Azure-docs: secureString in Outputs

Created on 17 Apr 2019  Â·  5Comments  Â·  Source: MicrosoftDocs/azure-docs

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In the outputs section it is stated

> Type of the output value. Output values support the same types as template input parameters.

However for variables of type securestring the output will be masked and can't be use as an input for another deployment . Instead of passing secure information between deployments reference to that secret should be used

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Pri1 assigned-to-author azure-resource-managesvc doc-enhancement triaged

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I agree with @gigeld, what's the point of specifying an output if you can't use it? Why wouldn't it just return a value of type SecureString and hide it in the deployment outputs view in the Azure Portal?

All 5 comments

@martgras Thanks for bringing this to our attention. Your feedback has been shared with the content owner for further review.

@martgras - thanks for this suggestion. I have clarified how securestring behaves as an output type, and added a link to the Key Vault with templates article.


This is such a bad design ... the template outputs of type 'securestring' should be available but not recorded in log files.

I agree with @gigeld, what's the point of specifying an output if you can't use it? Why wouldn't it just return a value of type SecureString and hide it in the deployment outputs view in the Azure Portal?

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