$ docker-compose --x-networking up -d
Creating network "counter" with driver "bridge"
Creating counter_web_1
Creating counter_mongo_1
$ docker-compose --x-networking stop
Stopping counter_mongo_1 ... done
Stopping counter_web_1 ... done
$ docker-compose --x-networking rm
Going to remove counter_mongo_1, counter_web_1
Are you sure? [yN] y
Removing counter_mongo_1 ... done
Removing counter_web_1 ... done
$ docker network ls
d84962a207f8 counter bridge
f60408bc3b3b bridge bridge
13a612e10bd7 none null
517effa88694 host host
After, rm
I still have a network created with the project name
I would expect this to be removed
NOTE: This also causes an issue with Swarm that I will raise another issue for
I don't think rm
should necessarily remove the network. rm
is exclusively for removing containers, it doesn't remove any images built with up
either, and when we add support for named volumes, I wouldn't expect it to remove those.
I think we should consider doing this as part of the proposed docker-compose down
command (#2277)
@dnephin I don't think putting this in down
would be the right solution
Engine already has flags in docker rm
for handling volumes etc...
Remove one or more containers
-f, --force=false Force the removal of a running container (uses SIGKILL)
--help=false Print usage
-l, --link=false Remove the specified link
-v, --volumes=false Remove the volumes associated with the container
Compose seems to be following this convention
Remove stopped service containers.
Usage: rm [options] [SERVICE...]
-f, --force Don't ask to confirm removal
-v Remove volumes associated with containers
As we create a network per project, I think it's ok that we delete it too.
It's also safe to do this by default, as there is no risk of losing data (unlike deleting a volume)
Something like this would work. This would match my expection, that as a user, when I issue a "rm" it removes the containers and the network that was created for the project.
Remove stopped service containers.
Usage: rm [options] [SERVICE...]
-f, --force Don't ask to confirm removal
-v Remove volumes associated with containers
-n, --network=true Remove the network associated with the project
If the users want's to keep the network around for whatever reason, they can docker-compose rm -n
As we create a network per project, I think it's ok that we delete it too.
I agree, it's ok that we delete it, but I don't agree that rm
is the right place to do so.
It's also safe to do this by default, as there is no risk of losing data
Is there any risk in leaving the network around?
We still leave images built by compose, because there's a command in docker-cli to remove them, and it really doesn't hurt to have an extra image. We may add a command to clean these up, but it's not really a highly requested feature.
Engine already has flags in docker rm for handling volumes
Right, but it doesn't have a flag for removing a network, because that wouldn't make any sense. You can remove a volume because 1) the volume is only being used by that one container, and 2) until very recently there was no other api for removing volumes. Now that we have a top level api to remove them, it's probably better managed explicitly using the new volumes commands.
I think it's a mistake to rush this and add it to rm
which is completely unrelated to networks.
I think reverse semantics for -n
would be better. By default the container should be removed the container with rm -f
. And only if users want to keep the network then they can specify -n
which would be equivalent to --remove-false
Is there any risk in leaving the network around?
I ran into errors like this:
Creating network "build11637" with driver "None"
failed to parse pool request for address space "LocalDefault" pool "" subpool "": could not find an available predefined network
I had several networks, each for every build left behind on our CI:
$ docker network ls | grep build
97c9fc99f9b5 build11590 bridge
654e6c387d38 build11594 bridge
5690c355e1fc build11611 bridge
83b1bf58a404 build11575 bridge
d8a136713417 build11585 bridge
ede77e84a10c build11589 bridge
4a8133a4bf52 build11563 bridge
daf61484b71d build11582 bridge
cc9bc2d50565 build11613 bridge
ebb7269c7a86 build11614 bridge
90a2a868d521 build11579 bridge
da13ed3d4f7b build11576 bridge
423e754545e7 build11570 bridge
4f2e16b15487 build11591 bridge
d9cd16ea5058 build11610 bridge
0fb0a31b520f build11616 bridge
bbb35a3cbcc9 build11574 bridge
d5b4d9cff806 build11593 bridge
b014e86360ed build11629 bridge
2e14f3ee0cf2 build11631 bridge
25c20171f9be build11615 bridge
6b3c9b172d6f build11580 bridge
2ba2519ee2f4 build11588 bridge
9e16a476de94 build11612 bridge
c0c2569fbd87 build11630 bridge
67630ee308a6 build11573 bridge
6f65f17c9f31 build11581 bridge
834588ba0f49 build11572 bridge
0a9baa340e4b build11625 bridge
I could only create new networks, after deleting old ones.
@schmunk42 Thanks, that's good to know. How many networks did you have at this point? I wonder if this is a limitation with the backing cluster store.
We definitely want to provide a way to remove networks, but I still think doing it as part of a new command is the way to go. I'll add more details to #2277.
I just had the ones listed above, single VirtualBox docker-machine (docker 1.9.1).
Hey guys,
I have the same problem using docker-compose for testing. I ended up with 27 networks before docker-compose failed to start.
Here is a sample script for removing them:
for i in $( docker network ls | grep build | cut -f1 -d ' ' ); do
docker network rm $i
Just replace "build" with proper name.
I still have this issue. docker-compose down
does not fix it. I have 31 networks all with unique names. I run compose with a new name that does not match any of the 31 networks but get the "could not find an available predefined network" error. Deleting the excess networks fixes it. I used @nenko-tabakov script that I am just running periodically.
