeat the same volumes on two services, you could also use YAML repeated nodes. E.g.:

version: '3'
        image: custom/backend:latest
        volumes: &mySharedVolumes
          - type: bind
            source: /tmp/backend_data/vpn_configs
            target: /vpn_configs

        image: php-fpm:latest
        volumes: *mySharedVolumes

@tsauerwein It's not about DRY, it's about publishing and versioning. There appears to be no way to either version or publish named volumes. As I've read named volumes "replace" --volumes-from, I'd expect to have feature parity... right? That doesn't appear to be true, and I haven't yet found an announcement anywhere that this use case was dropped.

In light of the quietly lost functionality since v2, does docker-compose/docker-stack intentionally not support the use case of deploying versioned data from a registry as a container? Or was it an oversight that this is not supported?

I _really_ want to standardize my projects to use Docker Swarm and Stack. However, as far as I can tell, any projects with a DVC use case can't use our standard docker project structure and have to exist as outliers.

can you help me upgrade to compose v3


image: xivoxc/fingerboard:${XIVOCC_TAG}.${XIVOCC_DIST}

restart: always
image: xivoxc/xivoxc_nginx:${XIVOCC_TAG}.${XIVOCC_DIST}


  • 80:80
  • 443:443
  • 8443:8443


  • elasticsearch
  • xuc
  • xucmgt


  • "xivo_host:${XIVO_HOST}"


  • kibana_volumes
  • fingerboard


  • /etc/docker/nginx/ssl:/etc/nginx/ssl

restart: always

Another temporary solution:

docker-compose down -v
docker-compose up --build -d

docker cp "${COMPOSE_PROJECT_NAME}_web_1:/staticfiles/" ./staticfiles/
docker cp ./staticfiles/. "${COMPOSE_PROJECT_NAME}_proxy_1:/staticfiles/"
rm -rf ./staticfiles/

Please return back volumes_from, because docker still supports it.

It seems to me like all of these issues stem from people misunderstanding the purpose of volumes. They are meant to hold persistent data between builds, not static (versioned) data. Static data should be built into the image, not mounted in a (writeable!) volume on the container. When a swarm manager is creating and destroying containers on different nodes left and right, it depends on everything you need being baked into the (immutable) image, not dependent on an external volume.

Hi @hackel. Thank you for the explanation. My use case is actually a bit different. I need a _scratch_ area that is _shared_ between containers, no persistence required. Do you know what's the best way to do this just with docker and not requiring AWS/GCP persistent volumes? Thanks!

@hackel I think you're misunderstanding the use case.

Static data should be built into the image, not mounted in a (writeable!) volume on the container.

What if you want your static, versioned, _published_ (nobody said anything about writeable) data image to be independent of your app image(s)? If you have data v2.4 and you want your app v1.1 to access it, you should be able to mount in that exact data version from a live container.

With a setup that allows data and apps to be independently versioned, you should be able to upgrade the app to v1.2 and continue to mount data v2.4. Then upgrade the data to v2.5 without changing the version of the app. I shouldn't have to version my app and data in lockstep just because I'm using docker-compose v3 or Docker Swarm to deploy them. And what if I have a large stack where many containers need to share the same versioned data? I would strongly prefer not to duplicate the same data over many images for no reason other than working around docker-compose. I would also strongly prefer not to use a mechanism external to Docker such as Git to manage the deployment of the data. Docker fully supports this (--volumes-from). Why can't compose v3?

In docker-compose format v2 this is all easily declared by changing your docker-compose file (volumes-from key).

Can one do anything like this in compose file format v3? I believe it's not possible.

@MattF-NSIDC's use case is exactly why stack services need to share data without having to build, publish and update multiple images and services even for a minor data update.

Another example is a nginx reverse proxy with a php backend service where the proxy that needs to read backend's data in a read only mode.

I think the proxy should not be coupled to the app, making the maintenance harder for both services and breaking the single responsibility principle.

some working shit

version: '3.4'

    image: nginx
      - 8082:80
      - type: volume
        source: data2
        target: /usr/share/nginx/html
        read_only: true
          nocopy: true    

          - ng
    command: "sh -c 'rm -rf /var/www/html2/* &&  cp -ra /var/www/html/* /var/www/html2/ && trap : TERM INT; (while true; do sleep 1000; done) & wait'"
    #TODO more elegant copy like copy with mv
    image: <SOME DATA IMAGE>:TAG1 # change tag and redeploy stack

      - data2:/var/www/html2

      - vtest

    driver: local

    driver: overlay

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