Components: autocomplete panel doesn't pop up when triggering focus on the input programatically

Created on 15 Feb 2017  路  24Comments  路  Source: angular/components

see, it starts working only after you do it the second time


P3 materiaautocomplete has pr

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I got it working with the following:

<input (focus)="onFocus()" ... >
@ViewChild(MdAutocompleteTrigger) trigger;

onFocus() {

All 24 comments

I'm not at all familiar with using ngZone, but it seems like this change fixes it


/** Panel should hide itself when the option list is empty. */
_setVisibility() {
  // Promise.resolve().then(() => this.showPanel = !!this.options.length); => this.showPanel = !!this.options.length);

Is there any workaround for this for now?

The issue actually seems to be that clicking a button to focus the autocomplete triggers an _outsideClickStream event just after it has been opened, thus causing it to immediately close.

As a workaround, you can use a setTimeout to focus it after the outside click event fires.

Alternatively use stopPropagation() on the click event

Below code did the trick for me assuming focus is already on input field.

import { MdAutocompleteTrigger} from '@angular/material';

@ViewChild(MdAutocompleteTrigger) trigger;


Combined willshowell and bruteforce solutions to solve for our 508 compliance scenario. Clear button is another scenario:
openAutoSearchPanel() {
if (this.searchText.length === 0) {
clearSearchText() {
console.log('>>> clearing searchText');
this.searchText = '';
/// hack: Another reported workaround - Allow the ClickStream to finish executing via setTimeout.
setTimeout(() => {

yeah, got the same issue while implement custom field with autocomplete, timeout works, but this is pretty weird

Any update on this...?

+1, any updates?

This problem also affects chiplist inputs with autocomplete. 馃槩

Is there any workaround or fix for this issue?
I'm having a dropdown that fetches data dynamically from the server. When I click on the chip-list field it doesn't open autocomplete list until I input any character in that.

This problem also affects chiplist inputs with autocomplete. 馃槩

Me too, do you have any workaround?

I got it working with the following:

<input (focus)="onFocus()" ... >
@ViewChild(MdAutocompleteTrigger) trigger;

onFocus() {

Thank you for response. I'll try this solution and will check if this works.

Just for a note that I'm fetching the list from REST API.

Thanks @mischkl
I changed to (click) and it's worked.


Thank you @mischkl 馃憤 that solution worked 馃槃

I got it working with the following:

<input (focus)="onFocus()" ... >
@ViewChild(MdAutocompleteTrigger) trigger;

onFocus() {

great! thanks

@ViewChild(MdAutocompleteTrigger) trigger;

Is there any other part missing from this? It's not working for me :(

Hey, im trying to use the MatAutocompleteTrigger and openPanel, but, the function openPanel is undefined... how can i open the open from trigger?

@lucas-sesti this works for me:

@ViewChild(MatAutocompleteTrigger, { static: true }) trigger: MatAutocompleteTrigger;
// ****

import { MatAutocompleteTrigger } from '@angular/material/autocomplete';

Is the above import correct?

Quick fix in case you have more than 1 <mat-autocomplete> in your component:

In your .html

<input (focus)="onFocus(0)" ... >
<input (focus)="onFocus(1)" ... >
<input (focus)="onFocus(2)" ... >

In your .ts

import {ViewChildren, QueryList} from '@angular/core';
import {MatAutocompleteTrigger} from '@angular/material/autocomplete';

@ViewChildren(MatAutocompleteTrigger) autoComplete: QueryList<MatAutocompleteTrigger>;


Still this is a patch, in my case I discovered time after, that the problem was how data arrived after the first filter was executed. So I didn't use this solution anymore.

Here the link where another developer had the same problem.
I hope will help someone:

Will this ever get fixed?

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