Azure-docs: AzureDevops don't considerate as 'Microsoft Services'

Created on 24 Nov 2018  ·  42Comments  ·  Source: MicrosoftDocs/azure-docs

I'm using Storage Account to upload files with AzureDevops Release pipelines. On my container in "Firewalls and virtual networks" I check the option "Allow trusted Microsoft services to access this storage account", but my release fails. Only I check "All networks" that my build success.

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@SumanthMarigowda-MSFT or @cbrooksmsft - Is there any way of tracking the feature request relating to this - even if you're not comfortable sharing an ETA it would be useful to be notified when it's been done.

All 42 comments

Thanks for the feedback! We are currently investigating and will update you shortly.

Vote for this! Azure Pipeline host IP ranges

@XiaoningLiu that's not usual.


I came across this particular issue as well. If your application is not mission critical (that is, even a second of public access could cripple your business) I recommend the following:

  1. Set your firewall settings in Azure for your storage account.
  2. In your release (or build) set your permission for your storage account to all networks programatically, like the following (this uses Azure CLI, but you could do the same using Powershell).

az storage account update --resource-group "myresourcegroup" --name "mystorageaccount" --default-action Allow

  1. Do whatever you need to do in regards to accessing your storage account.
  2. Immediately reset the network settings back to Deny. When set to Deny it will respect your settings that were previously setup in Step 1.

az storage account update --resource-group "myresourcegroup" --name "mystorageaccount" --default-action Deny

Hopefully that helps you out.


Is there a way to get the IP range/public IP? I tried just using curl on and adding that IP (all in a task while in a Pipeline), but it seems to not really work. Ideally we could just get the IP range from the Agent we're using, add it to whitelist, and just remove it immediately. That way we don't have to run some sort of job that parses the weekly set of IPs for our region(s).

Same issue here. Using Azure DevOps to deploy Azure resources with Terraform. Due to security requirements, we need to turn on VNET firewall rules. As soon as we turn it on, Terraform is not able to retrieve Storage account information (403) from Azure DevOps and the deployment pipeline breaks.

"Allow trusted Microsoft services to access this storage account" is enabled, but obviously Azure DevOps is not recognized as such...

Are there any news on this one? we want our storage accounts to be secured but we also want to deploy and use DevOps Pipelines. and having the same issues like everyone else here.


I think the issue is that usage of that XML would then require one to have some automation or process that maintains the blacklist and removes old IPs.

Ideally there would be a way to get the IP of the machine that you're using while running a hosted agent, that way you can do something similar to what I described above, except for a single machine (the one running the DevOps job).

Yes, in addition to that firewall seems to be limited to 100 entries only anyway, so this is not going to work.

We are working on a plan to enable "tag" or "alias" definitions to allow these kinds of ranges to be defined by the service. not ETA yet.


Why is this issue being closed when it's not been addressed?
'...working on a plan... isn't really dealing with the issue.

@nickforr Since we are working on it. I don't have an ETA on this yet,

Currently experiencing the same issue, is there any update now?

@SumanthMarigowda-MSFT or @cbrooksmsft - Is there any way of tracking the feature request relating to this - even if you're not comfortable sharing an ETA it would be useful to be notified when it's been done.

Similar to what @tabeth sugest, in many cases I was changin firewall rules of different resources (sql, function app et.c) to allow temporarly trafic from devops agent ip. However this is not working for storage accounts, because of this:

IP network rules have no effect on requests originating from the same Azure region as the storage account.

@cbrooksmsft Can you please explain why you asked for this issue to be closed? This is still broken. If this issue was raised in the wrong place, then can you please provide a link to where the replacement bug has been raised that is tracking this issue so that it will be resolved?

This issue was raised 24th November 2018. It is possible this was mistakenly asked to be closed without creating the correct replacement issue? I ask because we're now 2 years down the line and it looks like this bug still exists?

The work-arounds suggested here (of simply removing security) could put customer data at risk.

please advise,


@artisticcheese you linked to a very broad announcement. Which part of that announcement do you think addresses this issue? If you mean "service tags" then I dont this it addresses the issue? Service tags looks like a helpful grouping of rules per "tag", and the problem described here would still exist. (specifically that the local azure devops is not automatically whitelisted by the inclusion of --bypass "Logging Metrics AzureServices Perhaps I've missed something?

To recap for anyone new to this thread; when I create an azure storage resource for use in azure devops pipeline as below

az storage account create -g "{resource-group-redacted}" `
-n "{storage-account-name-redacted}" `
-l "westeurope" `
--kind "StorageV2" `
--sku "Standard_RAGRS" `
--access-tier "Hot" `
--bypass Logging Metrics AzureServices `
--default-action "Deny" `
--https-only "true" 

if I have a step in my azure devops pipeline that uses AzureFileCopy@3 e.g.

    - task: AzureFileCopy@3
                  displayName: "Publish files to '$(my_storage)' storage"
                      SourcePath: $(Build.ArtifactStagingDirectory)
                      azureSubscription: $(subscription)
                      Destination: AzureBlob
                      storage: $(my_storage)
                      ContainerName: $web

then this will fail with permission error,

Failed to validate destination. The remote server returned an error: (403) Forbidden.

When in fact (if the documentation is supposed to be believed) using --bypass AzureServices when creating the storage account is supposed to provide azuredevops with permission to the storage account.

I believe this the crux of the problem, and nothing in the Q2 2020 announcement appears to address this specific issue?

I would love to be wrong on this.

They seemed to be planning to have it in Q2 2020

Not sure that it is planned. It specifically states: Service Tag for Microsoft Hosted Agents for Pipelines are not supported.

I also happen to experience the same issue. Anyone could officially confirm this is still planned?