It's fairly reproducible with a CI environment where new builds happen often.
@bufke ts not limited to 31 networks. the predefined subnet pools are limited.
But one can always use the --subnet option and create many many networks without any limitation.
Compose v2 also provides the ipam option where you can configure your preferred subnets.
I have the same issue on my CI server. I am limited to <10 networks however. @mavenugo could you please give a little more explanation on exactly what the limitation is here? Is this configuration or hardware related? What am I actually running out of in this case? I apologize, my understanding of what docker networking is actually doing behind the scenes is limited. I tried reading through https://github.com/docker/libnetwork/blob/master/ipam/allocator.go but it wasn't much help.
Reproduced as well, the situation for me:
$ docker network ls
39c8024241f2 20160509114606_default bridge
b0104200b67f 20160509114810_default bridge
91b7966928da 20160509134428_default bridge
d70d4dd7a2bb 20160509141646_default bridge
1917a8e7bda8 20160509141957_default bridge
ce1de6dfb850 20160509142206_default bridge
cb66f538e534 20160509145522_default bridge
fbe2a91a4226 20160509150412_default bridge
07c64453d5d2 20160509191511_default bridge
97fe195f66de 20160510000744_default bridge
b9743cd0eac4 20160510081354_default bridge
daebb3725de9 20160510083615_default bridge
ff1dc58d61c6 20160510092607_default bridge
91a16d966d2e 20160510095400_default bridge
3ebca5b19f0a 20160510111026_default bridge
a686b40d1efa 20160510111509_default bridge
f60b6371031b 20160510111633_default bridge
b8dc2f002561 20160510111828_default bridge
85b79de516ac 20160510112258_default bridge
9e4bba8e6433 20160510112412_default bridge
c969abed0d99 20160510112927_default bridge
af5f3b787779 20160510113253_default bridge
ded71054c16d 20160510153926_default bridge
1094922e803b 20160510171843_default bridge
046b697f9fd2 20160510173618_default bridge
32b1fab98d4a 20160517095008_default bridge
32cae3fc9c88 20160517145832_default bridge
61bd948a6e0c 20160520105055_default bridge
47ab00c1b738 20160520113359_default bridge
ce5f2980e85d 20160520152533_default bridge
4f27ddc9801e bridge bridge
d53edbc9e0ab host host
3d3d050ba84f none null
and corresponding error:
01 docker-compose -f docker-compose-staging.yml up -d
01 Creating network "20160523083936_default" with the default driver
01 failed to parse pool request for address space "LocalDefault" pool "" subpool "": could not find an available predefined network
$ docker-compose version
docker-compose version 1.7.0, build 0d7bf73
docker-py version: 1.8.0
CPython version: 2.7.9
OpenSSL version: OpenSSL 1.0.1e 11 Feb 2013
$ docker version
Version: 1.11.1
API version: 1.23
Go version: go1.5.4
Git commit: 5604cbe
Built: Tue Apr 26 23:30:23 2016
OS/Arch: linux/amd64
Version: 1.11.1
API version: 1.23
Go version: go1.5.4
Git commit: 5604cbe
Built: Tue Apr 26 23:30:23 2016
OS/Arch: linux/amd64
$ lsb_release -a
No LSB modules are available.
Distributor ID: Ubuntu
Description: Ubuntu 14.04.4 LTS
Release: 14.04
Codename: trusty
My above-listed problem was eventually unrelated to docker-compose down
, the removal works:
01 docker-compose down
Stopping 20160523100010_web_1 ... done
01 Stopping 20160523100010_db_1 ...
Stopping 20160523100010_db_1 ... done
01 Removing 20160523100010_web_1 ...
01 Removing 20160523100010_web_1 ... done
01 Removing 20160523100010_db_1 ... done
01 Removing network 20160523100010_default
Networks had remained from previous starts, so the question here is if there could be a way to automagically remove redundant networks that are up there for whatever reason, but not used.
Networks had remained from previous starts, so the question here is if there could be a way to automagically remove redundant networks that are up there for whatever reason, but not used.
At least for development, you can just remove all networks, like so:
docker network rm $(docker network ls -q)
Docker should complain about predefined and in-use networks...
Error response from daemon: bridge is a pre-defined network and cannot be removed
Error response from daemon: host is a pre-defined network and cannot be removed
Error response from daemon: none is a pre-defined network and cannot be removed
Error response from daemon: network phd_default has active endpoints
Error response from daemon: network testphd_default has active endpoints
Error response from daemon: network wigdets2tests_default has active endpoints
@mavenugo can you please provide example how you create your network per your previous comment
ts not limited to 31 networks. the predefined subnet pools are limited.
But one can always use the --subnet option and create many many networks without any limitation.Compose v2 also provides the ipam option where you can configure your preferred subnets.
I still encounter this issue using
Docker version 1.10.3, build 20f81dd
docker-compose version 1.7.1, build 0a9ab35
and perform recovery via cleanup by invoking
docker network ls | grep -v `docker network ls --filter name=bridge -q` | awk '/bridge/{system("docker network rm " $1)}'
docker network ls --filter name=xxxx -q | xargs docker network rm
OR after every build make sure afterwards to
docker network rm xxxx
Most helpful comment
I ran into errors like this:
I had several networks, each for every build left behind on our CI:
I could only create new networks, after deleting old ones.