celery -A proj report
in the issue.software -> celery:4.0.2 (latentcall) kombu:4.1.0 py:2.7.13 or (py:2.7.12)
billiard: redis:2.10.5
platform -> system:Darwin arch:64bit imp:CPython . (though usually: system:Linux arch:64bit, ELF)
loader -> celery.loaders.app.AppLoader
settings -> transport:redis results:redis://localhost:6380/
'fanout_patterns': True, 'fanout_prefix': True}
CELERY_BROKER_URL: u'redis://localhost:6380//'
CELERY_ACCEPT_CONTENT: ['application/json']
CELERY_RESULT_BACKEND: u'redis://localhost:6380/'
branch of Celery.Also occurs on celery 4.1.0.
Try to use the control
module. In my case, I'm getting the active_queues()
I expect that so long as the system is in a good state, I should be able to get the info from within the control
module. I don't understand exactly why sometimes the pool is closed and other times it's not.
This might be the same issue as in #1839
The code will have a runtime error, so I am unable to query for the data I need from celery.
File "/.../tasks.py", line 80, in workers_on_queue
for k, v in six.viewitems(celery_app.control.inspect().active_queues()):
File "/.../lib/python2.7/site-packages/celery/app/control.py", line 116, in active_queues
return self._request('active_queues')
File "/.../lib/python2.7/site-packages/celery/app/control.py", line 81, in _request
timeout=self.timeout, reply=True,
File "/.../lib/python2.7/site-packages/celery/app/control.py", line 436, in broadcast
limit, callback, channel=channel,
File "/.../lib/python2.7/site-packages/kombu/pidbox.py", line 315, in _broadcast
File "/.../lib/python2.7/site-packages/kombu/pidbox.py", line 285, in _publish
with self.producer_or_acquire(producer, chan) as producer:
File "/usr/local/Cellar/python/2.7.13_1/Frameworks/Python.framework/Versions/2.7/lib/python2.7/contextlib.py", line 17, in __enter__
return self.gen.next()
File "/.../lib/python2.7/site-packages/kombu/pidbox.py", line 247, in producer_or_acquire
with self.producer_pool.acquire() as producer:
File "/.../lib/python2.7/site-packages/kombu/resource.py", line 74, in acquire
raise RuntimeError('Acquire on closed pool')
This only happens when we're using the control
module. Sometimes it works okay.
This code path was even in a retry-loop, so in the end it still failed to execute.
I've been seeing this all over the place after upgrading to celery 4 from 3.1, pretty much anywhere I need call into the celery app controller this is needed:
plz send a pr if you have any proposed solution. not sure if it is fixed in master, so you could also try master latest changes
ping if it still exists in 4.4+
Most helpful comment
I've been seeing this all over the place after upgrading to celery 4 from 3.1, pretty much anywhere I need call into the celery app controller this is needed: