Cli: [BUG] Error installing "forever"

Created on 10 Jan 2020  路  10Comments  路  Source: npm/cli

What / Why

@Dev-Ponged-Tracker:/home/ponged/nodejs/tracking# npm install forever -g
npm WARN deprecated [email protected]: This package is no longer relevant as Node.js 0.12 is unmaintained.
npm ERR! Linux 4.15.0-74-generic
npm ERR! argv "/usr/bin/node" "/usr/bin/npm" "install" "forever" "-g"
npm ERR! node v8.10.0
npm ERR! npm v3.5.2

npm ERR! typeerror Error: Missing required argument #1
npm ERR! typeerror at andLogAndFinish (/usr/share/npm/lib/fetch-package-metadata.js:31:3)
npm ERR! typeerror at fetchPackageMetadata (/usr/share/npm/lib/fetch-package-metadata.js:51:22)
npm ERR! typeerror at resolveWithNewModule (/usr/share/npm/lib/install/deps.js:456:12)
npm ERR! typeerror at /usr/share/npm/lib/install/deps.js:457:7
npm ERR! typeerror at /usr/share/npm/node_modules/iferr/index.js:13:50
npm ERR! typeerror at /usr/share/npm/lib/fetch-package-metadata.js:37:12
npm ERR! typeerror at addRequestedAndFinish (/usr/share/npm/lib/fetch-package-metadata.js:82:5)
npm ERR! typeerror at returnAndAddMetadata (/usr/share/npm/lib/fetch-package-metadata.js:117:7)
npm ERR! typeerror at pickVersionFromRegistryDocument (/usr/share/npm/lib/fetch-package-metadata.js:134:20)
npm ERR! typeerror at /usr/share/npm/node_modules/iferr/index.js:13:50
npm ERR! typeerror This is an error with npm itself. Please report this error at:
npm ERR! typeerror

npm ERR! Please include the following file with any support request:
npm ERR! /home/ponged/nodejs/tracking/npm-debug.log


Most helpful comment

Did you already try npm i -g npm@latest?

All 10 comments

npm ERR! npm v3.5.2

You are using a totally oudated npm version. Please upgrade to npm 6.

This is the same error as #681, which seems to be a recent registry change breaking older clients that used to work just fine.

Well, it's still the current official apt Ubuntu 18 version.

It's a breaking change, should be fixed.

Did you already try npm i -g npm@latest?

Never occurred to me to npm@latest, the javascript package manager, besides packages inside a project. Thank you for the tip!


Though I now rely on pm2 instead of forever which is far more advanced.

I'm not sure I can follow.

Does the issue still occur with the latest npm version?

Couple deprecated WARN but it installed.

Then it should be resolved =)

I have the same ubuntu 18.4 problem

@discapacidad5 please open a new issue, provide all details about the error that you see and provide some information about your node version and npm version.

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