I am using GNU Emacs to develop. Emacs saves files automatically in temporary files during unsaved changes. These temporary files have names starting with .#
npm start
crashes whenever I make an unsaved change to a file file in the project directory. According to the error message, it is highly likely that npm is having trouble dealing with those auto-saved .#
files from Emacs.
npm start
will crash.npm start
crashes whenever I make a change to a file.
Run npm start
in a React project (possibly created with create-react-app
), use GNU Emacs to make a change to any file in the project.
npm should live update my changes on localhost (3000).
A similar issue from Gatsby https://github.com/gatsbyjs/gatsby/issues/2347
According to the error message, I can be sure that it's the Emacs auto-saved temporary files that start with .#
that are causing troubles. Is there a way for npm start
to ignore those files?
I opened an issue here with detailed error message and log file.
Turns out that those aren't auto-saved temp files, but rather symbolic link files.
If you're using Emacs and those .#
files trouble your development flow, try this option in your init.el
(Emacs configuration file):
(setq create-lockfiles nil)
This will disable the creation of symlink files.