Original bug ticket: [https://npm.community/t/10877](https://npm.community/t/10877)
Originally filed: 2019-11-04T06:42:22.049Z
This is not a "bug" - this is a workaround for a zip issue which is resolved by using a hardcoded date in npm.
Imo this could have been solved much better but this was the way it was solved.
See https://github.com/npm/cli/blob/3e7ed30d6e9211e39bd93ec4e254cc5a2b159947/lib/pack.js#L150 and https://github.com/npm/cli/commit/58d2aa58d5f9c4db49f57a5f33952b3106778669
Related PR: https://github.com/npm/npm/pull/20027
A suggestion for a possible "much better" solution: use the output of git show -s --format=%aI HEAD
(or similar) as the argument for new Date()
Git is not always installed when npm / node is installed so this is no option ;-)