Filtering through tree nodes is a very useful feature, especially to reduce the size of tree and finding out the desired node(s) quickly.
There should be an input box above mat-tree. As you enter the text, it will filter through the tree and renders the tree based on the content in the input box.
Filtering feature is not available in mat-tree component.
I tried to create a solution myself on the link below. It can help those who need it.
I tried to create a solution myself on the link below. It can help those who need it.
@mehfatih - You applied filter successfully applied to Mat-tree and works fine. But when I click checkbox and remove the filtertext, then the checked values are missing.
The filter could work like this one:
@rojagadeesh any solutions for this?
No, I didn't found any solution how to apply filter to mat-tree
solution given by Mr.mehfatih works well for linear tree data. but it fails to track node path while searching in nested tree data like in official documentation examples.
+1 this would be really useful
Indeed, this would be very useful
Need it too
No solutions so far? Struggling with this issue too...
I wrote this recursive function that implements search in nested tree and it works.
It gets a root node, and returns a tree that includes the searched nodes, all searched nodes' descendants, and the direct path of the forefathers:
//gets a tree root and returns a NEW tree root includes only nodes relevant to the "searchedText"
//will return a tree that includes the searched nodes, all searched nodes' descendants, and the direct path of the forefathers
private filterTreeRecursion(searchedText: string, node: Node): Node {
// if node's name includes the searched string - returns it
if (node.item.toLowerCase().includes(searchedText.toLowerCase())) {
return node;
//if not - continue to check for it's children
if (node.children && node.children.length > 0) {
let newParentNode: Node = {
children: [],
item: node.item,
showIcons: node.showIcons,
character: node.character,
//going through all node's children
for (let i = 0; i < node.children.length; i++) {
let resNode = this.filterTreeRecursion(searchedText, node.children[i]);
if (resNode !== undefined) {
newParentNode.children.push(resNode); //if there is a result, it's asearched node or a forefather of the searched node - so we add it
if (newParentNode.children.length > 0) {
return newParentNode;
@shirlebel , Where can i put this function, because when I add my in this example it saying node.childern is undefined.
@shirlebel , Where can i put this function, because when I add my in this example it saying node.childern is undefined.
Notice that the function starts with "private filterTreeRecursion(searchedText: string, node: Node)" (it's outside the marked square)
and check your node structure, if it doesn't have the children field you need to change it to your field
i would love to have this feature
You may take a look Here
You may take a look Here
Anything on this?
Most helpful comment
I tried to create a solution myself on the link below. It can help those who need it.
stackblitz sample