As requested by @sanathkr over a year ago in I am submitted a request to support parameter files in the --parameter-overrides flag.
Sorry I never got any notifications for some reason...
@digitalfiz, Thank you for following up. We are investigating this request and so far it appears to be a reasonable feature request and have changed the label as such. Thanks.
cc: @sanathkr
Don't know if this should be a separate feature request, but it would be great if --parameter-overrides
supported YAML-formatted files.
This feature would be awesome, we are still hacking it using a file with key=value
It's Agree. Feature would be helpful.
This is how I solved this for now:
PROPERTIES=$(jq -r '.[] | "\(.ParameterKey)=\(.ParameterValue)"' ./$PARAMETERS)
aws cloudformation deploy \
--stack-name $STACK \
--template-file "./$TEMPLATE" \
--parameter-overrides $(echo $PROPERTIES)
to easy convert from json to key=valueaws cloudformation create-change-set
uses for example[
"ParameterKey": "Environment",
"ParameterValue": "dev"
Most helpful comment
This feature would be awesome, we are still hacking it using a file with