Api-blueprint: Authentication

Created on 14 Aug 2013  Â·  14Comments  Â·  Source: apiaryio/api-blueprint

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So what's the status of authentication? #201 was closed, because it was superseded by https://github.com/apiaryio/api-blueprint-rfcs/pull/5 and https://github.com/apiaryio/api-blueprint-rfcs/pull/6. They were merged as RFC over two years ago, so is it going to be implemented?

All 14 comments

This sounds really useful to me.

@xurde Glad to hear that! If you feel like, feel free to propose a syntax or just share a stub / example of how would you like to describe it. Also are you interested in a particular type of authentication?

I would be interested in supporting OAuth 1.1 which requires setting HTTP Authorization header with various fields.

I would like to be able to mock / use / define the requesting of a token based on username/credentials and using that token for subsequent requests to the api. I suppose inlining some javascript that generates / parses the tokens or the username/credenitials into the blueprint could be a solution.

OAuth 2.0 is quite widely used.

Please let me know whether traits as proposed in #47 would improve auth needs. Also refer to this example: https://gist.github.com/zdne/01e287fe18d232672d43#file-4-example-gist-fox-api-md

To be addressed (and closed) with #47.

Not sure if this is still being worked on, but a way to document that an API key is required for all requests would be great! So somewhere I could put that {?apikey} is in all requests without having to manually add it as parameters to all paths.

Hey @searsaw,
yes, this is our top-priority – scheduled right after #25 (which is drawing to an end so we will hopefully start on it soon).

cc @pksunkara

The oauthd project has a very nice gallery of declarative descriptions for various OAuth authentications of more than 100+ production APIs. Have a look to files conf.json and settings.json in any folder here.

I think it's a good inspiration for OAuth requirements in the API Blueprint syntax.

Syntax proposed at #201

Added RFC proposals to the OP: https://github.com/apiaryio/api-blueprint/issues/11#issue-18055746

So what's the status of authentication? #201 was closed, because it was superseded by https://github.com/apiaryio/api-blueprint-rfcs/pull/5 and https://github.com/apiaryio/api-blueprint-rfcs/pull/6. They were merged as RFC over two years ago, so is it going to be implemented?

Any update?

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