I am a fan of setting attributes within a view as such...
Backbone.View.extend({ attributes: { data-attr: 'mydata' } });
... however, this throws an error due to the hyphen in the key "data-attr".
Uncaught SyntaxError: Unexpected token -I realize this is an illegal token in a JavaScript key-value object, however I was hoping Backbone offered some work around for this, given the fact that passing data attributes is one of the most likely scenarios. I have been working around it by setting the attribute within the render function using jQuery:
render: function () { this.$el.attr( 'data-attr', 'mydata"'); }
This works, but I thought to ask if there is another option.
Yep -- it's just a JavaScript object. Use quoted keys.
attributes: {
"data-attr": "mydata"
Ahh, I thought I tried that! Thanks!
What do you suggest for passing a data attribute to the View's DOM element from the attributes within the View's Model? As such...
attributes: { "data-attr": this.model.foo }
I am losing scope for reference to "this".
Uncaught TypeError: Cannot read property 'model' of undefined
You can use a function like so:
attributes: function() {
return {
'data-attr': this.model.foo
Awesome. That works perfectly. Thank you for the prompt responses!
You're welcome, but in the future, please don't use the bug tickets for tech support like this -- try the IRC channel or the mailing list first.
Happy to. I tried that first, but there is only one other user in DocumentCloud IRC, Turjakas who was not responding.
Must've mistyped -- there are 242 folks in #documentcloud on freenode right now.
Most helpful comment
You can use a function like so: