Library name: ng-jsoneditor
Git repository url:
License(s): The Artistic License 2.0
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This is the Angular directive for the already-hosted jsoneditor.
Hi @balihoo-dengstrom :
There isn't enough notable popularity of the library.
(ex: more than 100 stars on GitHub or 500 downloads per month on npm)
please take a look on our for detail.
Would you mind to open a new issue again when there is notable popularity of library? :grinning:
Thanks for your request!
_The issue would be closed due to no response after 7 days
Hi, @Piicksarn. That's sounds good. Feel free to close this request.
Let's give this one a month and see if it can reach the popularity!
@PeterDaveHello, it's been a month after.
Should we add the library?
Let's add this