I am unable to connect Azure Devops pipeline Microsoft hosted agent to storage account. Is this going to get resolved

@cbrooksmsft can you please reply to the questions above? you requested to close-issue but this does not seem to be resolved?
If it has actually been resolved it would be considerate (professional) of Microsoft to at least comment on here to say, "hey guys this is fixed by doing X".

Same Issue

Reference to the upcoming changes for service tags. This still doesn’t resolve our issue:

_The Service Tag does not apply to Microsoft Hosted Agents. Customers are still required to allow the entire geography for the Microsoft Hosted Agents._

Reference to the upcoming changes for service tags. This still doesn’t resolve our issue:

_The Service Tag does not apply to Microsoft Hosted Agents. Customers are still required to allow the entire geography for the Microsoft Hosted Agents._

Reference to the upcoming changes for service tags. This still doesn’t resolve our issue:

_The Service Tag does not apply to Microsoft Hosted Agents. Customers are still required to allow the entire geography for the Microsoft Hosted Agents._

Reference to the upcoming changes for service tags. This still doesn’t resolve our issue:

_The Service Tag does not apply to Microsoft Hosted Agents. Customers are still required to allow the entire geography for the Microsoft Hosted Agents._

True, didn't read it properly 😓

I'm running into this same problem and I'm frankly surprised this issue was closed. My first thought was that I'm going to have to build a scheduled tool to parse their weekly JSON file here with all of the IP ranges, but they don't appear to provide an API for that. So my best option is to manually download the JSON file every week, feed it to some parsing process, and then push the IP ranges to allow (we're talking hundreds) to the storage account firewall settings? Surely there's a better way. C'mon Microsoft!

There is API, it just does not work (way out of date)

Also it's more or less easy to automate (downloading/parsing JSON files etc)

@artisticcheese, thanks for the info. Interesting thoughts, but I'm not comfortable scraping their webpage to pull that JSON file. This is a production app and that's too risky. And apart from that, this method would involve hundreds of entries in the storage account firewall to simply let my hosted Azure pipeline copy a few files over. It's doable, but it's overkill for my purposes.

Gentlemen, I've gathered you here today to plead for your vote! ->

This needs to be fixed ASAP, it's an ongoing issue for the last two years... share, tweet, help fix it and get it on Microsoft's radar 👍

@renattomachado @mimckitt @AdamS-MSFT @XiaoningLiu @tabeth @sesispla @SeiketsuJael @artisticcheese @cbrooksmsft @nickforr @SumanthMarigowda-MSFT @solaomoDevOps @shahiddev @marcin-vt @goblinfactory @artisticcheese @lymedo @felipecruz91 @pratimvengurlekar @justinimel @marcin-vt @gradyal

@BobbyCGD Voted

As a workaround, here is a task I use...

- bash: |
    sudo apt-get -y install grepcidr
    for d in {0..30}; do
      date_string=`date -d "-${d} days" +%Y%m%d`
      echo "Trying '${url}'"
      curl -X GET -sfLO ${url}
      if [ -f "ServiceTags_Public_${date_string}.json" ]; then
    cat ServiceTags*.json | jq -r '.values[].properties.addressPrefixes[]' > networks.txt
    IP=`curl -s | jq -r '.ip'`
    echo "Current IP is '${IP}'"
    grepcidr -f networks.txt <(echo "$IP") >/dev/null && echo "${IP} belongs to the trusted Azure Service tags addresses" || exit 1
    echo "##vso[task.setvariable variable=AGENT_IP;issecret=true]${IP}"
  displayName: Get agent IP

@lymedo @arkiaconsulting

I think so, I'm using a windows agent and have opted for not checking if the agent's IP address is in the list of IP addresses in the service tag. Here is the step I added to my pipeline

- bash: |
   IP=`curl -s | jq -r '.ip'`
   echo "Current IP is '${IP}'"
   echo "##vso[task.setvariable variable=agentIp;issecret=true]${IP}"
  displayName: 'env: set $(agentIp)'

I then use

- task: AzureCLI@2
  displayName: 'env: add agent_ip to firewall'
    azureSubscription: '***'
    scriptType: ps
    scriptLocation: inlineScript
    inlineScript: 'az storage account network-rule add --account-name $(apimStorageAccountName) --ip-address $(agentIp)'

before trying to publish to the storage account and after I'm done publishing I use

- task: AzureCLI@2
  displayName: 'env: add agent_ip to firewall'
    azureSubscription: '***'
    scriptType: ps
    scriptLocation: inlineScript
    inlineScript: 'az storage account network-rule add --account-name $(apimStorageAccountName) --ip-address $(agentIp)'

@BobbyCGD If you don't check the IP found by ipinfo, you assume that it hasn't been hacked... Be careful on production environment !

@arkiaconsulting Definitely a risk, but in my specific use case not a problem. Deployments are always "supervised" worst thing that could happen is deployment step fails. In this case:

  1. An email alert is sent out
  2. The IP is removed right away no dependency on success of deployment step

Sadly this has been closed. Hopefully they will consider re-opening and looking into the issue.

I've not been keeping an eye on this's soo old, and yet it is still a problem. I don't think it's right this should be marked as "closed" ...I'll refrain from commenting ...but life has to go on ...below is a workaround i'm using, that seems to be working well for me, i.e.

  • use a storage key
  • and use * az storage blob upload-batch*
  • do it all in powershell

this approach may not work for you, but just in case it does here's a sample powershell script that works for me in any devops pipeline so far, you can experiment with it and see if it works in your pipeline as well?

the advantage of this powershell is that you can run it locally exactly the same as how it runs on devops build agent. easier to tweak when running locally.

hopefully useful.

best of luck



This is still an issue. Please re-open this.

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