Async: How can use implicit args in auto and autoinject

Created on 18 Mar 2017  路  3Comments  路  Source: caolan/async

How can i use implicit args list for auto and autoinject.
I use async 2.1.5 and nodeJs 4.2.6


var args = [ 'arg1', 'arg2', 'arg3' ] ,
funcList = {
arg1: function(cb){ cb(null,'xyz') },
arg2: function(cb){ cb(null,'xyz') },
arg3: function(cb){ cb(null,'xyz') }

funcList[ 'arg4' ] = [args, function( r, cb ){
// use or change r[ args[0] ] or r[ args[1] ] ...
}], callback);

at the run time i get Error: task arg4 has a non-existent dependency arg1, arg2, arg3 in arg1, arg2, arg3


All 3 comments

Change it to:

funcList[ 'arg4' ] = args.concat(function( r, cb ){
  // use or change r[ args[0] ] or r[ args[1] ] ...

Thanks, it's worked with auto method but how can use it for autoinject?

You can't have dynamic args in autoInject. All args have to be explicit in the function definitions.

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