Backbone: v1.3.2 backbone.js and backbone-min.js are not the same

Created on 22 Mar 2016  ·  7Comments  ·  Source: jashkenas/backbone

The minified version of 1.3.2 does not appear to include
while the unminfied version does.


Events.once = function(name, callback, context) {
    // Map the event into a `{event: once}` object.
    var events = eventsApi(onceMap, {}, name, callback, _.bind(, this));
    if (typeof name === 'string' && context == null) callback = void 0;
    return this.on(events, callback, context);


  var n=f(p,{},t,e,i.bind(,this));
  return this.on(n,e,r)

@jridgewell @megawac


All 7 comments

I have verified that the tests around this fails when you replace backbone.js with backbone-min.js in the test/index.html

Sigh. @megawac, can you create a v1.3.3 PR since I can't seem to get it right?

I just offered up
I considered changing the index.html file to use the minified version, but wasn't sure if everyone would build before testing.

will there be any marionette compatible minified backbone v1.3.x soon? none existing yet afaik

1.3.2 works with Marionette 2.4.5 @elgubenis

Actually, Mn 2.4.5 composite views have an issue with minified backbone 1.3.2, that's how I found this problem to begin with.

CollectionViews bind via once
this.once('render', this._initialEvents);

Composite views, which extend CollectionView
have _initialEvents that start with if (this.collection) {
at that point, the this context is lost (Due to the need for fix ), so this.collection is falsey and therefor it does not start listening for the collection events appropriately

So be careful if you are using CollectionViews of CompositeViews which have a collection set on them prior to rendering.

Okay, yeah we have to republish a version with an updated minified file but the backbone.js file on master should work with 2.4.5. (we'll publish soon)

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