This doesn't work:
aws lambda update-function-configuration --function-name lambda-func-name --environment Variables={FOO=bar,BAZ=blah}
Whereas this works:
aws lambda update-function-configuration --function-name lambda-func-name --environment '{"Variables":{"FOO":"bar", "BAZ":"blah"}}'
Other folks have reported the same issue:
@tleyden you probably need to just encapsulate it in quotes, which worked for bash:
$ aws lambda update-function-configuration --function-name lambda-func-name --environment "Variables={FOO=bar,BAZ=blah}" --debug
2017-06-05 14:37:34,861 - MainThread - awscli.clidriver - DEBUG - CLI version: aws-cli/1.11.95 Python/3.5.1 Darwin/15.6.0 botocore/1.5.58
2017-06-05 14:37:34,862 - MainThread - awscli.clidriver - DEBUG - Arguments entered to CLI: ['lambda', 'update-function-configuration', '--function-name', 'lambda-func-name', '--environment', 'Variables={FOO=bar,BAZ=blah}', '--debug']
[ ... ]
2017-06-05 14:37:34,921 - MainThread - botocore.endpoint - DEBUG - Making request for OperationModel(name=UpdateFunctionConfiguration) (verify_ssl=True) with params: {'method': 'PUT', 'context': {'client_config': <botocore.config.Config object at 0x1108b8668>, 'has_streaming_input': False, 'client_region': 'us-west-2', 'auth_type': None}, 'url_path': '/2015-03-31/functions/lambda-func-name/configuration', 'body': b'{"Environment": {"Variables": {"FOO": "bar", "BAZ": "blah"}}}', 'query_string': {}, 'headers': {'User-Agent': 'aws-cli/1.11.95 Python/3.5.1 Darwin/15.6.0 botocore/1.5.58'}, 'url': ''}
[ ... ]
As you can see the body was correctly set to 'body': b'{"Environment": {"Variables": {"FOO": "bar", "BAZ": "blah"}}}'
I used the npm script below and it works, thanks to @JordonPhillips for the correct syntax
"set_environment": "aws lambda update-function-configuration --region us-east-1 --profile bitstamp --function-name ${npm_package_name} --environment \"Variables={BITSTAMP_CUSTOMERID=$BITSTAMP_CUSTOMERID,BITSTAMP_APISECRET=$BITSTAMP_APISECRET,BITSTAMP_APIKEY=$BITSTAMP_APIKEY}\"",
Docs are still wrong in two different places:
+ aws lambda update-function-configuration --region us-east-1 --function-name dev-nodejs-test --description 'Sends test SNS message for pipeline validity' --environment '{"Variables": {
"A": "This is the letter A.",
"B": "This is the letter B."
An error occurred (ValidationException) when calling the UpdateFunctionConfiguration operation: 1 validation error detected: Value at 'environment.variables' failed to satisfy constraint: Map keys must satisfy constraint: [Member must satisfy regular expression pattern: [a-zA-Z]([a-zA-Z0-9_])+]
JSON is valid, no commas in Map keys... any thoughts?
Figured it out ... can't have a single letter environment variable. Helps if I read the regex...
@megamindbrian looks like now documentation is correct
Can someone PLEASE update the docs on the website and internal for update-function-configuration as to how environmental variables need to be structured?
According to both
--environment (structure)
The parent object that contains your environment's configuration
Shorthand Syntax:
But that will result in an error message
Unknown options: Variables=KeyName2=string
for anything past the first key+val pair.
The only method that works is the one @tleyden noted
this worked for me aws lambda update-function-configuration --function-name ${FUNCTION_NAME} --environment "Variables={"AB_BRANCH_NAME"=$BR_NAME, "DISTRIBUTION_ID"="xxxxxxx"}"
I copy pasted this exact string for --environment
: '{"Variables":{"KeyName1":"string","KeyName2":"string"}}'
and I'm still having the same parsing problem.
While it works locally, it doesn't work on my Jenkins slave. It gives the same Unknown Options error that others are experiencing.
Most helpful comment
@tleyden you probably need to just encapsulate it in quotes, which worked for bash:
As you can see the body was correctly set to
'body': b'{"Environment": {"Variables": {"FOO": "bar", "BAZ": "blah"}}}'