celery beat not working, but celery worker --beat is working, when use database

Created on 25 May 2014  路  3Comments  路  Source: celery/celery

Celery 3.1.11


# Celery transport
BROKER_URL = 'django://'
from celery.schedules import crontab

        'every-minute': {
            'task': 'tasks.sync_oracle_history',
            'schedule': crontab(minute='*/1'),

in project.apps.proj folder, add a tasks.py

from __future__ import absolute_import
from celery import task

def sync_oracle_history():
    print "="*30
    print "TODO: sync_oracle_history pending"

no idea, any hints for me is welcome.

in bash shell,when run command: celery beat -A proj -l info, only send to queue, not runing the task,
but change the command celery worker -A proj -l info, the task will trigger.

Most helpful comment

Beat does not execute tasks, it just sends the messages. You need both a beat instance and a worker instance!

All 3 comments

Beat does not execute tasks, it just sends the messages. You need both a beat instance and a worker instance!

thanks @ask

Hi, how can i do for don't use those commands every time i want to run the tasks? @xiaods @ask

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