Cgeo: Next bugfix release

Created on 28 Nov 2019  路  5Comments  路  Source: cgeo/cgeo

We have some urgent fix on branch release, which is the only change compared to last release.
I suggest to release it tonight.

Do you see any risk in that change, which would require a RC beta testing phase?
Otherwise I would skip that and directly release after brief smoke testing.

Feedback required

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I just wanted to say... you guys are awesome! :-)

All 5 comments

I don't see any risk, most of the code is duplicated from NewMap implementation, but it is tested in an emulated device only so far, and GMv2 and NewMap sometimes do behave quite differently so I might have overseen something... Can you smoke test it on physical devices?

Can you smoke test it on physical devices?
Yep, for sure...already did. At least I see the value is present and changing on move. So let our users test this minor thing. Anyway usage is a bit lower currently due to the cold season.

I will release after smoke test and monitor feedback closely.

  • [x] Check/Insert correct version name as headline in changelog-release.xml
  • [x] Build release on CI server
  • [x] Perform smoke test with resulting cgeo-release.apk before continuing
  • [x] Upload and publish cgeo-release.apk to Google Play
  • [x] Tag the release on Github
  • [x] Publish the release on Github including upload of cgeo-release.apk to Github
  • [x] Publish release on F-Droid
  • [x] Trigger notification to via CI server once the release is available on Google Play
  • [x] Post release info to Facebook
  • [x] Post release info to Twitter

I just wanted to say... you guys are awesome! :-)

Thanks! Doing our best.

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