I use celery to run my django task. After i change my code yesterday, i find celery run both my old code and new code.So when i pass same parameter to task, sometimes i get error, sometimes it excutes successfully. i have tryd purge, restart celery, but all uesless.
Can anyone tell me what happened
Purge should have purged everything (celery -A projectName purge), but if you're using the Django Database Scheduler in Django Admin area, and have not removed unwanted tasks using this, it might be re-instating them.
I'm not an expert, just trying to help.
Didi you find any solution to it? I am having same problem with my local machine and in my production server.
Didi you find any solution to it? I am having same problem with my local machine and in my production server.
I faced with the same problem today. The steps that helped me:
find . | grep -E "(__pycache__|\.pyc|\.pyo$)" | xargs rm -rf
Most helpful comment
Didi you find any solution to it? I am having same problem with my local machine and in my production server.