I just upgraded to Alpha 7 and after upgrade Slide Toggle seems to be broken.
When I compile my project in Visual Studio 2015 I receive the below errors:
Error Build:Cannot find name 'HammerInput'. node_modules\@angular2-material\slide-toggle\slide-toggle.d.ts 67
Error TS2304 Cannot find name 'HammerInput'. TypeScript Virtual Projects node_modules\@angular2-material\slide-toggle\slide-toggle.d.ts 67
Apparently it seems that the below line is causing the problem in slide-toggle.d.ts:
_onDrag(event: HammerInput): void;
I guess you didn't install the typings for HammerJS
typings i dt~hammerjs --global --save
Install hammerjs and its typings. With alpha7, angular2 rc5, typescript 2.0 and webpack (through angular-cli) this worked for me:
npm install --save hammerjs @types/hammerjs
And then import 'hammerjs'
in your main component.
@naveedahmed1 installing the typings for HammerJS should resolve this.
Thank you everyone installing typings through command:
npm install --save hammerjs @types/hammerjs
and then importing it in main file solved the issue.:
/// <reference path="../typings/globals/hammerjs/index.d.ts" />
For those finding this issue that have a similar configuration to mine:
angular-material: 2.0.0-alpha.7-3
angular-cli: 1.0.0-beta.11-webpack.2
Just doing the following:
$ npm install --save hammerjs @types/hammerjs
Was all that was needed. Since my tsconfig.json file contains this line:
"typeRoots": [
I did not have to make any changes to main.ts
In addition to ctkdev's solution I had to add hammerjs to the "types" section in tsconfig.json
"types": [
"jasmine", "hammerjs"
I had to use @ctkdev and @uncledlm solutions.
Now everything is working fine :+1:
Seems like you didn't load the HammerJS
import 'hammerjs'; // Recommended
<!-- Not recommended when using Webpack -->
<script src="./node_modules/hammerjs/hammer.js">
@DevVersion you're right (sorry I deleted my message by mistake).
@vapits No worries - glad I could help :)
I had to use I had to use @ctkdev and @uncledlm and @DevVersion solutions =D
I did the import in polyfills.ts (using angular-cli webpack)
Using angular-cli@latest (webpack)
I added hammerjs
npm install --save hammerjs @types/hammerjs
then on the last line of src/polyfills.ts
I added import 'hammerjs';
@ctkdev and @uncledlm solutions worked perfectly
Hi, doing what suggested above this solve the loading issue but now I get a typescript error:
error TS2300: Duplicate identifier 'TouchAction'
this is just an sample one, I get a lot of those (I assume these are all related to hammerjs) although the app seems to work fine.
Any idea?
Is all of this documented somewhere other than the issues section? Thank God for the internet + googling...yeesh!
This should be included in the getting started guide!
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Most helpful comment
For those finding this issue that have a similar configuration to mine:
angular-material: 2.0.0-alpha.7-3
angular-cli: 1.0.0-beta.11-webpack.2
Just doing the following:
$ npm install --save hammerjs @types/hammerjs
Was all that was needed. Since my tsconfig.json file contains this line:
"typeRoots": [ "../node_modules/@types" ]
I did not have to make any changes to main.ts