Some of the connected projects are not maintained, and there are probably some new additions.
Is this awesome list being actively maintained, if not do you need collaboration to maintain this list?
I could probably help with a couple dozen pull requests if I had commit access.
Me at least a few, also
@infrastation @StewAlexanderACC so fork it, edit in a new branch, and pull request to master branch of this repo.... you don't need commit access to PR
Beyond my very newbie limited understanding of github, but thanks for the advice
When I wrote "help with pull requests" I meant reviewing and merging, not opening. The issue seems to be draining this queue, not adding new items to it.
I've sent an email to the owner to have write access to the repo to be able to merge the pull requests.
I sent an email and pinged @kahun ages™ ago. I decided to fork it into my account and currently my repo is linked on the certified awesome™ list. I try to keep the open PRs under 10 and have often had a look on this repo here to include stuff where there's no PR in my repo.
Weirdly enough this outdated list here gets more and more stars, so I guess @kahun likes to keep it around for his profile. Which is okay for me but IMHO not the best for the advance of FOSS in the sysadmin world.
I'd be happy to "return control" to the repo or put it into an "awesome" organisation but at this point there are 153 incompatible commits and it'd take a while to merge. In my opinion using github README's to host this is suboptimal. I haven't found a better solution though – maybe a wiki?
A google search for "awesome sysadmin" doesn't list my repository, which is also suboptimal. Many pages which "steal" content from awesome-sysadmin do so from @kahun's repository so the information is outdated. Which is also bad.
I'd love to find a solution to this. Any suggestions?
Related: #197, #262, #401, sindresorhus/awesome#194
Having a "sysadmin" wiki sounds like a great idea (at least at first) where sysadmins like myself can publish links / info / solutions to common issues
I know we have Stack Overflow™️, but there's still room I think for a Wiki.
Weebly offers fare prices for hosting a website, if someone wants to go that direction
@StewAlexanderACC they're both not FOSS and you'd have to make an account.
I already have my own wiki which is a DokuWiki install. Sadly there's currently only manual user registration, so this is kind of dumb for collaboration. It also doesn't have a VCS attached apart from page revisions and has a different Markdown syntax than Github.
There are plugins markdowku and mdpage which support Github-flavoured markdown in Dokuwiki, so one could write a syncing cronjob to keep a wiki in sync with a repo.
There's also but that uses ruby and authentication is even more pain to set up.
The case seems to be that currently the best solution to this might be the status quo. I'd love people to bring over PRs to my repository (and credit the original PR authors here, if not the same person!) while we search for a way to move away from github, if neccessary.
@n1trux Watching your repo now and unsubscribed from this feed. Thanks for your work on this.
I found this today which both of you might be interested in.
I hear you loud and clear, thank you for the responses.
If you come up with anything, I (and probably others following this) would like to know.
There's already a repository search, maybe that'll help while we seek a better solution:
Most helpful comment
When I wrote "help with pull requests" I meant reviewing and merging, not opening. The issue seems to be draining this queue, not adding new items to it.